Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2005


australiadayhonourforpaststuderit Leigh Hillman (1977), has been awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the 2005 Australia Day Honours List. Leigh received the Award in recognition of her work in the aftermath of the Ball Bombings in October 2002.

She then flew to Baii where she assisted local NGOs to develop community letoveiy 511ategies and Ongoing sUppOit services 101 individuals and families in the aftermath of the bombings; assisted

Looking back, I continue to be

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in awe of the kindness of people

in the critical incident debiieiing and counselling o1 volunteers and co- oldinated allied health support by Darwin professionals to local health 51afl

who donated money and goods

to the Appeal at that tim

Leigh attended the investiture ceremony, held in Darwin in May 2005, and conducted by the Administiator, the HDn. led roan AO. Leigh now lives in Melbourne and is the National Policy a Communications Manager o1 Breast Cancel Netwoik Australia

Hon. led EQan and Leigh Hillman

At the time o1 the bombings, Leigh was residing in Darwin and, at the request of Ballnese non government organisations (NGOs), spearheaded a major 48 houi campaign across the Northern Territory to provide urgently needed medical supplies and funds to assist Baiinese organisations in supporting local victims and their jamiiies

Former student, Leigh Hillman (1977), was awarded the Medal o1 the Oldei of AUStialia (OAM) in the Australia Day Honours List earlier this year 101 service through the provision o1 assistance to the Baiinese community following the Kuta bomb!nos which occurred on 12 October 2002

elizabet in ahoney(2004) Elizabeth has been studying Chinese at Liaoning University, Shenyang, in northern China since February.

classmates from last year. During the recent (northern hemisphere) university break Elizabeth travelled to Xinjiang province visiting many places on the fabled Silk Road such as Turpan, Dunhuang and Kashgar.

significant ethnic Korean minority in Shenyang. The next closest country is Russia (Siberia). hen Elizabeth arrived in February the temperature was around minus 30 degrees and the communal student living quarters were something of a change Irom her own usual home life in suburban Brisbane. She has made a lot of friends at the University in Shenyang. As well as Chinese there are a large number of foreign students particularly from Korea and Russia. By means of email amd MSN she has also kept in touch with a lot of her Girls Grammar

Elizabeth will return to Brisbane in February 2006 just in time to commence her deferred degree enrolment at the university of Queensland. She is one of ten students from around Australia who were awarded an Australia-China Council scholarship to study Chinese at the Iiaoning State university for one year (known as the Year in China Programme). Shenyang is t e capital of Liaoning province which was formerly part of Manchuria. it is located approximately 890 km north east of Beijing. Being in close proximity to Korea there is a

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