2017 School Magazine

MATHS A YEAR 12 Maths A at Brisbane Girls Grammar School in 2017 has provided a range of challenges and skills that can be applied in the real world. There are few subjects that allow girls to adapt a range of knowledge from other subjects, for example, economics to solve problems. There have been many exciting and enjoyable topics that have been covered this year, including financing, investments and land surveying. All of these topics have allowed girls to gain a wide mathematical knowledge that they can apply to life outside of Brisbane Girls Grammar School. Mathematics A has been a greatly enjoyable subject that has allowed girls interact and learn in a cohesive and MATHS B YEAR 12 The concepts explored throughout the Year 12 Mathematic B course are taught by a group of talented and supportive teachers. The subject is intellectually stimulating and has proven to be truly ‘mathemagical’. It builds upon existing knowledge and solidifies concepts which have been explored in Year 11. As each Year 12 maths B student walks through the classroom door, we each delve into the reality which is that mathematics is applicable to everyday life beyond the class room. From the GeoGebra tasks to Mr Lanning’s helpful videos, Mathematics B has proven to be one of the most enjoyable subjects offered at Brisbane Girls Grammar School in Years 11 and 12. Not only does it serve as a tool for day-to-day calculations but also allows each student to practice abstract thinking. Throughout the year, every student has become fonder and more appreciative of all that Mathematic B has to offer in Year 12. Mathematics B has found a special place in our brains that will be returned to whenever we have to find the area under a graph or have to use the trapezoidal method to approximate an area. As the cohort of 2017 graduates and goes into the real world, we remain grateful for all the essential skills that Mathematics B has taught us. NADJA POP (12B) MATHS C YEAR 12 As maths students, we are always concerned with the tangible real life applications of mathematics. Maths C, however, provides an outlet which allows us to explore more abstract and creative maths concepts such as calculus, conics and imaginary numbers. While many concepts may be difficult to understand, the higher order thinking and cognitive skills involved in solving the mathematical problems we encounter are very intellectually stimulating. It is immensely rewarding working through challenging problems in the supportive environments in our classrooms. We all love Maths C classes and always look forward to learning more about this exceptional subject. Over the two years studying this course, we have thoroughly enjoyed our classes as a space that has challenged and enriched us, and thank our dedicated teachers for their passion and support. JENNIFER ZHANG (12M), ABIRAMI SOMASUNDARAM (12M), ISABELLA SHUE (12E) supportive environment. LAUREN MOUNT (12M)


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