Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1999

The, -. Arts

AUSten and Bronte in the Park

I Got I\,bytlym

student Anna Canon. This was followed by Jane Memes' stirring lamentation, Tile Mn, , ILOve

Judy Hairsworth & June Whiting

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The second half of the concert

coinmenced with a specially W/10 COM1d ask for anything more? coinimssioned arrangement of SUI, ", lent, ,Ie by SIeven Ba}:er. pertonned This was the catchcry of performers and by Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Mark Suilivan. The orchestra was then audience members wlio gathered in City Hall o11 15 August to enjoylGor R/1,111, ,I, Joined by jazz violinistshenioiiGregory for allb, "tenb!e full Big Band. directed by CmigDabelsiein jind reamring Iudy Hamsworih on allo Brisbane Grrls GranmtarSchool's annual showcase series. was the culmination of saxophone. proved that Lot. e is HeIe to S!in. . Vocalist Claire Jacksonihe!1100k months of preparation and rehearsal an afternoon of music, song and dance celebmting the fife and works of George Gershwin. The project. Ihe thirdin








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concept provided challenges for the directors, who had 10 design realisiic yet porinble sets. and for the aciors. wit0 11nd to workon developing sirong vo!ce preyeciion


Kate MCCrossin AssistantDirector


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11 is u 1171/11 Jinii. e, sd/I\ ticliioii'/e, /gen On a spring internoon. Einina Woodhouse MMI d Jingle 111nJi ill possessioii nj alienipted to play Cupid in EJ;!, i, d. Elizaheih goodf7J'!1111e 111,151 lie 1'11 Null! Old litft'. Benneji tended off rum"11nc alienipis from (Jane AUS!a^. ^^^$1 soppy Mr Collinsin Pri, /e, 111dPi4, dice. in, Ihe innls and inbulaiions of teenage love The characiers of 111e works of Jane AUSieii came to life in aniodenlised version of Sense and one of net contemporaries, Cliarloiie filld Sellsibifjtv. More serious pieces Brante. sprun" to life on 17 October at included AUSten's PeJs, ,asioii and Bionte's Newsiead Park in a combined effort willithe dark I'lle E\, re Brisbane Grailmiar School. untie the words of Jane AUSten niay not have sununed up Thanks are given to Mrs Penny Mumhy, the motives of the boys, they provided an Am anda Wandns. Mrs Sybil Edwards. Ms abundance of enthusiasm and talent. which Kern Meckiem, Allira Power. Mr Simon undoubtedly contributed towards the Ratcliffe and it Steven Us cmski for their success of the day. The "Picitic in the Park' creative direction and comintiment to the day

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Mr Dnbe!$1ei, , leads ille perlomiers in rehearsal prior to Ihe Concert

centres lage, with her sultry rendition of the Gershwin favoorite. Son, eone to Watch O. .erMe. The afternoon cumtinatedin the hauling finale, IGOt Rl, yih",, performed by Big Band. Massed

filerenownedJobn ColwUl, playing Gershwinlinnself, coinpered the event with incredible panache and gusto. Mr Colwin also provided much creative





guidance and inspiration prior to the performance. His assistsnce continued Choir and dancers, professionalIy choreogyaphed by Trevor Green during the concert, by enlistin" the audience's help to make the redoners The overwhenntn" success of I Got smile




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Rlivih, ,, call be attributed to the diverse talents of the Creative Ms staff and students, the efficient slage crew and sripporiive audience. in particular, thanks and congratulations must go to the conductors - Mr Mark Suilivan. Mr Cmi" Dabelstein and Mr Paul Honey. For

Senior groups SIIch as Syruphoitic Winds. GrailmTar Singers. Symphony Orchestra. Clianiber Orchestra, Bin Band and ChariTber Singers entertained an cagei audience throughout the afternoon




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Professional soloists conttibuied significantly to the concert. Students were nionths. Ihese teachers nomersed also given the OPPortuitity 10 showcase themselves ill this venture. despite such their talents in various solo performances. diversions as the arrival of a baby dau"hter. \Wether they were on stare. behind the scenes or seated in the An undoubted highliglii of the first act was R/lapsody ill B!,, e, featurin" present audience. the efforis of all those involved were greatly appreciated student Minnda Carson and past







"Pride and Pityiidice " - "file marriage "tarter"




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"Jane Eyre" - "rel'ecied"


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