Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1995
Sport Unprecedented success for cross country runners Freyr Patterson SaiUrday 27 May marked an his
ISports-ed l
Stephanie Dee A future direction of sporting activities within Brisbane Girls' Grammar School has been determined over the course of this year. In 1995 the School has witnessed the development of many additional interhouse sparling competitions which emphasise personal enjoyment, involvement, and friendly competition. These interhouse events are an essential element in the development of House spirit as well as a valuable opportunity for positive interaction between students of different ages and abilities. · For many s tudents who miss out on gaining a place in school representative teams, these competitions are an excellent alternative because they encourage cooperation and teamwork whiJe also acknowledging individual participation. In addition to the friendly and fun interhouse competitions, entertaining malches have evolved between students and staff in sports such as cricket and volleybaJI. These matches promote a less competitive (a! least, we think so!) and more relaxed involvement in sport. Perhaps this increasing emphasis on the fun of parlicipation will encourage young women to become more involved in physical activity while at school and also continue this involvement after they have left. Unfortunately , in many instances, girls are reluctanl to participate in sport once they have left school, possibly because society and the media seems to support fierce, elite and often male dominated sports. However, the school community its an excellenl place to foster attitudes I hat could change the way society views sport. Who knows, eventu ally women may receive equal sponsorship, funding and media coverage to that of their male counterparts. At Brisbane Girls' Grammar School physical activity and organised sport has always been an integral part of the total School program and st udent s have earned great success in thi s field . Swimming, cross-counlry, gymnastics, and a thletics, for example, have consistently over the past few years achieved high overall and age group placings, as well as developing outstanding individual athletes. Sporting opportunities continue . to grow within the School. This year a climbing club has been or ganised and its members continue to develop skills. Indeed the K2 South east Queensland Rock Climbing Championships was held on our own wall during September. This new sport offers personal and competi tive challenges and a sport that con tinues afterleaving school. The 1995 winter fixtures season saw two new social netball teams, 8C and 9C, providing the opportunity for more students to participate in interschool competitions. In 1996 these two divisions will be part of the official calendar. It is important lhat the School expand the opportunities for young women to participate in lhe widest range of sporting activities so that they continue to enjoy the benefits throughout the rest of their lives.
place. In a race run at an amazing paceEmmaHutchinson came in sec ond in a time of 15.33 minutes just beating Rachelle Wu into an ex tremely close third place in 15.40 minutes. This turned the tables on Rachelle who is thelntraschool Cross Counlry Champion and holds the School 15 years title. The 16 years division ran an ex ceptional race, Nicola Ross and Corinne Butler anaining a fifth and sixth respectively. The 17 years and over runners for B.G.G.S. triumphed again with Intraschool Champion for this age group, Kate Walters, gaining a very creditable fifth in 16.02 minutes. Grammar runners support one an other and, in a great show of team spirit, Stephanie Maynes and Susan Clark came in sixth and seventh be hind Kate. The consistency of the team re tion, not only during the final race butlhroughoullhe whole season. II was during this competition, the cul mination of months of training, that all those hard-run kilometres and team spirit paid off. Special mention should a1so be made of the dedicated leader ship of Cross Country Captain, Susan Clark, who has worked hard throughout the season to lead the squad by example.
toric occasion for Girls' Grammar at theseventhQ.G.S.S.S.A. Cross Coun lryCompelition held a!Loganlea Slate High School. The squad ofseventy runners was the fust in the history of this competi tion to win all five age divisions . A pedect score of fifty won for the team the overall InterschooJ CrossCountry Championship. The clean sweep 1995 resulr gave the Cross Country team lhe pennant for the second year in a row after a seventh placing in 1993. Even the thought thai Stale High and Somerville House were out to wrest the pennant from them did not daunt the B.G.G.S. team. Commit ment and determination played a major part in the team•s victory. Bris bane Girls' Grammar Cross Country team won not only because of the depth of talent but also because of their team spirit Particularmention must be made of Sarah Bi!omsky, year 8, who con vincinglywon theindividua114 years agedivision. This performancemade - Sarah the Interschool Cross Counrry Champion. She is also the 14 years intraschool age group champion. In the 13 years age group, who ran 3 kilometres, all runners came in above 43rd place. Sarah Splan, 13 yearsagechampionwithintheSchool, and Georgina Mewing came in sec ond and seventh respectively. In the 15 years 4 kilometre race, again all runners came in below 43rd
sults showed the depth of talent and the secret of the success for the cross country team. Allathlelesranexceptionallyand 14years competitorHelen Clark showed a gr at deal of delermina- ,-,;,___:..,._____________________,
Grammar gymnasts "flip" to victory Sarah Woodgate The artistic gymnastics teams sprang into action at a most successful Q.G.S.S\S.A. competition on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 May at the Somerville House gymnasium. A host ofGrammar supporters saw. in the eight divisions, Grammar teams leaping to victory in six : year 8 Teams I and 2, D2, Cl and C2, and Bl. The gymnasts, Jed by captains lsobel Davies and Kate Brown, had bten training hard for four months under the direction of artistic gymnastics coordinator, Lynne WhiHie, and coaches, Rebecca Statham, Megan Taylor, Jane Rogers and Nikki Robbins. The A Grade competition was, again this year, of an extremely high standard. Moreton Bay College and Ipswich Girls' Grammar School were both represented by three level 10 gymnasts. The Brisbane Girls' Grammar team was placed a close and very creditabJe third in this division. Grammar's two B Grade teams dominated their section. They were placed fll'St and second respec tively. C!ayfield College defeated the D2 Team by only 0.85 points . There were outstanding individual performances throughout the competition. Andrea Noon, year 8, produced Grammar's top score of the competition with a 9.6 for her spectacu1ar floor routine. Anthea Chapman, year 12, scored the highest aggregate score of any gymnast in the C grade competition : 37.05. Her ntinirnum score was 9.2. Ellie Schmidt, while only a grade 8, competed strongly in the B Grade competition. She was promoted after injuries to Anna Palmer, Kate Steele, and Fiona Williams. These injuries also meant the reserve for the year 8 team, Lacey White, stepped in to perform in the D2 grade. Indeed, the depth of the Grade 8 squad and the strong scores they earned while competing indicates thai the fuiUre of Grammar gymnastics is in good hands. The opening of the new Macrae Grassie Sports Centre has increased the awareness of gymnastics at Grammar. Delta Gymnastics Club has set up at the School.
Volleyball blocks opposition in 1995 Caitlin Matthews Grammar volleyball teams have continued to be a strong force in the Interschool Q.G.SS.S.A. competition in the 1995 winter fixtures. All teams have achieved exceUent rf-'ults play ing at a comistently high standard throughout the season. A Grade have won five of their seven matches, being only narrowly defeated by Brisbane State High School and St Hilda's. Their recent match on the 19 August against Clayfield college saw Grammar win three sets to nil in an excellent dis· play of the skills of volleyballers 'Yithin tbe school. Particular men tion must he made of Kathy DaYies (11 Hirschfeld), ChrissieJenkins (11 England)andAnnaPurvis(l2Lilley) all of whom consistently display a higb level of ability and determina tion. B Grade have won six or their seven matches, narrmvly losing to Clayfield College. Tbe team has played a number ofvery clnseliveset matches. The most exciting of tbese was played against St Hilda's on Au gustS. B.G.G.S. clinch thenail-biting fifth set 18-16. C Gradebas also been successful in six of seven matches being de feated only by StPeter's. All games played by C Grade bave displayed the high level ofteamwork and focus lYhich is essential to success in vol~ Jeyball. TheB.G.G.S.juniorA team, com prising of Year 8 and 9 members, many of whom are having their frrst experienceofplayingvolleyball,bave had a strong season winning four of their seven matches. Volleyball is a sporl in which teamwork, rather than individual performance, is or crucial impor· tance. Tbe results of all Grammar volleyball teams this season are an indication oflbe ability ofall mem bers to work together to ensure maximum team performance. Coaches, JamieMurray (A and B Grade) and Sue Dickens (C Grade and Junior A) must be con gratulated for ensuring all teams have a most rewarding season.
Ruth Schulz heads the opposition
Sports Briefs
tions to Diana Hendry, Andrea Ho, Natalie Lyons, Stephanie Maynes, Louise Rolley. DOD Susan Anderson, Captain ofNet ball, was a member of the Open Met ropolilan East Netball team which won the State Secondary Schools Championships. DOD Tashen Dromey continues to fence her way through the opposition. She came fll'St in the Women's Epee at the 1995 Brisbane Open Championships.
Winter fixtures concluded with Grammar winning 8 premierships : Hockey B, C, and Juniors; Tennis A, D, and Grade 8; Netball SA; and Volleyball C. DOD Whilenetballteamsonlyeamedone prentiership, they had a much stronger season than the previous few years. Grammar netball teams won 4 second places . Good signeJEfr!jext season! 1995 saw the fu:sl time that Girls' Grammar won an A Grade tennis prentiership since 1983. Congralula
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