Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2006



The Combined Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School Year 11 Charity Event was held at the Victoria Park Function Complex. After many hours of discussion and preparation in the weeks before and with our fingers sore from tying countless balloons, the committee saw their plans for the evening unfold. The night was fantastic. The Vegas theme included a cameo appearance from Elvis, The Year 11 Charity Event a Vegas wedding chapel and dance floor canopy of balloons. The food, the music, the dresses.... even the boys looked good! The atmosphere was relaxed and friendly with the dance floor electric for the duration of the evening. The Year 11 students from both Schools nominated Queensland Surf Lifesaving as their chosen charity. Fundraising began on the last day of Term II when the Year 11

girls mixed with the BGS boys for a BBQ and Bands lunchtime event to showcase the musical talents from each School. A portion of the ticket price from the charity evening was also donated to make a total of $2000 raised for Queensland Surf Lifesaving. Suzanna Plant (11E)

in tune Our Classroom Music teachers are passionate about delving into combined activities with other Creative Arts disciplines.

In the classroom Classroom Music students from Year 8 through to Year 12 enjoy many activities designed to encourage connections — between curriculum and co-curriculum, between the School and broader musical community, between our students and the tertiary sector, and between Music and the other Arts at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. Earlier in the year, a group of students from the University of Queensland led Music workshops for Year 10 Music classes at the School. The tertiary students had worked with Mr Andrew Pennay, Head of Classroom Music, to devise suitable learning experiences for the girls and implemented the activities with Ms Sarah McGarry’s and Ms Marie Hennessy’s Year 10 Music class students. Mr Pennay, Ms McGarry and Ms Hennessy teach in the School of Music at the University of Queensland. Every year, our girls are exposed to music in the community through a broad range of excursions that supplement class work. Girls travel to view The Queensland Orchestra, the Australian Chamber Orchestra and Opera Queensland performances of works that are being explored through class activities. Our students appreciate this real world exposure to the Arts and make meaningful connections between these performances and the work undertaken in the classroom.

The Senior Music Camp is always the first activity of the year, where the task of replacing the graduated Year 12 girls begins and the foundations are set for an exciting and eventful year. Every performing ensemble presents their work at public events, on-campus concerts or combined activities with other schools. The Instrumental and Vocal Competitions provide opportunities for advanced performers to display their individual talents. Masterclasses, workshops, guest conductors, excursions to live performances and invitations to play at corporate events and functions complete the portfolio of musical activities that are scheduled throughout the year. By the beginning of August a significant amount of creative energy and endeavour is directed towards the Gala Concert. ‘It’s a Classic’ is the title for our tenth Gala Concert and the music is a selection of well-known works including the 1812 Overture, Pomp and Circumstance March No.1, excerpts from Mozart’s Requiem, Bolero, William Tell Overture and many more. The Gala Concert has earned a reputation for outstanding achievement and we are looking forward with great anticipation to Saturday 28 October where the year of rehearsals, tutorials, and personal practice is once again on display. Tickets will be on sale from 9 October 2006. Mr Mark Sullivan Director of Instrumental Music

Two weeks with the Queen Two Weeks with the Queen , a play based on the popular Morris Gleitzman novel of the same name, stormed onto the Gehrmann Theatre stage in August this year. Performed by an energetic and talented cast of Year 10 Drama students. The actors created a fast paced and emotional investigation into the lives of two contrasting families. The play explored the difficulties of coping with change in the family unit and the experiences of young people when faced with personal challenges.

As a new initiative this year, all Year 8 Music and Drama students collaborate to perform group–devised pieces for parents each Semester. In addition, the Term II production of Yuku Toshi drew on the immense talents of our Art, Drama and Music students in both Junior and Senior classes. The quality of these performances is outstanding and a credit to our girls who throw themselves into cross-Arts tasks with vigour, excitement and a wonderful sense of play. The spirit of connection is alive and well within Classroom Music. Mr Andrew Pennay Head of Classroom Music Co-curricular Music Co-curricular Music at Brisbane Girls Grammar School is a vibrant, active and diverse programme that enables all girls to access music at their particular level of proficiency and to progress at their own rate. The twenty-two performing ensembles are structured to create a developmental process in which skills and musicianship can be imparted at an ever increasing level of proficiency. Students gradually move through the groups to ultimately reach the senior ensembles and the goal of performing in the Gala Concert at Brisbane City Hall.

The rehearsal process began with an investigation into a variety of directorial methods to apply to the play. Several ideas were explored to unlock the potential of the script and to create an innovative and engaging production. The major roles were played by a number of the cast members. This technique allowed for increased student involvement in the production but also created an ensemble approach to the text whereby the focus was on the overall message and meaning of the play rather than on individual characterisation. The addition of a live soundtrack, performed by Hannah Cameron (10B), also assisted in making this an emotive and unique performance. The songs selected ranged from Missy Higgins to Cold Chisel but effectively resonated the Australian origins of the script and enhanced the emotional journey taken by both audience and characters alike. Two Weeks with the Queen provided students with a valuable opportunity to extend their characterisation skills and to work within a creative ensemble. The audience were responsive to the varying moods of the production and were enthralled by the confident and creative performances of the young actors. Mrs Emma Pattemore Co–ordinator

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