Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2007

Letters My twin sister Caitlin and I came to the Open Day at Girls Grammar this year and we had lots of fun. We are coming to your school and wish it was 2012 now. (Alexandra Wilson – Enrolled Student 2012) We had fun at the Open Day and Mum said it is ok to come to four more before we start Year 8. We talked to the teachers on Open Day and they were really lovely. (Caitlin Wilson – Enrolled Student 2012) It (Girls Grammar) taught me about networks, teams and leadership and gave me a level of confidence in myself and my intellectual judgement. The only gift you keep for a lifetime is your education and I use what I feel fortunate that there is the opportunity for mothers to come together and discuss life and family issues at Brisbane Girls Grammar School at the many social gatherings on offer. (Mrs Nielmg Grant-Taylor – Year 9 Parent) Family histories running through this school is one of its strengths and provides a bridge of common experience between generations within families. My mother and some other girls from 1948 (alumni year) recently had morning tea together. Obviously their association and friendships made through Brisbane Girls Grammar School remain life-long. (Mrs Elizabeth McCray – Year 9 Parent and Alumnae 1981) Girls Grammar gave me everyday. (Margy Osmond – Alumnae 1977)

grammar gazette: Spring 2007 edition

In Brief..................................................... 14 In Focus.................................................... 15 Grammar Girls......................................... 17 Community.............................................. 18 Alumni..................................................... 19 Reunions.................................................. 19

It’s been an exciting time at Girls Grammar. At the beginning of Term II we had our first look inside the newly completed Creative Learning Centre. It was breathtaking to see the transformation from building site to outstanding educational facility. Over 1100 girls raced up and down the six flights of stairs with great energy and excitement. The official opening, on 17 May, saw Her Excellency, the Governor of Queensland, Ms Quentin Bryce, officially name the building The Cherrell Hirst Creative Learning Centre. An Open Day held on 18 May gave the wider Grammar community an opportunity to see our spectacular new facility, and importantly, a chance for everyone to try the menu in our new café. We are so fortunate to have this building and access to the latest technologies and facilities. The Creative Learning Centre has enhanced the dynamic of the School and has quickly become a much-loved social centre. In addition to the formal celebrations the students had a celebration of their own. The party began at morning tea with blue-iced donuts – a surprise from Ms Bell. By lunchtime the music was pumping, the dance floor was hot, and the sausages sizzling to raise funds for Kummara. To signify the bonds being formed each girl was encouraged to buy a strip of coloured fabric and write her name on it. The strips were linked into a giant rainbow chain. The aim was to build a chain that could reach from the top level of the CLC, down six storeys to Level 1. The moment of truth arrived, and the Grammar war cry echoed around the building for the first time as the chain fell all the way to the ground floor. Exciting Times FROM THE SCHOOL LEADERS From the School Leaders.......................... 2 From the Deputy Principal........................ 3 Our Global Community. ............................ 4 On the World Stage................................... 7 Staff. ........................................................ 10 Student Care............................................ 12

Led by our Service Captains, Rachael Parry (12M) and Stephanie Carter (12E), the School raised $2000 for breast cancer research. The school also supported Michelle Lin (10H), who shaved her head to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation, by hosting “Thank God Grammar’s Here,” based on the format of the similarly-named television show. In Term I we focused on bonding within peer groups and year levels, in Term II our focus was on strengthening the bonds within the School. In Term III we extended these bonds to the community. Our recent Open Day provided the perfect opportunity to focus on the community. Very much a student run evening, Open Day gave the community a chance to experience Grammar life first hand. Our “Stop! Grammartime” campaign, which tracks the number of hours Grammar girls give in community service, has continued. To date 3315 hours have been spent doing things for others. As the year’s end approaches (faster than we want), we encourage the students to keep up their good work and continue doing an exceptional job in Creating those Bonds. Sarah Cowley and Sally Fry, Head Girls

Cover: Moondance Painting, 1998 sculpture by Hollie. Donated to Brisbane Girls Grammar School for The Cherrell Hirst Creative Learning Centre. Hollie, a self taught artist, was awarded the Moët et Chandon Fellowship in 1990 and is represented in the National Gallery of Australia, Queensland Art Gallery as well as private collections. Cover Photography: Greg Gardner Photography

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