Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1996

Arts "Four legs good, two legs bad" The night of Thursday Sep- whatever sound 15 app"cable and namethema". However the three tenberSsaw adediea, ed groupo, everything win workltself out", wag mainpigsdeservespedalmention scat or nervous oneitement as the after one'ast pep-talk, and with ith tator, N"phon Belh Shulman 815 of the Gehrmann Theatre in mind, the play went on, und the played talkative Squader, and were Brad"a"y med. The cast stage cornealIve. Animal ram had TarynWhiterordplay", he'toad Sarah Hoyes "If in doubt just neigh, pertormances by inchvidual cast Dink, cluek, moo, baah or make members that it is imp"Ible to

The night fill d w'th music

After animiervalofgorgeousgood Hy, ",,",, dF"gums T""candMi",,,, to a, ,of Triofi. on, " Oc, e, , "

Judy Haln. worth

kidthenigh, thrillbemledwith

In usIC

Ies and re y tidbits. the audience dig And Ihe cares Ihai inferI the day covered Ihai the woodwind groups Shall fold their, ents like Arabs. were merely preliminary perform

And as silently steal away

ancos cullulnaring in the sheer bril

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Iiance of the BOGS Stage Band and

and crew of the Junior Prod"c. beam lion, Animal Farm. were annost

Concert Band

guy" and Napoleon's rival, Snow-

The Day Is Done

Overthethreecon"c"thenights balL These three arts add their The Stage Band blasted away the ready to give their first perform- that it showed, Animal Farm was a dimwit roles expertly, and must 23 August was a magical night of audience with Easy Minor by Tom Mt. getting a mule more PC bed beeonga at musical wonder. The everyday wor- Davis. bu the volume of their first '*has" blind emuad gadi- each time eream manypeople behind ties andconcemsofiheaudience were piecewas nothing compared to that of ing for bobby-pins ' ' sat in Under the capable direction of Ih scenes who deserve special truly forgotten as various woodwind PaulJennings' Vehicle. However. comets den"y mouthing lines to Mrs Syb" inwands, with hdp from thanks Th enormous effort put groups. the Stage Band and the Senior Band's skill was not limited to vo - fungivesand'xhld, end'dusted Mr Deadd Pineotl (who did an ex- in by the stage crew, mallting and Concert Band filled Ihe Gehrmann ume alone - their intonation. dynam to 80 over scenes one last fune CG"ent job for his firs attempt at sound operators, make-up artists, Theatre with eavenly music ics and overall musicality were out The air was inled with excite being a stage manager , the show mulchnsnnd, conymorewasvery The n, began with the Sax0- 51anding. Their conductor. hit Dayid merit and apprehension as girls wentwl, h"utahltch-we", not, reny. much appreciated by am the cost phone Ensemble who performed AdelL agreed 'They played bin shunedbackandfor, h, romGTl, The costumes and make. up, "" and the au"ence. Pureell's Des, r"e, ion* 0"r Delight. nanny. " he praised where the make-up team tram- designed and made by Miss Kern His HMM@"rbyG. Fanaby. W. Byrd's The audiences were marvel. Soloists, lessica Ballantyne. Fe characters' Finally, when there the set which was designed by Mr themkitscompletelysoldo" and thejovial Trimcl, Tmrscl, Polka by I. Genevieve Storkey. Emma Wallets werenoordi, "ry-looking races left rincott in the room, we mew it was time an co There were so many brilliant accommodate extra people. The TmsJ, by the Ensemble's conductor. MrCmig Dabels, ein. played with iru. response each night was Iremen- Mr 'g Dabelstein mense flair. showcasing Ihe musical thus and very encoun"Bing to the Offenbach's Orphe, ,smithe Un. versaiiliiy of this band den"orld performed by the Recorder Before the BCGS Concert Band youngcasL The music concert held on Friday

As the lights went down and Ensemble and I'D. Carey's MockB"- began From Wl, on, A" Blessing F10i, , the audienceappla"ded, nunofthe FDq"e - A S"i, of 20/11 a, ,,", y by Ed Huckleby. conductor Mr hard workwasrewarded. The late On"cosby the Recorder Consort were AndrewJarvis cautioned ithairehears Friday onernoous and lunchtime played on a variety or recorders from als for their pieces were not coin. rehearsals, the giving up of the bass to descan, with extreme mien, . PIe, edand members of e music sur BERaho"day, themes""1st"dy- lirecorders had sounded as han"oni- hadjoined the Band to add their ex ing the script, the endurence or a ous in primary school. the comemp- refuse. However, the $1andurd of colourr"I tinge to the actors' races coo"s attitude, hat numerous SIudents playing soared rimugh themof of the the next day even after scrubbing tel lowanls them would certa, nly Gehrmann Theaire regardless. as the at races and makeup, the ambar. have been transformed into genu, ne Concert Band performed 1,110e", to, , ranmentof wearing turnndfea, h- admireiion a, ,d Toee@," by James Bornes and A flawless Alleg, " Rococo by P. Mare Shatnnan's City Slickers with




ergono"rheads"I'mrinoffriends renty boyfriends and teachers

Koepke was pertonned by the Clad- heady enthusiasm

und the 11st goes on. Whll the nei hoirandwasfollowedbyRusseli thumperfon^ Miamis"id, smallotthe greasepaint helps cre- Suppiger'sin, press, one played by the 'Tire Seam Concert Bald pinyedil"se ateanatm here, Ih roarorthe Clarinet Ensemble. The Advnn difficulL^nunxhgp^ex^nom"y Flu, e Ensemble's performance o weit couldallg to crowd creates he satisfaction was 10 which nukes " all w"rthwhme ^ I", e gne', e, N@ I lit G Minglef, no inghiigl, work eras "xi a run, doubrmnnyone'sin, rid fullhe, weIve un pep"an on Id. toir perf"an fiauUsis were indeed worthy of the ament, Ire^arsland, ^intofMixic. 1111e "Advanced'. The 85.00n Quar- they ^e cadlaL let' $1, g", F1"", Swing O",. a jazzy Excellence was a common char. preparation ens"ed and many an Nnulie WCComiack superbly. while version of ane of ith S"g", P coralsiic o the concert that appeared afternoon spent rehearsing PhDebe Papas. Sally Porter and Kimy Fairies preceded the enjoyable in mmy different foms throughout On the th of August. Ihe cast Dad, worthsl, @@-hopped andd@-dooed Rump@Ie. a triadliariune10the major- the night: from the sweet piping onhe ity of the audience. $11y, the Wind flute to the deep. sustained bellowing slage as though they had across

Various firn, ! ard a",,"@/s

Little Shop's a big success

Emily Street

After having skilfully staged Shakes peare's Henry V in April. was ready 10 lake the stage with BOS decided its second dramatic the mean green vegetable from done it an their 've* project for the year wa, to be Mars. for three nights or out. The primary role was played such as Milly SIendrup. loanne brant and refreshing musical per- by Grammar' s Angus Conaghan Lloyd, and pianist Nicole Hill, as haps, full of energy. witty satire and Alex Taylor on altornate well as rhos in the Greek horus and wonderful characters evenings and both were endear- made the show all the more sue Howard Ashman's piece of ing as the innocent young cessful transcendent slapsLick, "Litile Seymour. who tends the raven- Behind Ih eeries, stage man Shop or Horrors. " certainly Iul- ous little cactus by feeding in o81 ager Carly O'Neill ensured all ran filled thesecriteria. as a play abou, of the principle characters into smoothly. and was greatly assisted a plant from Mars, often described the plant ' s rapacious in aw by her backstage crew as. "an arithro-pornorphic cross Seymour names his plant a - With rabulous 60s music and a avocado. " Iha, takes over middle from Skid Row whom he loves in its cheek "Little Shop of Hor America and demands human but finally rails to redeem rors" worked wonderfulIy as a blood and fresh corpses Sam POWell made a sensational school or duction By the beginning of second Audrey. She was delighiful to hear 11 was big. brash, cross. vulgar ICrm. the casi, rig process was and certainly looked the pan in her funny, sentimental. SPCciacular under way. with girls from Gram- blondewig and 'Tasteful" outfits Outrageous, and very enterlaining mar auditioning for a variety of Tahart. resplendent in silver requins. and no doubt left ,he audience hun differeni roles. Two months of led her ino of Juliana Torenbeek and gry for more. .. more. ... more The infectiousenihusiasmofthe many other talented Grammar girls equally challenging, but of an landish run entirely differenr 51rain. A vi-

The Singe Bamd COMmmids dire"null Photographs: Par Hornswo"all

"That special poetic eye" - Emma Cornford

chi tic eye, .Bingpktorlalwords responds poetica"y to the world to create imagery whichis poeticyet around her, using her very own

Robyn Colwlli

The mug, rel winner of the economical, musical yet terse. "

spednl way or 100thg at Ihhy, "

Dots Warnker (Townrsend Bur- Although Enmun grew " "sur. Certamly, Emma her writ. cory Ror Lyric Poetry is Emma rounded by books", her grand- 1.8 orpoetry as "amenchonnlo"I Comical(IOCrlmth . This award mother in particular encouraged Ief', whilst ruefu"y gyroorting the represents the highest attolade to Emma in her love of verse from a notion that the craning or a good date, Dray0""800etwholirstwon very early age and in a variety or penis "I% hyphation and 99% a prize in yam 6 from the Artists ways, ,fonthe, tading aloud of bal- perspiration". Emun writs her and Writers Collective, and went lads to the giving of a gin with a initial drills puts away these e, - onto haven. F1hers"nessesi" van. dffrerenee - a teddy bear with a new forts and returns to, hem with the outs Literary Competitions and in bow tie and an accompanying poem critical a, xi more objective eye of the annual BCGS Mary Alexts for each day or the week the editor. reworking her original Macmillan Poetry Competition Emma finds impira, ion in all poem, and repeating the process, which she has won for three years manner orpeoplqplace*withings: un"shibatisr, ed Emmaismod fuguec^ion. EUnmn'SPCetrvPort- in erect, inn her everyday encounters at in her suecrss. s, but certainly ZQ!to was highly praised by the with lire As one of the judges re- envtsages that in tirefi. ,ure ""ten. Judges of the Bunary, who con. mmrked lite her themes are var- lurewmphyasimpor, antapar, in mental Ihat Emma has '*hat SPE. led, one can assume that Conford my mr. us itelwaysl"glinthepas, "

tire, "e Idle, ,,: (fro, ,I 14n Namlie MacCon, ,ack. Xirsb, Dods, vonli 10ebe Papas. IIJ/, tilia ore, ,beek. hard rubari. Sally. Porrer

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