Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2005
IN Focus
from around the world. it was compelling to note the international interest in the state of Music Education in Australia, particularly at a secondary level. The aural. based approach employed in the Classroom Music Programme at Girls Grammar and at an increasing number of Queensland schools is drawing the attention of the international Music Education community
in total, six Australians attended the Symposium as presenters, including Iennifer Bergstrum, currently completing her practicum at BGGS as part of her Music Education degree. The focus of the Symposium was "Kod61y, the whole man, and his inspiration al gift to the 21st century". Highlights included inspiration al keynote addresses, nightly concerts of an excellent standard and, of course, the opportunity to share ideas with colleagues. of particular significance were the round-table discussions regarding the issues facing Music Education on an international scale and the implementation of Kod61y's philosophy in an educational context. in Queensland, we are the only state in Australia to have music taught by specialists in almost every school and it was fascinating to compare approaches, systems and strategies with educators
Head of England House and Classroom Music Teache, ; Sanh MCGarry joined delegates from the Us, UK, Hungary, Switzerland, exico, Greece, Korea and lapan for eight days of papers, workshops, master classes and concerts. in August 2005, the British Kod61y Academy's Summer School combined with the 17th international Symposium of the International Kod61y Society. This event brought together experienced musicians, scholars and educators from various parts of the world continuing the legacy of Zolt6n Kodaly - composer, musician, scholaL educator, ethnomusicologist and philosopher, 1882 - 1967. Kodaly's philosophy of music education rests on the fundamental principle that music should be accessible to all, and that a complete musician should possess "A well. trained hand, a weI .trained intelligence, a wei - trained ear and a well-trained heart'. Brisbane Girls Grammar School has long been proud of the professionalism of its staff - their subject expertise, their concern for their students and their contribution to the wider educational community. Miss Mary Alexis Macmillan (1895/969) was one such staff member whose commitment to this School and education in Queensland is almost legendary Miss Macmillan began her thirty-eight Year association with Brisbane Gills Grammar School in 1926. Initially teaching English, French and Modern History, she soon became Senior English Mistress, inspiring her students with her love of the English language and a passion for literature that often lasted throughout their lifetime. Former Old Girl and distinguished University of Queensland academic, Miss Kathleen Campbell-Brown wrote
Ms Sanh MCGarry Head of England House
Her donation of prizes to encourage Younger students to write their own poetry has become an annual tradition with the Speech Day award of The Mary Alexis Macmillan Prizes for Lyric Poetry for Years 8,9 and 10. From 1939 until her retirement in May 1964, Miss Macmillan held the position of Second Mistress, and even Acting Head Mistress for nine months in 1957. She died on Iuly 22,1969, having dedicated so much of her life to the School
She was recognised as one of
the best teachers of English
in the state
"She was recognised as one of the best teachers of English in the state. The training in English which she gave at secondary school level can be traced through tertiary studies, through university Women Graduates in all faculties, and through them to their children and even grandchildren in a long and glorious course of torchbearer, for those things that are true, just, pure and lovely and of good report, for values that the world of today hardly recognises any longer. "
It is most fitting that Brisbane Girls Grammar School continues to preserve her memory with the dedication of the Mary Alexis Macmillan Board Room
(Queensland Association of University women, 1969)
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