Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1995

School news The Friends of Girls' Grammar thank the following donors for their generous support of our successful raffl~. Please consider the goods and services of these firms for your future requirements.

Stop the suffering Benita Newton The heavy, accusing weight of the dark silence threatened to overcome the mission of the tiny photographer. She paused by a door marked "Restricted Entry" only for a moment and then pushed her way through to a claustro phobic room of frozen metal and de spair. The stench of fetid, rotting meat assaulted her senses, only increasing the poignancy of the moment. A low, hopeless groan reached out and pulled her towards a cruel, steel cage, filled with a darkness of flicker ing life. Two lonely eyes, drowning the misery of the world in their depths, peered out at the girl. Her spine prick Jed with hardly contained excitement and rage, hating those who haddared to commit such a horror, to perpetuate such suffering as she had recognised in the clotled eyes of the great bear. But she had the evidence. She had to leave, now. Wrenching herselfaway from thehypnotic, coarse breathing, she felt the tired presence of the bear go as quietly ashe had lived. Again forsaken, the bear finally slept. Splashed all over the pages of the nation's newspapers lay one lost. With a freedom never before achieved in his life, the little bear lost travelled the land and touched the hearts of many. Too late. He was replaced the next day with news of Cyclone Bairn, the spirit wind, whipping up terror and fear-but providing a good scientific basis for experimentation on the limits of hu~ man suffering. The ANIMAL PROTECTION SOCffiTY at Girls' Grammar has raised almost $700 towards the prevention of vivisection and animal experimentation. The money wiU also be donated eventually to groups such as the R.S.P.C.A. and W.W.F. All support for the group is gratefully welcomed and an open invitation to belong is extended to everyone who cares . If you cannot actively help. please support our efforts in these last few weeks of 1995 as we aim to reach $1000. Try doing something not for personal advancement or gain - you'll be sur prised how good it feels!

Students experience the world of chemical engineering


Overnight accommodation for 2lncluding breakfast

Sheraton Hotel,l!risbnne

Dinner for 2 at Carriages Grill to value of $100

Sheraton Hotel, Brisbane

Alex Neels On Friday, July 14, four Brisbane Girls' Grammar students participated in a one day chemical engineering ex cursion hosted by the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Univer sity of Queensland. The students, TiffanyWare, Emma West, Diana Feng and Alex Neels, in conjunction with representatives from other schools, were assigned activities to do throughout the day , These activi ties included four experiments, abrief ing about chemical engineering. pres entations of research work and a de sign project. Most oftheday was spent in groups workingonthefourexperiments . These looked at distillation, oxygen transfer in a fennenter, heat transfer co-effi cient and automatic process control. All experiments were strongly appli cable in the working world. The design project involved stu dents working in groups to fmd an answer to undergroundpollution using micro-organisms that had to be re trieved. This demonstrated the close link between chemical engineering and environmental engineering. There was a combination of theo retical and practical experience of Chemical Engineering gained through out the day with students actively help ing in programming the heat exchang ers, to graphing, to looking at the eco nomics of systems. The briefing provided students with the opportunity to discuss ca reer options and goals . For those interested, the current Bachelor of Engineering (full-time) is four years with the decision about the branch of engineering made at the end of year one. The department has a quota of 450 students for first semester 1996. The cut off band in 1995 was OP 9, the pre-requisites being English, Physics, Chemistry, Maths I and Maths II.

Queensland Performing Arts Trust ·

Theatre tickets for 2 to "West Side Story" and Dinner fo• 2 at Lyrehird Restaurant

Queimsland PerfonningArts Trust

Theatre tickets for 2 to "West Side Story" and Dinner for 2 at Lyrehird Restaurant

Sheraton N.oosa Hotel Resort

Overnight accommodation for 2

Vouebei: to value of $250 for·beautiful · Weiss Pri_ngle garment

Mr Peter WeiS.

Overnight accommodation plus 18 holes · of golf.for 2

Royal Pines Resort

·ov,ernlgh.t .accommodation for 2

Mennaid Waters Resort

One dozen bottles oi'Yello.,·glen·Champagne

Q,ueenslanii .Cement Ltd


One do~en bottles fme wine

Decorative plant or gift voucher

·. Gardenesque, Auchenllower

Mothers' Group

Lined Picnic Basket & accessories

Crystal Decanter


Phillips Outdoor Floodlight

A B Electrical

Harvey Wo'rlil Travel, Milton

Mystery flight for 2

Gounnet Hamper

Palatable Partners

Magnum of Bollinger

Tucker and Co.

Dinner for 2 (Monday- Thursdlly)

About Face Restaurant

Concert tickets for 2 plus ACO CD

Australian Chamber Orchestra

Two donble movie passes for suburban theatre

Birch Carroll and Coyle

A Portrait Sitting and Print Set- Value $300 Prize includes portraiJ sitting (single, couple orfamr'ly), plus $245 value in photographs

Silver Rose Photography

Further donations will be raffled on School Day, from Print Point : A Broncos Jersey signed by all team members Darrell Lea : A gift basket of chocolates.

Two special achievements for Grammar principal

Escape to an Island

Royal Pines Resort, just 12 minutes drive from the beaches of Surfers Paradise, is a friendly, secure, self contained island in Paradise. From golf and tennis to gourmet dining, everything you need is right here, so go ' ahead, spoil yourself and escape today! Our Escape to Paradise ! Package includes: f I nights accommodation i ·:t for two in a Premier Room. 2 full buffet breakfasts in the Parkview Restaurant. I free bottl e of champagne on arrival. :4.~;~;.~· ~""" 'J...u m~ Enquire about our other nreat packaoes! 'F Book today Pho n e Toll Free ~1800 074:99.91 r OT conta.ct yo ur travel agent :~:~~: :~~.~~:;-~:-:.::;. :~:::-: ::···· 1:.. , ....,. ,. .,1.. --.. ~rll l¥ol/U

' in Paradise lj:::$78.

The School family offers its sincere congratulations to its Principal, Mrs Judith Hancock, for two recent honours. Mrs Hancock recently completed her Master of Philosophy thesis on "The Emergence of Secondary Education for Girls in Queensland : The case of The Girls' Grammar School, Brisbane, 1875-1882". This original research project has given Mrs Hancock a greater understanding of the place of our School in Queensland education and also formed the basis for sections ofthe recent "Beginnings" program to celebrate our 120th birthday. Mrs Hancock presented the Beanland Library w(th a copy of her thesis which she also dedicated to the School. The School was also pleased to learn thatMrs Hancock was elected the national chairperson of the Association of Heads of Independent Schools (Australia). She will hold this prestigious position for the next two years.

- ~ - RQYALPINES R ES OJtT COLO COAST ,...,_,.. Rllii Sl~l . A ;:llmor~ Q 4114. A.C.N. 011 OJS S72

The Principal, Judith Hancock

P.age3 GRAMMARGAZETIE, Term31995

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