Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1999
Chant^^^\. g. ^^^,-:.-of-':Char^ge- ,... .. ^ * *
haule Wooirych ProfessioiunlAr^usmrsswoman 1988 -1992
1 Brisbane Girls Grammar School has a long tradition of accepting the challenges of change. in the lead up to the 125th anniversary of the School and on the eve of the next millenium, Tory Shenstone finds out what some of Grammars most successful r, . ,,-;^' '6:1, ' * graduates believe will be the challenges for professional women and educators over the next 125 years' I Since graduating in 1992. Mine has successfuUy established her own silk design company. it was Mule's scarf that won her the Lord Mayor's Prize for the best overnit product in this year's Brisbane Merchandise Awards. The success of Anime's business has seen her launch her productinto national and international markets. haule's scarves have been seen on many notable women including the President of Ireland, Mary Robinson and horse trainer. Gal Waterhouse Die clia!!errgesfor professioim! TVo, ,, e, , 111 the lien mittenni"111 will be 111nini@illi"g a bai",, ce be huee, , 1110/11erliood and a career Prqf"sio, inI I'D", e, , need to keep educating file, "selves o3 Irands and redi, ,o108y coll, nil, allv change. I an, a g, ear belie\, er ill I'dt, ,rel pinch, cts and ^1151r"11h, I ,,, ride ' goods. He, ice. I 11'01, Id e, ,coltrnge ethicntio, , of then, hire to inco, pore!e e, 11'1'ro, I"lei, iai wildies. I ". o111d expect a sei, Dolby'theft, ", re to identify illdivid, ,allaleiiiat ",, eo, !y age and 11/11/14re Intelitill twinteverjield tnn1 Inny be * menuPapas Professional Musidan 1986 - 1990 codiriHunter Ador 1991 - 1995 * *\\\, eCo","Ierce is 1101 o111y ill, ptictiiig 111e Tray COM1pn, lies do b, ,siriess. b, ,I Ing way illdivid""!s are expec!e, ! to inn, k. aci alld illJe, tic!. Sirecesstill i, ,divid!lots of file fill, re a, 'e 11/03e tufto ale able 10 Innve in a lieni. orkcd ecoJioJ, Iv. eCoiii, ;, erre It wilyes people 11,110 ale Jestlie, 11. cren n\. e. Jean, -cellnvc, rechiiicn! ,,, d nave allo!ioJin! nilelti"elite. Ed!, cation of file graduation she completed a Bachelor of Business 0.1arketing) and subsequently in 1997 completed her Masters in Business afarketing). receiving the Deans Award for ExceUence. Kansche has been working in the "round breaking field of econunerce with Anderseil Consulting. She has spent most of her time consulting 10 Australian Financial Services companies, helping thenl understand the impUcations of econnnerce for their industry and their organisations Kansche was both a boarder and a daygirl at Gratinnar from 1988-1992. After ~*.', * ^ ,~ 144 : , After traduatingin 1990, Bilena coin plated a Bachelor of Musicin Voice from the Urnversity of Queensland where she won the Margaret Nixon prize for voice At Grailunar Calmn demonstrated a natural flair for coinmuiitcation. leadership and piano. At urnversity Ellena was the youngest meniber of the Queensland anId notchly druma. in 1995, Cantlin was Symphony Orchestra and the Queensland elected Head Girl and graduated from Philharmonic Orchesna. Since then Ellena BCGS to pursue fomal studies in Drama Since completing a Degree in Drama from has successfully pursued an international QUT. Caltlin has achieved notable success career in music highlighted by various pertomiances in the USA. New Zealand. tillhe competitive arena of Australian theatre. in 1998. Cairnn played 111e role or Korea and Japan SIacey in La Bone's production of 'X SIacey' and niost recently played a key role in the Channel Seven program All Srii, i's As acfors $11c/! "$ Cafe Bini, che!, e. fulli Cone!Ie and Racline! Gnfiiil, colli, ', life to 3,111 interimtio, ,a! deemi',, I for tilei, ' Ivo, k leadi, ,g illlo ille lieiv Jilt!!e, 11ni, 111, rite challenges/net, ,g professional actors in theftii, ,e does 1101 $1e, 1,170", a lack of q, ,ality or eq, ,allqi bill yarnerj>o111 a lack off, laneiat singpor!. Hopeji, 11y in file Ileiv 111ille, I, ,inn, ed, ,enjoys twill, 11, Frill'e 111di within! idle, lis so tnni sillde, its will be given 111e OPPor1!, 11ity to excel manyjield wherever fileir passions lie. I illi, Ik 11 is niperu!ive trial all Allsrr"!in, , schools introd!, ce a core rubyect ill Alls!,'"jin, , history - this collld o111y pro, ,lore gren!er '11/11, In I 1111de, *killdi, is inId ""'fireJiess with 111e lien. Inn!elmii, 111 11,111 collie a end, ,"e in file chnrucie, oldie society. To filmye 31/01, Id in^11 to creole brimiiced this exie, ,IPI'^essio, ,a1 1101/1ei, 11'ill lint, e i, Id, \, id, mis. filthvichinls 11,110 tire c!en, {y Jilts!!ineiii billiioi So nan'o11. ill fileii'/DC1, s to e, lib, rice file ,nail\, cl, allges to society Ina! they e. tisisole!vfoi' 11.01'k alld wo, k alldlettnito dellie\. e d hulaiice. Ibetieve professional 11'011ie, , ill 1/1e Ileiv Jilt!IeJ!lit, ,"I a!0, ,e. To 1/1ir eJi, !. I bel^^re snidei, 15 $110i, !of be dyered a broad lunge of tvi!! 11ni, e to sini, efor excelle!, ce alld 511bjecls con, bJ, 1111" 11nditio, In! 'acrideiiiic ' follow filetr dremJ, s. As Iec1, ,, o108y adj. mices 111e classroo, lis. file clin!!allgefoi' $114jecis as well us skills/life bnsed editcnii0,111,111 be to 1111ri, ,It in! ripprecia- SillyeCIS lionfo, ' nitrory. I've, tic^ nild spo, 'I. As file MargaretMclvlirrdo Presidentof the CourtofAppe, "I, Queersiand 1966 - 1970 it \ * *.; ~ ^ ~. ,, HdenMacGil"mmy(meeAiiderson) Associate ProfessorinMathematics, QUT 1963 - 1967 11'0rld becollies a Slim!!ei' and spyin!!e, pince. 111,011!din!asi, ,e a sc1, o01 of tile fill, ,re to inco, pornie collipnssi'o11. coilsid eruiioii. roler"lice findi4, Idei, to, ,all, g into o11 $11bjecisiri!11n I, tell. to Ivor!dpeace in 1991, Margaret was appointed Queens land's first female Iud"e of the Distrlct Court. Margaret has served on many influential collunttiees and boards includ in, , the Criintnal Justice Coinintssion's Misconduct Tribunal. Queensland Law Society's Law RefomiCoiimttee. District Courtstraiegic Planning and Budget Comintttee andis currently on the QUT Faculty of Law Advisory Comumee. From 1994 -1998. Margaretwas elected Trustee of the Board of Directors, Brisbane Girls Grammar School file challengeror PIOfessiOi, a! 1,011iei, 11,111 be 1101 o114, to achieve Feeogiiiiio}I I'Mii, I their professio, ,s and tile I, ider coll, ,1/1/1110' bill "!so to dell, o113traie colli, ,,,,, lib'. nano, iai alld i, lieniniioJin! lendersliin Tile charre"ges of ed!, canon for 1,011, e, I in the new Inn!e""i, ,, 11 will illc!,, de k"ping oiledd of 111e yelli"rkable develop, lients in infon"arto, , reeli, 1010gv alld ei, ,b, tici, Ig the ridv",, rages of globalis"!toll '11/01, gh telecoiii"11, ,Iic"trolls. I n!so beliei, e 111ere is a needfor personal, colli, ,, Iruity alld b, ,siness ethics to be In, ,3111 in sellools to e, ISMre o11rji, 11, re leade, 's 111,111ini, I und improve litgli e!!litn! sin, ,dord$. ,., , After rimduatin" Dux of the School in 1967, HeIen went to the Uruversity of Queensland to complete a Science Degree in Mathematics with first class honours. in 1979. HeIen was awarded her PhD in Mathematical Statistics. He leiiis currently Associate Professor'in Mathematics at QUT and President of the Australian Mathematical Sciences CouncU Tile chnl!e, ,gesfo, ' professi0, I"I 1,011!e, I 1'11 the ,, err '11/11e, ,,!fillii are ncco, lipniiied by the challenges of incrensed OPPorti, 11ities ProfessiOi, a! 1,011ie, I Sho, ,Id nil, I/O, ' balance. tilleg, alto, I. responsibility and flyi!h"e, ill"inn, , society tilld trilli r"pec, to ing, ,selves us farm, Idi, "!s. Ed, ,curioJ, ill the Ilew Inn!eii, if!, 111 51/01, !d willI to ide, ith and develop idle"! tvi!!InI a Fallse of sce, ionos. I hope 1110re alien!io, ! gild recogJ, mon across file coin, ",,, lib. is given to developing 111e 11,031 able us tvet! as 111e less able BethWoods Professor in Agribusiness, University of Queeirsland Professio, iai 1,011, e, I nild 111"I 11,111/ace fillii!a, ' elm!Ie, Iges ill file lien Jiltlle, 111i!,,, I tuftic!, filch, de hell's collipeniii. e in a global society. bet',!8/1e. rib!e ill file/"ce of chu, ise alld batonci, ,g t, 1,101'e COM1peti!it, e IPO, * alld b, ,siness e, 11'110,111ie, it I'M, 1,111ily lieeds alldpeJ30, iniflei'e!DPI, IeJii Tile chaneliges for ed, ,call', 18 11.01, Ie, , ill the Ilexi 111i!!eJi",,,"I jut!I be to $1, ppor! 11,111"I ill 1,011-rindi!foiln! roles. keeping 11p to date tvit/I tile cli",, ges i, I teeni, o108y and ticqi, trills professioJ, a! skills ingi have a broader perspeciii. e socially and ethical!}\ Ed, ,calfo, , in ille lien, ,, line, I Inn, ,, shoji!d '11/1 to srifke a baldJ, ce bent, ee, , basic PIOble, ,, $011,111g, eyeniivit, . worki, Ig Mirin people, eth, t$ filld elfi', till qffnirs t-~ 1968.1972 Belh Woods was the world's first female Rhodes Scholar and has since dedicated her career to agribusiness and rural systems management. Beth is CUTTenrly a Professor in Aunbusiness at the School of Natural and Rural Systems Management at the Uruversity of Queensland GR4. illMAR GAZETTE OCTOBER 1999 - Page 8
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