Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 1994


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Vol. SISsue 0 2

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School News . . . .'r: inco oreti

the A

I News

Term 3,994

ports Centre nearing completion KrlStlne Cooke Aswellasihisactiviiyarea. there ite behind the Gehrmann Theatre the World Gymnastics Cha stage with the roof and walls 81- The special rh Ihmi . ,, ". , , ,. .

Jlll Large

On Salurda ,26th of Mareh. BOGS swam 10 victory after a 74 year drought in lire cosSSA swimnung compeli lion. Under lire leadership of Hannah Rigs and Pencily Schubert. Gnu, "my ream rrrembersconuibuiedat, enrendous effort toclinch, Ire Mouie GOLildTmyhy for ageregaie points and achieve 500 points forthefim"tire at any secondary school reel. Tie School was contort ribly amrid of secoixiplace*eiiers. BEis bone Stale High School on 4695 and Somerville Houseoii417 Sc1, o015pitiiwas at an allimehigh as the likes of Keny Ieppe*en. Ajison Me Lean. Emma Hutchison. ale Bunning. Liana Booker. Sophie Lehmnnn. Rillh sthuliz. Louisa 01bson undDanieUeWesiachievedfi, siplacings and many others gained sec and wilds. Ruth Schuliz an Id mulelle We 51 broke records. in lire 50 in rents 14 years DivisionDfreestyleandthe50meiers 15 years Division Dineqtylerespeciively. iti nonustthe firstplacings bundle overall depth that coinrlbuies to a win. A coach Gratam While saidlater. "We expec, the good swimnrers to do well bui it is the others whom we should especially thank. " The SCO sheer SIrowed lint of 45 individual events Giniruiru allained 26 placings. 11 of which were firsis. As the detailed results revealed. it was a leant effort and this sirensih un\ indicaied in the younger codes in par ticular. This wasilluqim, ed wiren BCG lookouttheJuniorB, uckwayCupforthe firsitime. This is a relayevenifora team of 13.14 or 15 yamold swimmers. This eveni does not conirlbuie 10 Ihe ovenll rerunb"!i\awaaded aspeciiuli, uphy. 11i* Ihefi, slit Grimmarh, us won this Cup. The girls wha

s it sits down well into Ih site, Club. a reciate'us, howlar ' . ' Bis. will allow Ihe ouifitting of the yinpat etic to Ihe o1her buildings on includecusiom-madecycleand row Oneotth . an gins rooms are is the three gradeclimbing wall wiih a look own 10 Ihe trainin four metre overhang. Only by gland- riasiu", with its b;Irs and 'I. ing allhc bull in und I king up can The School has advertised 101 you gaugeiieawesomcheighr. a manager of the cenire. This The is Ihe full size meIball court will allow maximuni uqe of the and. un the same area. markings for facilities by the school and Ihe on baskeiball. Iwo volleyball. and wider community. curbadminion courts. Thesearesiiu- Finishing dare is October this aled on a special shock-absorbing year but Ihe "Grand O enin"" is wooden seenoned floor. This floor planned for the 1201h anniver will need eighi weeks to cue after sary of Ihe School on Founda completion. Overlooking this areaisa lion Day. Wednesday March 15. multi-purpose mezzanine level. 1995.

PI, o108r"plus: 10th, I Rowel

Biology student an international success Mitelle Muirhaad one whiten and one practical or four lion and Ihen troveIled 10 Vanls. Bul-

complicated. fully describediias "in

hours each. Over 100 counties aliend

garia forthe Olympiad from 31091uly. lens ". FiveGmmmargirls werecho- "There was a very higli level of sen to sir the initial aleciio" exaim competition. bui it was also very re- nation. From theresults only sixteen

Amy Wanen. year 12. recently Ihe Olympiad. This year was the fifth represented Austinlia in Ihe sixih compeliiion to dale. Austinlia has at annual mremaiional Biology 01ym piadin Bulgaria. Amywas placed 28 of over 100 students from alloverihe world. earning a bronze medal. The AUSiralian learn fared well coming firs, of the Western naiions joined linedIrerharnnremb". animm tended Ihree. achieving its best resuli of secondin 1993 Four biology $1udenis. chasen from

warding. " anysaidofherexperiences in Bulgaria. "11was a really good expe nence to see people from all over the

$1udenis from Ihe whole of Australia were seiecied to aliend a biology campinCanberra. Besides anyWar rein. Girls' Grammar had two other 51udenrs in this releci goup : Dena The chosen sixteen sundied for then nailhreeseleciionemrntnaiions TwoofihesewerecompleiedinCan.

fungirout Australia. rele screened 10 world who wereinteresiedin the same aneixithisyear'solunipiad. fully Wanen things I was. " bythey : Kale Beramschi of Fumble very intense. ... lieameda icy not only Ladies COMegeand DenimMomny arxi aboutbiology. but alsoabou, howoiher Sledien Rose mom BarkrCo"c#. people live. " she said.

"Although the compeliiion was Dillon and Margaret Robin.

Ihai competed. Russia was placed firsr OWNll. with China second and host nation. Bulgaria. third The international biology coin rention involves Iwo examinations

The AUSimlian learn left for Vi-

The releciion process for the AUS- berm. with the final one at school at

enna on June 25 for a week of prepara- tmlian team was extremely long and the end of Ierm one

Pagel GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term 3199

School- News

Constitutional Convention - a vote for the future Claire Valkhofj ringahi\, d Ihe candidale<. Org:lita- & Natasha Stiriing VC"I 11 51ud*ni* Michelle Hnr\ey On the 21st of July. Bitsbaiie Ale- I. . s ' : ' ' - . 1< a

Fashion, eostume and fantasy

Franki Richardson

Thi\ yeJi uut oI Ihe ni, 51 slit ce*\till e\*"1< o11 Ih, SLh, o1 cal eiidnr 11ns b*. 11 Ih, YCJi' TV'*I\ e Fnshinn Par;Idc. Exp, nly organ. Breip, h1.111e F"\hiuii Fur""c tvn\ heldiiiih, 5.11u, landiiuri"111.1n tilt 14/11 and 15th ,I Iun, and raised ,\ er $4500 011,0111i. 1110 '11/11/10ri"111 1.1 lure\ o1'1hi\ e\iru\"""111.1i\111"I \,. niiiiiy 1.11hc VC"r I\\, 11'* eruup CC\\ ,, I 111* c\ *"I. mall} ill decid^ Dni'n*y .I\ back*1.3e 111, n"ger. d"all willI



I'"promni"lit" for Ih" Q"""rigland N;limiti 51,111ng aliende, inc con




tilt, -{




~,~, t

c InICc\ ;incl tnn\Idcriiig \INecli, \ de. '11/1,11,111\ jind r, \pull\Ibiliii. .. ", ling :inU Cl"Ir. V, Ikj 11 ~ iruP n 1.11 in lit pr. ,_



lie Bill, 11 Riglii\. F"Lli ,IT inc 1.11r 11rn, ,IAu\I'lli"11, .d*d" BillorR 21 h

\ind, ni\ \, h, I panicip, led 91/11ed a Sitni W"ISOn \\'"\ jilt I d



I'll \y\it niliigii\. nim*111. This In, jin- filly 1110"\"lid VC"r\ willI lineir uw

Sarah Peel. Bennda Watson and Chire Brownsworth model

Cnr"lint ETCipnliln\ M. C. All "in*

n"IT F, lurid"11. ,11. ,wiied A. iruc ciii, *nthi inI lie* a


kli 0,11c * coniinu*"* SLIPpuri \indent b, J\ \\an Iypili, d hv ills Unuriii, u\ tnnirih"11.11 in 111e \11c ce*s oilhi\ UV, ni. nilerin" turnp, ,I mudellcd .;litred fur nil *I\IC* "rid I"hit\. Shop* 511. h us Snow Bit look Iheir PI"c, ai, 113*ide Pitrucci. T" foie Eighi nild Brid"\ and L"ce Cl. ir, Brown


u young PCOple on 1.01iiic, 11\sues. The idea Ihai in dineiious o re




in\ Cumiiiuiioii and Fedemiion. fomniforsiud*nidi*cu\*ion andhel d

tirecially Mi


IU\I I. ,r 1:1ric!\ Cii\ Cn\lullie 111r, 1.1. ,\Id*u till in I\ 1.1"gills 11,111


Bird rind it gurill,

Tile ATi DenJriiiicni "I\. nil Iuic, I \\'1111 \IUU, nth 1110d*ill"g Ih, Ir ,".'11 it\1:1c d**i, "\ Tinc\* c\ Ile"1.1y miltiful "lid .\!in\ ",."I ci't"lion\ drc\, all enihu*i. I*lit it *p, n\e iruiii line "udi. rice "E\. eiyihing Iv",. \, proi',\

Rebecca Hannon &

Drug use decrea. e* your "w"re

Claire Valkhoff ne\*. incre, ,e*yourvulnerabiliiy. Y, u

peer\. milliiy and friends :111, "v,

Emma RDSs and ISObel Royston dressed by T W

Police Force cam. to Girl. ' Groinmar 511nwed lite 51udeiiis a salnple of man

gind, Iwel\. e* ill " dirt, re"I 1:3hi.

The sweet smell of success

Dry"in\:111.1i. Ih, c, -. rdinaiur from Ihe

Paul Bennett

as riboriion. sewaliiy. abuse and drugs. was an individual's POWei to sa rin.

like 10 coinplcie a \,, ek of w, rk CAN fitr Deniiis Mann\\e. Ih, 11usi c"

Their i'sl: \,\ in d*\clop a rimre

deposiiion at LLiggag, PCIni

coniiecied wiih drug use. safely Ihreaieiied. it's like Inc T'sliiri

leeii"g" girl*. h \,."* ino511y an ;111 rimle

"A1 firsi glance ithe i'sk ap, enred

111rough Ihe Drug Mist"\c ACi. nil, n siCnis nom seijin" tit;Irper. on al

Council. Tcani. of 11\ e \',, r 11 Flu

e\PI"ciic, \\'"\ ."lull, w it v. I\, t:Ie or

ICpi on irisL. " L. lid A1*\.

C, n\I"bit Rolle e\plain*d in Ihe ., 11,112 drugs. jilt h*\ILLn} tollelpili"!

D, Lc"c\. All\, Kcr. it. ,11. A1, \

Ih, h=nthi\ ,I runt 111"11.14'rutnl .ind

Ilit Srii, ,I 1.1u", 111* prt, "1111. .. I

"\\ * LLC, * juju 111.1 bv FriJJ>, I\ *

re\uliiiigc*. 1.11reli. Ibiiii;1/1/'11prugi;InI\. 111.1\, 11.11Lingiiiinil*, rinlic. ."Id, 111. r^ On*, 11hciit:unr tnnccin\ C, in\1:1- All norir\ : 0110

bit Rnlf* puini. d .,"I to 111* .Iud, ni*

Kith litlp Line I Soil, 173 link

F1C\Cni. 111.1:I lit ni. nib. r. .11' 111, h. , ~I

1,113.1.1*.. 1.11J ith, 11 *kill\ nilJ it. .11N

I. willI, 11\ 1,111"I, '111.

Page2 GRAMMAR GAZETTE. 'Term 41993


Seho@I News

An experience of Global Edueation

Students involved in real scientific research

won awards in a*"d upon 111eii' re*earth srii. , re. ,"relii, 111eir"" *nil\*iuiielec- \111Uli, lis 11r ton Lull"11ci, * hiltli .I* Ien Ii\ed by Ih* classrooni *eiiiiig. in- SCIPLAN. Se;I \Vu, Irl. :lid AGEN. deed. in 1993 Jimiiibcr of snide:lis Pro^Ci* rilli"e Ir, till 11\PCI\*I, cii\ raising oilhe run, mirince ceiling, I-

ian Stuart

\11y presenicd .in enacimeni tit Ihe SI, CLIii"rkei. with Ihe in\OILenient nf

Rebecca Hannon

Sri"rice education has a nanie for b"ing siruclurcd and form"I. in

Earlicr Ihi\ ye, Ir Ih* year I I ECU- line \Iudeni*. ProrC\, nr A\hlev

\. ro c\, nr \ ey reality. the spirit or sci"nlilic ""- intoI\cuntiii"ridih. Ir, .hie\* ..* G"Id\\L, 1,111yinirruluccdihi*pre:*eiii. , dentnui. is more r"Iai, d to ridTen- describedb '11 ' . ' \ *' " lion by 111e \indcnis. fur". where curiosity andima"inn- .I I, rlinrv 1.1' 'I ' Mr. 0.1U\\,, nhy 1:11er initiviuceJ lion ar" the primnr^ runtivators

1,011 MILT. I*cult, e\;1111/11;111,111 .. Id. 1111-

nunii. * kindcni\ Trolli Bn*bane Girl*' CT"miniir SLIT. inI aliendcd the 1994 Ginh"I Educ. !!, n S*minar ,. r, "111. ed by Ih. A\\, Kiini, 111 1111cm"Ii. Innl* dc\

.ECU itn*11c*

E. R. P. i* *cli*Julc, 111r. ,1/31/'11i inc

ERP. us :11\0 '\\"Ik e\iteriene, " re"r. Includiiig it nil "rid 11.1id"\ 11/11,

Ihe \peti"I glicki - in Ierii"lion;11 b:\I

Tins is wily tile E\permitni"I Re- SearCl, Projectis SUclinn inTPOriant

,11he 111u\I \"111"hle 1.1nJ. .111u\tin, $1Ude:11< 10 pre Lie\v PI*\Ible cnreer

hilt\I pro!Cti\ \I"c h*Id. I\*rill, IC^ t, "I Jun, Jii1} 111.1id. I\\. will1,111*11 "

Findi"111\ cm SLicnc, \ ECUiiuinique\ ei *tiling auili, .r. Bryce Cn"rien:Iy Giniiii*r. I"IC\ A. I. E. S. E. C i\ "11 in Bry, . C, .uricn;Iy 11n\ " \L. eJlili or I'm. 111,111.11*reamiviiuii, 11'businc\* rind e\1,111, lit* in bu\inc*\. He I. "\ jilt CIUd, d \IN. Ik*r. \, 1.11 us W"yne GOL\. :IJ\, in\inn hamr. reliniigiu \\ rii, full Tit. \*11,111;IT \,;I\ 11.1d an inc Ciiy ;I bc\I*eller and hi\ in IC\I hit, k. April Hit!!,"I Ihc 26th ulJulv. Ir, inI'D0". 111. fullLp, !y. it b*in" d, .crib*d an 111* uiiii1,30n. in. The \111d*111\ironicirl<' best vet. B ite , R, ILL D, In 1.1~ .111J Drycc C, Iuri*nily Unit. Hi. 11n\ el. L^us. I\. I* .Lniii, Init. \111d*111*. Tlii\ *eniin. Ir in-


'11/11cc, .. 1:1d*cd. willc stud*ni\ 11:11e \131,111t;in: 11uiiib*I. relij"111 to b, Unit*

E. R P. " a *cli*jilt \\. lier*by rimii- ,,, rinrni, d. ind '11/1,11.1L, "11.1tdih*11 LTe;jiltc direci, r ur G*,, Is* Panic, rin \"I'd allid capable \ e"r\ 10 in 12 \1:1- curver prel', Nike in " rc*rill 111 111, i,

1111/1* Sepicnih*I hind. I\*

O":*I'lldi"g pnu, ci\ \\ill b, .,-

dents p"nitip;11. in .cicniific ICL, arcli

DJriicip. 11i":I. Thc nitptrluiiil\ ill\" .11- IC, !ed I'., r c"Ir\ 1111, ~Licii, , Lniit, *IF

Under 111* sureni"rin nipr, .11,111g \ci- in\ \ \111d, 111* to 111"k, c*nuti willI

11.11* *lit h .:* inc B. H. P .\\\. lad*. I 11.

enlist* un J \t'jut rinse Orcn*inc*ling. billingic;11 und nieJi, "I litld\. Tileir

Null!* who inJ> \\, 11 lielp nitiiiin 111e SLie:"c F. ICUli\' it *I*u *\;iruiniiig 111t 3.1iiiCdUn-SL, Ing \ Jcn!1.11ei"ploynieni Ihc b. I\I* "I 1111ui, .Indc:11/11, ,p, nutni rumr, . F. ,r e\;Imple. ., 11c \111d*111 h, \ p, **Ibiliiy 111.1i *uCl, pro^C!* culll" b,

best yet. Byite Ci. uriciiny is .1150 a re\e"rch it real r"Ih, rill"11 hilliul"I'd

Chillim"r and I'antiu\ uiher Bri. balle \. hulll\ an\*ciiiblcdin Ihe I'min "udiin-

\Uuslii-aller 1110/1\'ajiun. 11 \re. k, r

and dui'ing lineirin\ ul\'eni, ni \111"eiii\ in 111e labL. r. 11.1rv in \\. hicli sitc \v"\

"**ismii*"I\ \\'111.1i \tnnl, b* 4111. ;I\- pJci '11/11, a*\CF*ni, n! PI, ,nini it, spini '11/1c pro^Ci 1< IhJi or

Mr C. "tien"y \"ke un Ihe tripic 1111cr"ci \viih tieniinc 1/1

1093 *J\v I\v*niy \tar I I ;111u1 12

Ing cuminiiie, Prt\Ideni. Kerry-Amie jujure alld 1,110 wing drean, s. in Ih*r

owing rcan, s. in I CF pie wiih the Iheorc!ICJl bn\i\ It I 111.1i' 51udeiil* piaL eU in \ rin, u\ I 'inn . ^ I . . I . '* ' ' . . ' .. 11nn colllurmiiig to 111e e\petitd. Lire Innic and. finally. \unie " .cieniitic genreliin\!11uii, 115 Tii, I .db. F1 ' ' ' "' ' i* 1110re Innnjusi wariiing dcgret< alld rcpnn to cuminunica!* Ihcir e\perl- halli SIudeiii* :ind \u rv'.' = . - . ' 1,150t nionev. - . in ' -' , In, 1110 *clericc "nullic inienii, ills i,

Tanylur. who ih*limit, diiced lhc kin*- Ier of Cer*1110ni*\. Tmcy Spirei The fir\I *panker 111r 111e day war wayiie Gust. L. L. B. . M. LA. . Premier orQue, n\land. Mr. Go, 5500ke orA*in and hayund - Queerslai:d'* global Iu. lure - and 101d the *Iudeii!s 1101 to be

encc* and findin. < to nib*r ,Iudeiiis

lisi\ was \ ery Do\ill\.. Duniig 199-1. ,\1.11d Ihe Drugin", inIu nest yenr. Ihc prosnii"hasheene\itridedio ncarly All rippc"I I\ innd* 10 scientific filly 51ude"is of \. ar* 11 alld 12 111,111ber. nt 111e *chuol fulliily The Surervisors railse ironiprofes*, r\ Innj. niy. ,f*I"demi* cliuse"restiences to nicdical dormr* in Jn *qu"11y Im- ;1<1h*ITniaj"Titre:Innnieresi. Nihongli pressive rollse01"cademicin, lituiiun. Ih, \choul tv;I\ ablc to place nearly Th. se Include Ihe Uni\ersii\, uf Ihiriy *Iudeni*in limb field. Inure open-

He \poke or life 510ries and e\pee- 111eir ICacliers and suite rutsing tien milon*. ' i'slS

Lire is about lite way you see yourself. 11< about ihe power in you

Thus. Ih, Inniiipurpyse DIE. RF. 15 10 capiure 51udeiiiimnginaiinn. The e\- p, hellce so fartsihai sucliinvulvemenl

"gloomy or pes, jinkiic. bui 10 rccog- Life's notabouthavin"1111ngs. ii'sriboui

n, ze Queen dand and Austinlia Is in a

doing Ihings. Life is aJoumey; il's nol allhe leadin" edge of cuntnl scieniihc Mr. Courien"y spoke o111is child- and pro\. ides an environiiicni whicli hood. CSpecinlly o11he innuence of ills encourages 111.1r creaiiviiy

prime pn\111nn to capaialize. .. 700 a desiinaiinn ~

Testarelifii" 51udeniinieit*Iin science Queensl"rid. Grimili Universiiv. ings would be anpreciai*d 10r 1995 Enqiiirie. and tintr$ call he direciedio 1.11 Sinnri in 111e SLiciic* F, cullv allh, Qucensland University of itcli"o10gy. Queensland IngiiiL:IC or Medical Re Recognition of the support of the Westpac bank A second heneh! or E. R. P. i< 111, scareli. as well us privnie research ill- 5,110nl

mallul""unng flunk arc SIIcccdi"gill busine, * in Ihe rt. ,\*iun. This is be-

ca"\. Iheyliad Ihc will:Ind delenninn- Grandlailier

lion. and skillto compele and succeed

"My Grindpa used to telline 111.1 ii I wariied 10 he coine a good auihor my sinnes n"ded two Ihin"s .. all 510 Ties. to be guml. need a bclly full o1 laughs. and a buck, irullofie"rs. And inni i* wli"I I used wheii \vriiing Ih,

in As, "

Mr Coss Ihen inladuced the sec- und speaker. RDSS Daniel. . B. A. . B




Roqs Daniels. Pretideni of Am-

ne\Iy InIem"lional. spoke ribn"I 11u- EQVe^-" rimn rigli:, a* alli"diLidual\r"ponsi- Mr Conriei, "y challenged Ihe au biliiy. Mr. D;in leib urico\'ered $0nie of thence. He said. "we needioconieiace 111e myIhs or human rights. and howlo 10 face with Ihe realities of our planeiif deal wiih sueli issues us disctimina- Ihere is any IIOPe for cliaiigc. .. Huinnn lion. Mr. DanielsluldUie audienceihal righis violations happen hencuse pen over 200 million cliildren are unem- pie like you and I don'I do enougli. " ployed. underpaid or are involved in Air Courtenay capiivaied and iru child labour. tle also 101d us Ihai rip- pressed Ihe $1udenis with hi, rid\, ice for provim. liely 780 rinllinn penplc are Ihejujure. "You can'15ucceed will10ni undemourished. andmnnynfus dunoi failure. . in lire. you're Huin" to rail how how we can help. you're going in make misiake> " This Bullies1.1edhi\ care plannlywlien did 1101 sound depr*




$ .*







\*\ .\

'. 41;^.* ^














Chairman of Ihe Board of Trustees. Dr Macee Grassie. and Head Girls. ISObel ADyston and Angela WITSon. I'llh Wespac representatives. Peter Wagner and Kern, Flint.

I\11 " Girl* Gr"11,111"r

1.1 lureiiii. \, lint 111r runny 5.1"1.11 ;In" .juju, * gr. .!ip\. h I\ ;11.11 pui 1.1

Angela VJilson

we*ip. it 11n* Jin"I'd " 1.11.11 o1

On Triesday 26 April. " V. I. P. $25 0011 in 111* R"*I, Rillun "lid nilild- 11\c us " c. I\11.1 ,IJ\~r*unj ;111, "ul'- niOrniiiglea \,"511eldi" eoniine"In- Ing APPCJl, ,\crlh*1.1\in\ c } *. 1,111,111 lit, " 111r 11N Grilliiiii. 11 G. IAIlc ranic line latest in a heric* orgy^n"r- ing". Till\ 11:1\ dull. iru in n\ * .inn ". 11 Ti\, I I, .Ir *I"hi ,!.:..*. 11.1\, it uusd"naniiun*Innd"by 111" Whipnt 111.1"lintiii\ ., 135 mill ,., tii L"11/1\ 1111J, ,1.11. ,11 J ~,*i. 11 .I, \\~ Bank to 111" Scli""I \\',*Init IIJ. hitn jilt h"111.11. ,, L"IT IL"1.1riinii 1.11 111, Ajii. "., n nil"- Pre\, 111 :11 Ih, '11/1mi". it" \\. rc h. .' Gill. ' Gr;!11/11/'11 *iru, 111, Scli. ", I' ~ 1.1r*\I. An, r. 111.1i"Ingili* "Alit. 1/11. 111e Printip. 11. Nil \ 11.11L, ,LL. Di' Inc. pii. 11 in I*75. Tlii\ In*111"11.1n 11.1\ 111. :11 ':\, u!11 Suniinii" 111, \111d. ' I* A1JLi"c CT. ,*. It. inc C!1:11rni. in ItIh" ,cii*iru. I\ pi, ,Lid*d 11n"liti. 11 *11nj*tri 1.1"nitU" 11, *, h. ". 11.1 litj*111. n 111, Bu:iru 1.1' Tni. .ice*. lit 1.1*,. I girl*. 1.1 111.1n\ ill 111, .1.11\ 111c*,. I 111* S, him I ;I'M, n, .* ., linti, ,*. I~ in it 11.11 I\. Ithl R, ,,\I, .11 alld An 3.1. : \\11,111. \lith it\ jilt' pi!rLli. it ,, I '11/11pj:1.1\ Ih, > 11.1d It. 11n*, Tli. ' \\',*ip. IL .111J I\q. , \\. Lip. 1.1. pro. C"!Jilt *\. Mr In ,c. .. gill", n .., 1111\ .*11,111"c, nil. ni\ \\ *r* runi, " illi, , , c. ,1,111,111 PCI, r \\*girl ;111d Air 11, in F1ini \unjh, F1. I\'. U 11", 111\ 111 ill. 11, \111 relUi^ ,11*F1. I\ ul n, *ich. 111.1bi1*\. 11 ;!11. - 11 \\ "\ hlr \\';IFn, r'\ 1.1\I ., inLiJi hi. 11cd .ind c \,. lid, J libr, 11\ \Ick ., in - 111,111,11 d1, '11/1. ,. 111u*it. 111d J *it lullLii, .n it. jin cii:PI. I\ c* 111\\'... init .I'll\ 11,111, ed 111e \\'**:p. IC R*.!. in:: ci"11\ d. *i, .11, .I'm^1,111*I In. r. inI Bulll; "*mr. hi* r*lireiii, "I Mr R~link \\hen inc Iudiili A. H:111c, ILL Sun, un It, ,111 in hilluii, ,n\ 11L, \V. ISIier. Miltili"* " d"ughi*r 111 y, .IT Cniniiiunic. 1:1. tii* Centr, \\"* It Nil*d \\c\ip"c "11.1bic Ih, Scli. ,,'11/1 ni- '13/11. \*;I\ t's*r 111.1i hi\ chiny-hi\ ill July. 1992 \jut Up, ,-d. I* 1.1^^1111, \ 1.1rii\ \111 ye"r caretr \\. 1111 \VC*ip"c \hnuld tin- filet rerun* mownr, *1.11C. !\ " ". pu - d*111\

Hannon. (Year 111

Pages GRAMMAR GAZETTE. Term 31994

Editorial-- Coin:merit

Letter to




individuality Strikes

Ag:11n. alla\I. it * F"\111,111im, Tile P. 1.1d* I\ in Ihc .11, And allihei"Ik ", I"cl, Ihc\I'm nappily piJiiiiiii. 10 \\e"r Bui bathi'e 111L^in. eskinii was F"\11/11" Alld tickeis weren 'I eLeii o11 h"rid Cluilics \v, re Ihe d, minani p. itsi, 11 YearTwel\e\ \VCr*inlaidng a \I"rid Cried 5,111e. "We are leg"11y artuli! And unitonns slimply \Loll'I do: To our digniiyihey are anim*ul! And make us look school"1/1/'11 10n!" "we're 11,100 grownup for resincLinn Our self-hood and prid* it dellieaiis: Away wiih all sclioolcloihes resinciinn - Wed nther wear nannies andjenns. " And so tiley proclaimed tileii' n. IL. siniu\- Officialdom sanc!1011cd Iheii' bids kill0 011,110\\. dare to bel, IC us We'll dress like up-markci sireci kid\ Th, Lone Haranguer

un an un. 11*"cling Fi, ,,,,"' I''j'F Andiius *o t'syi. mrs. I. in bieri pirit keeps the



innmaleencounier. Killerandkijj, d ' e y UpayiiSs are o1 . en prey colic cynics who

c h I c ^s^O 2-0 0 a. .-v\

.- ,.


I, *



o o


00 \--

^\^ * 4. '^;. ,. Q ..\\




in\I us Ih, re aciiun\ Indic:11c 111c \Iudcni. ' rec, grillioii, ICHIiini"r' \ up portuniiie*. tiletl:nullew"rd\ <1ud*111\ Ibrih*ir \kill by. itw"rdi:Igpock, I. . 11i* Ibis inuiu;11re*reciiliaicr, "re

Prefects - What for?

Thc debate over wheiher \cliool* \houldli"ve a prefeci body I* rini one Ihaian, es verynheii. But WITeiiiid, *\. " prodLices strung "rid wide-rungin"

1101ied. buirailier. iii* 111e pref*CIS' loft. Ihni needs den:Iiii. ". ni. ^., I, ora pre foci body \ho"Id n, \er be \innna"I. foul \huuld e\o11c \viihih, tnniigiiigiieed. or 111e Scliool The irudiiinn"I view or

Mr and Mrs Hancock' s long distance Getsbrati'on

Letters to the Editor and other contributions

differeiicc\ of up inilln

Girl\' Groinin"I ha\ had " prefer I 111* preferI us a "bully" i\ uLiidai*d h i\

\y\I'm killce 1916. 0\I'm*ihlyio pro

11nie. rin\\. to dcfin, how best Ihe ren -

duct a group of \IUUcni\ who wnuld Ice\ urn prefcci bady can b, . uiili\, d

"ccepi 111e r*\"usibiiiii"\ or Ie;Id*r- \hip tillh* school. Indeed. Ihe \vurdi"g uf Ihe pfcTeci*' pledge calls for " prt-

in addiiinn. 11:1prefeci*y\Iem pm^ duce\ c\eii 1111ny ,Iudeni\ willlitad, ,

chip quailiie* in Ore"ni\e and Unify a Wheiher 111i, inv, I\enie", is illspircd foci 10 'tonsci, :1110u\Iy honour Ihe group tit neople WCCe, 51ully. " it a by a reuiiioii. or simply inc incl inn! tnnul. up1101dii* spini. Indiii, lib and Con*irucii\ e \y*teniaiid d, ,er\,*10 h! liteyare now SEndingiheirown d"us11 11igh \landardq", in din "encourage o1h- encouraged 11 could be saidiliaiihisis Ier* 10 Grami""r. all agr*e 111.1ihi\ is 10 lake prtdc in uur >clinol". In a fomi of eliiism and. innieirue sense ei\ a wonderful OPPorlunily 10 calcli lip real Ierin, . however. this is some\vhai Or Ihe word. it is. However. Ihis 15 11.1 willI friends and r*nitmher Iheir hi"11 vague as an objeciive Ihai a pr, foci necessarily a bad thing school years body can seijiself to achieve within a The musi positive outcome 111.1 Thecreaiion cribe Friends orcirl> year. Anditisimponantio askwhajdo could arise from recugnisin" Ihe Groin prefecl* achieve? achievements and desirable qualities of Ih d I f " The popular viewis that prefecis among a group of higlily capable gin- cation cation Ihai people f"I Inwards Ihis coils"Iul* a viial part of Ihe erucieni dents is Ihal Ihis would inspire and school and sinooUi running of Ihe School. moilvaie o1her sindenis 10 developilie How could anyone doubt 111e Their nthcial duiies and funciions are same qualities. Tradiiion and hniiuur sirensih of loyalIy Ihairs hasiuwed on fundamenlal to Ihe School's organisa- are. quite rinlumlly. pan of 111e allmc- B. G. G. S. ?Everincreasin"nuntlrersof non Ensuring that unifomis are worn non of being a prefect irisihedesirein peopleare be cowing involved with Ihe correctly. monitoring the appearance be seen as someihing special. home- school. and we can only guest what!11c and cleanliness oilhe Schoolgrounds. nung "more". his to be noned Ih, I. In future h to . \V' h '- 5Upervising contei behaviour among des, ring this. a 51udeni will belnspired iansin" Ih h Ihe students' and selling a positive ex. 10 become someihing more. Cmnnnar. Ih c ' ample for Ihe resiofihe Scliooj-Ihese The deba!e aboul prefects 15 noi a school '11 ' are all seen us jinjrormnt dull. s of a question of housekeeping and dune*. 11 All we ed I d ' prefecl. However. it could be argued 15 nol" queslion of runeiiun. it is riboui dents arc encoumged to do tileir best Ihai Ihe House sysiem could very eas. leadership. Bui the denniiinn of lead- and congmiulaied fortheir efforts ily absorb Ihese duties. ribviaiing Ihe erghip in the School context is ever As Ihe eve of the aihleiics nears need for prefecis at all. it Ihe only cli"riging. What inigli! be an errec!ive we need 11 e s h I d I conlnbulion to Ihe School tnni a pre- system now. may rinibe so in Ien years Once Ih'. focimnkes is housekeeping and colic. lime. Allwe can hope fortsio develop jujure d s '11 be * ing. wliy have them? a project body that is highly ridapmble ith " seems that it is rini Ihe value of rindsensiiive to Uieiieeds oilhe School having pierceis Ihat should be ques- nthis. rifler all. \un"11hey are Ihere for. Allson Meek^^ . Year if

Th**e kilnuld b* \ubi:tilled 10 Kn*line COOLL Libra, Pits3i 1300 ^

An'eies and leiiers- on coinpuier disc PIioios- with name and contact I:risiine Cooke Ph: 831 1300 Fat: 832 1483

Editorial Cornmittee

Ediiors: Sub-milors/ Sport. Sub^Milors/ Arts: Sub-Ediiors!realures Sub-Ediiors/School News Uluslmlor Staff Cullsuli"nis:

Kale Eltham and An"el" \Vilsoii 1111i"" Large and A1ison Li!lie Sopli, e Binckleb"nk alld BClinda Waison Franki Richard, on Benie Hellen and Emma Walkins Mirinda Young* Paul Benneii and Kri'51i"e Cooke

Brisbane Girls' Groinmar School, BCGS! exiends us thanksio adve, lisers for their guppyri. The adveriisemeiiis "re published in 800.1 milli anrid on 111e undersinndi, is Ih"I 111e conienis are Ie"iiimaie and lawful. BCGS dues rini waitJni Ihe quality of Ihe goods and services offered by Jdv*rusers and encoumges readcr, to niakc 111eir own enquiries us to Ih, suiiabiliiy of 111e goods and scrv, ces.

Page4 GRAMMAR GAZETTEjTerm 41993

~.. .... . . .., ~ .. ., '"^AV^"*"';^^I; The topic for You^ SAY $3. this issue :


.. ^ ,, . ,,; *,~ <.' _^ ' : ,, .*? Don't write off year 12 film 50 years later? A1an A. Dale it\elh, \ gull:1101hc \pini, "fibing<. ' . Ihey 'reinrdy .111d Ih ' - . ' ' ' ' ' ' '" ' ' ' "" " 111 Ihe 1994 ACJd, ,,, .\,,, u . . ,- G * ' * ' } it 11 I '01/1* kiii, of bJn, ,\\ ,, The spirit of year twelves How relevant is a Hojoeaust Features .. F

"Iilie' tillI\Incmher*. 5,111Ye"r12hn* Jre mienjed in differ*, 11 ,,,,. . .rh. ' ' it """ ''""""" "'e h, ITyillS IU Cl". n, Idi\. 11nii"rin. ur1',, 11n"\ rib, uj n , . . . ..,

h"\Iy 1111Udgiiig Ihe bunk by ii* cn\CT . . . ''re"S story to e\Oke a him rig. erun- \\.;1,111i, ,11r"cjjj, *. wjjjj, lite *1, ,j . . .- ' * I'

I - .. ',"lille. a. .:d*1111C. ""d In usICal. nie s j, ,, , , ' i" ' ' In* , tnn;;:I Bullni 1110*eI\11, .*1111nd* "r, ,lit, -

an nln\I \UCCe\

h, I\ Ihe polenli;11 in dn even belle, . . . C\reri, nullg 111,111 fin, himd. 3.11eniii, 11 \\h, I 11nd him b"rii *Inc. b d '

' ' 'Iy y- inc U ~ nitni ~r\. This I\ rini nieUkunihle by 1, ,,,,,,,, ti, , ,1 I. . ' *' ' ' '''' *, r\ *\ .in Intrnri"ni pulpn<,. E\ , , ...

"' feellh;lithe \PIriiulilii*yearha\ . . . 'nc Hui*:ami Qu!it Uricn I h"\ * he'll *"inc brJiicli. 111h*"rill, .11. ,rec*. fishi- Ihe IL. IT and Ih H .; '; * " '.-.,' p : ' Ie\, I 11\ I\ "ONniin"r it " winning *. 1,001.11n den, , u~u k . . b * J' ' 'or *" ''"* Genn"11y. rind l, inh, I. 111.1d. 11, .1, ,...

t\Clied ;Ind lint e \pini bec"u\. Ih, y '11/11cjjjjjj" Ih"I ru, L, * ,, j, ., I , , , I "* ''''"'rib. rllle h1"11,111, - in 1971- Fh, ni IQ3; " 1945 jib, ui cj, 111 u;1111. hilljjujj, 11, \ . u h, , " . -

. . . . . . nth 11.1J b"*11 lite in *I tnnc, nir;111.1i 111* SS. \ Jrinn\ brJnclit*, I'M'hitli* ere \.;'11 . * o. 1 I . '*., ' ' c I. ' ' 'L. 11 * ranimarha< "Slop labClliiis us- and \L'e'11 ,,,,,, u - d d I . ' ' '"' re"'' *-"' 'hC ,, 1'111ch. 1/11\. tip"jin, ,, 11{,, 11, ,,, d ., I'mVC\ CT. lint 11.11"11:11:11eyc;Irjwej\, 1.1ri!- inking IrtqU*nily for direcii"n\. 111.1i 111e SS ironp* I\tic 11.1 unlv G, I- nJll . . , . ' '~ , . ; " ,' , . . TiltGciiii"in\weal\Ledli. Id:IPP:11,1111> ninth N, "rl .\a\ L " c ; .,. in. ., 11c\, r lid"rd o111 \VC rin"11\ 1.11nU 11 11:1d ciii/. 11. **I\ill, in Ih, SS. I ' I I \,'";, a . I , ;inera*kinsmanAiiitric;in"1'1nyb. I\e. fugu"\\ Bnjnn\. 111dAjjj, r -. I *. Ju*Idowniherond. it\V"*11np, ,*\ibl* E\'11/11, I\e G*rj: \ I .. .. ,. * I. .,. for I'm I* rini in know' Vilei'* it \\ us. N"71 Piiri\ 111,111h. , \\ , . , ' I ' ' Sillccili"., d"y* nilrvi"g 111bl. irk \"nly 111 1,111 ". It, "1'111 11 11 11 ' ' " ' ,uiihe p"\I. 111e Genji""* h. I\ c I"letiv 4.11hc P", 11.10n, 11.1* ,. lily I I I 11 ' = '!' I I a I I I ' ' .. 11n*kiltini\viihii. 1,111, ,\1,111ih;11 Ih*c\;, 111 I, 1104. . S I' U!. ' ' '" ''"' , . , . . qu. ni \1,110r\ ;Ire Curlii"n \tli, ul T, d. ,bu\Inc**Inc. rill""\.,, 11.11. alto ".. I, ; ' , ' \.; '. 11- . . . 31. .Un. C*rill. lustUd. *'. litp"*\illiiJi, it* J P. 11,111i*nib*I. All 11thlit \"r\^ 11 .. I, *' . ., ' *'.- :Ibn, 11 dcmitincy. und deleriiiiii, d IhJi ;1111. . inn 11nd in bet, inc P"11v ' ' , rutli * \ elm \. 11/11c\ "r " ""in IMPj, eii iji b, I * in I. ,, p lireir rib Fr ith ; b, t I , . I '' ~ " . ~*: their Litu"11\. Fni 111"I 1.11\un. 11N . *- 1937,11. *\ c:... IC", lit rimdi, , NIO . I t ' * .. ,. ., . ,, ' . I C. *t\ 111'111* N, ,-N"71 111.1\ cineiii :Ire 111e NSD\P. 011,011jj, till1. ,, I d , * ..' 2 ' . : .. - - ;I *uUrC" I" :!re"I "111h. Irr. 1,111,111 in ill Ihei, 1.1b d, .tripii, 11 ILL I. , 11/1/'11ii . . 'U. I I c . . , ' :*.' :: IhCiii. Unk, null"leiy. 111e}nrer. 1111, .,;!I 1111L. ill*". uc\ or \111d. nj. . dih. _:,"e ' " ' ; : ; "I'LLtokiiU\'\\11.11Ud, ,abu"111. L. 111 1,111i!IC\. \vh, . v, r*11.1\\11.1, I . - I* c '. . " ; I, \; BUl main\Iru. InI Gemiaii\ an it"\I it - CUIy in 1.1\, In '11/1/1* it"inIe nil\ d ,\ *: ' I . ' ' ' <:4 c, ill. e\, 11/11"* and. in 3.11er. 11. with in Imjinc. 11/11/'11he\ Jl! did 11th. ,1111uugh 0.1, ' ' c, . . ... '10/1,10riheircoui, Iry'\inn\I niniiydid. : H. ..\. * '* . ' ' , '. , .": One in"jui' cainly\I \\"\ Ihe TV 111\. niec;I*e\. Ih*qiic. 11.11\\\hicli I' * d* d ..; '. \ .; ,*;- , $;' .eri, \. ruts^. \nown litre in the ILL!"!!>I pro\ oked I'd 10 ,it, I , . . , d ,, b, . . ' ' '. ' ' '''' ' , . * ."' CallvI980\. and"bouifitcVC;iniai*r Ile. 11;11\willjin raniili. \. 11n\\e\'ei'. Inc tic I :,. : ' '- - .- . .' ill Cuminny. IL c"" \cd qui!c " rearii, 11 n\ troll clieci w;,\ n\iii\'c in 111ni 11 . ' I I I '. .*','-' \ 111Au, 11nli:landihere


Can't o1/1/15 mini-series I Allo\ cn enc-

gcnc. nf Nazism and antinpi* to re- ' ConiinUedpage 6

Page5 GRAMMAR GAZEFTE. Term 3199


' from page 5 Tli. killiii. * rumyed in Ihe film

Another Friendship Bridge to Laos?

''riiaClin Laos. us!, bl. I d . P Or . C even gel\est" a better lift: titsnn\^up to

' ~* lion and sh"is expected to de\'CIO

*\ '. I. t *f ' I ', *; .* * r ThemCSSigcforB. C. G. S. 51u.

'~'.,. '*_.. , , '.. . .

""*;"" ' $331 " '.::\ Granliliur rind Australia hilte


\'11/1el depicied. When Ihe Jew\ are nappyn to Ih*in. h, ing helded uru of Ihe giieii0. o11. file Subsequeni sceiie, 111he show

hymn, ,mm, .*, mm, ,, mm hymnal",*"."**,""",*,"*." e h a riott d ' This *cene illu*Iruje* Ihe CUI-e racks. 011e 511arcs tile SLliindler worn q UC\lion "\k, d \vh. 11 Iryjjjg to under_ *n '* ICrrOr. and 111eii 111eir ribsoluic re. . hymn, ,,,,,, hymnam, ., am hymn, *"*,*,",",,,",, pp u n I y o r e reativit -ry 111.1 ga\ c Ihe world Mumrj. \VliellierO*k"rScl:illdler"cijinijv Beellin\en. Girlli". uninld number\ I'med Un at Au. cliwiiz 10 g, I 111e ~""'^ 11 ;er\. ,lmji\ u cu Iujt. c, uju I Incn ,u o I * canip I* , Ji"blc. , t, ! .d I *, , I .. . . information booklets about the

bCen cuntbined to pre\ cni tnnfu\ion. It"CC as"In \ce Ih* road buili willI Ihe Girl\' Or;jininar Sciiooi. Bri*b, , .. ' it, ' "'

SLhii 11"rbr k ' ' ' ''' """ ^,,,, u, ,,,,, ,, ,,* ,, ' ' ' . ." 0. lopiC ideas Thcy Fould cullipare Ihc Lynd, ,y Basinrd. Air\ Kri. lineC, ,;:c. please send your

gold inclh was quit iru, ''' I\vu o1h, r Minilar wriier* e

1569e6: GRAMMAR:GAZETTE. -refill4', egg


Should animals suffer and die for human vanit ? ' ' ' ~ { - I . ' tint^:I* rimsl TeleVnn! issue for letnage girls. VCnj rimv, menj. and nave a produci I\. uld th\". h ' ' '

'~'. ' ~,!." ..- Liy orm, ,r". eruiiii*"rid, intrphy*I- '11/1/11:k"11. 'Ch. '!

1.1^ ' ' ' *". din*IeniLirecie*., revelih, liteendiT- dunc. incurii" laduc, dintb hue- , ,:" ' " ' .' ; " " "' FCrelll'inill\, tints"rut. PCcie\. Wiltii let:\mr"I\. Jnd, I I 'il, ILlll * 11 ' ':' " ' ,;.. . ..:: ~ eru"11nh, nil, ri** it cull\Ider*d. .ind lit!ion t. .., uld I'm* den cump1,1.1, 111r, r, I;\c . ' I d . - "' I " ' .**-,' ** ),'~ I .. I . I ' un 'in'""" """'C. Mary FitC LidihJinn niljnj:111e. 1111, .11n,

setsiun wii Ihe penec! Image 11n\ Ih. proces

he'll bin ed . y . C its Companies an * rimiie. ui alsu 11ide. us in ii\ seventy. allernajj\t* include conejaijn" daia. tile ninei. ,"Ih I ': 'th - ' prev" enct. failure\ia anjungleenage aboui \vliich Alliinal Libemiioii mein^ kilnwiins the Drnjzej*bj. I Ih . . " ' ' ' " ''''. Call 111ey rea<, 11 Nor. can Ih*,

School -'News

A look at the role of Head Girl

Hilton course open to BGGS students

, e boume based food wri!er studeni* will "PPIy rimny or Ihc sub

Mrs Hancock I Id A I. \v a Ways enjoy Ih, s. acii\iii** and feel . . r or secon ary \chuol Course will curtrsu. limpics as ni"km me inni we \v*re to be 111e Iwo Head we sinnc and. or course. mite!inn Hi\ Girls' Groinjjjnr schooljeanj Ed"C"." Social And En!eriainmeni dre - g I b . ' - . I . ' , I

lives IUT B sh .;..',..\::.."..'\,* '. . liredfromkeeping I .. .1.0rin'S e*. cei\e a coune handb. ok writien by this njeaii? This ' I^ "'~"' ~ ' ~ ~ ' "~ ' ., , ,, , ,

folded. lire, . ~ ,:*/., .,' -- I will 111.1i, ,jinie .- C Inaii. 11*,-c"11NluncliinVicjurj"'*.

S '.; I' qb. ..'. bui I hJ\ e he'll rinl ri y ill I e eye* u in. my cumnmie An\!Nil"n Fin"11.1"I R"\. jet\- 1111d Th, niner \Iuden!\ - on Ih. \imple\I I'vel. R, ,y. 11 Inglin, \*. Ihe Frillce or Wale". UUTnf trillg, neotih" H*ad Girl. lirej a lang" aLtOUlllanCy 11,111'* TCLciii in- b*, k* un r, \IJui, 111\ and g; I

g a on our c o0 are o Ien rcquire4 and 111e*e lake lime see also Little and Lange '' P'"' Do'n's' Course. Will inke nip"yineni Fur booking*. cullmcj: farlhis yearnreihe special funciionsio scliool funciiuns also have to be ai- rin'S Resinumn! at 111e Hillon \vhcr, 231,131. Enclose a che us to $65

Page7 GRAMMAR GAZETTE Term 3,994

Sch. oof - N-ews

A modern look at h is to ry

Japanese students learn to wear kimono *




*$*t*. * ,v, *:,' ',:;*.**.*. t*** ^ *^

Angela Wilson

10 doniinaie the lives or 111e Gemia"

Claire Valkhoff

acheriliisyenr. the B. G G. Slapa Hashinioio. eatenkinionn demon*iru lion 10 Japaiie*e 51ud. 111\ from \ altou* year levels Kiln. 11.1s Iheimdiiion"impane\e p, ri* - Ihe kini, rin i!self. wrapped wliichi*lied"roundilie \vaisiiu. CLIir* Ih, .n*, inblL nitre are inariv dintreni \Iylc. or he"hull\. Thi, * were worn in d*moil Finii, in: 111c conuii *111nincr I;in, tilln it"lied yuk, iai. nilc. I Litri\,"11cii\I\IC 1.1 \11nier. inId "n .1:11\, Nit \ilk 1:1^ 111,111t \uii:Ibl, fur J NCUdi"" Tilt ., bi c"11 h, lied ill nuni*nt"* \\. I}*. .111d Mr\ 11.1\hilliui. , U*In 1.11^ vin!ICU \ JIT, In\ \I\ick 111r Ih* .I"drill\ SIUd. nth h*C. 1111* 111, xi. 'I* 1.11 jinL dullii, 11\Ir. 111n". "I IIJd 1111 jut, lit \\ nulJ "* :.,. jighi. I tit"Id 11.1rJl\ b, c. 1111*! .,, Inni, ni, d 1111* nilkl*I Slitli di\pi:I}\it"d drill, 111\Ir. 111, n\ arc bet, ,1111n, 111.1r* tnniniuii ,1,111 ill. \ un inc Lingu".* DCDJriiii*111. in rin tin"t to 111"FC fortigii in"3.1.1st IC;ITii Ing a innr* crimpleie culliir"I e\, eri^

On ThuNja the 2151 jA 'I. he .. y . ' r. we ,, B '. b, . . . I Ie answer Ihis que*lion. lie showed C"mr"\ of Ihe Qiieeii;land Uiii\*I\iiy piciurcs alld film e\tern:, ironi Ih"I Hi\ID IG I 'G ''e 11,111eiliere, lily Tli. \t M, witm Hitinry Findeiii\ inn. *ithue< aimu! NJziG, rin"n h \. a\ruti\ "I jiltal*rn 111,101y by Iw. I well Spitlherg's film. "Scliiiidicr' * U I". '111.1, n "lid re\PIc!*Uni\1.11uii\: Briuii The \ecund ICciiir*. .. i\ en b t ,"11\ ;111eii, cJ 111, litiiire\. \nili* pati rind *freti or Ihe Or. ni W. ' hc I\\'.. 111\Iuri"n*. ;11/11/'11,111nu- 111* q uC\11:1:1\ ,, LAu *11Jli"'. In \ "I\ e- ""'. 1d. I I'h. r . - ' - . e 'J\inwiich:11c. h"I. I at ;Irc u\c" in \h. ", I\ all ;Inlulld rilld. Thi\ItL, urc\\. 1.1n\ I'll, ; d ,in, 111. ,Ir!rig1*, 111 111 \\11.11 111* it, initr furiun, lit to 11.1\ * bccn In \lit, I;I \Jid alld Ih, 1111":;CLIh"I h, Dr. **111, d Ihc I, ciur. *. 'rii, } r, I\ ., h, , \ .1,111 I, ,nil"ny "rid c\, 1.11"dint quc\- \11nuid b, and jilt \Iud, 111\ 1.11 \, iih 11/11/'11"11:1\\ v. ,\ jilt N"rj r'simc ;Ibl, " firc;11 deal to Ihin k "b, 1.11. Lights, camera, action !

\:.** ,- ,, ,,



In\, I

$.> * . ..... ?








.,,,...,*j}*:*11-.*\, *:\\;*;*:*:**'

Tile Cuminunicaiinii\ BILKk Iun

, , ..*;,,*,

gungc tenir* tveii realure* a kiicli*n Ineni. sinryboaiding and anim"null. 111e food or Ihe cnunirle* tvh, 1

\.-. '* ..-.^ "..-,,.,.....;,

Bonnie Shaw Film and tel, vision. all integral riv"d at B. C. G. S. 11 has minde its debut in the form of a mm cl, Ib. anal riflei. sch"o1 by stair members. 111 hilli Dr, xiuciiun. e\ alu"Iinii rind rip Fretinii, 11 :ind I'm\. d nipului' \, 1111 haulu ;IPPlyitiriileinb, "nip an\ " q!1.1" Th, club '11/1\I\I\ ,11hi*, gr. inn\. 11,111c fir*1,111,111,11.1ppreci"11.1n group. won. \"ticr*cli*". ni*,*11:1\*incliid*J Kirinhei. .

Photographs: Mrs Hashimoto demonstrating one obi technique and student models


. ,



. ,. 0 . .


10 bcc, me chiic"I'll"Iy*I\ o1,111"dinn, wliichli, \ " hugeiiinutnce minurli\c*

A1an Dale

011 Sunday' 14 August. Dr rifth, Board "rTrusi""s. orientd the A1. L. Dry"111 Sci"11c" Lab, - rel"Iy, 1,111" U. G. G. S. Nitinori"I Ouid"or Educaii"n Culllre at inIbiliiilhc pits"11cc of Ih"Frill tip"I. 111"rubers of nit Board or Triisi"CS. kinrr. purenis. 51.1d"11th ind ,Ii"rids tit Ihe School Tlie \\el!-ripp, 1111. d " rid equipp*Jiniror"lory. rini"\, Iu"blc "ddinu:I to 111* d, \ tinpiiieni, 1'1he 1111bil. is " ginotDrGnieiiie Dr\."in and raniily' in rcc"SIIiiiun .I 111e at"d*11nc ;IchieLciiieiii"ridili*con Iribuii, "I 111"del, inc Sth, ,, Ibvlii* BSC. 111,111\I. Gi rid. Dip. 1.1b. Sc. A. A. L. I. A. . "\ nilu\i. e. paltii:. rind toriiier *I"delli file inborni, Iy \L. ill incilii"it 111e \, aler re*ling pros, alli already undcr \\'.*' I\ilhiii 111e plugr""1.11 Inc ccnirc alld, "able "realci' nc\ ibitiiy "lid rung, in the acrid*1111c "tiltiii*., litred DJrkr, hint ^^till^ 11c\ are ill\, includ, d Tliel. ithnii, rv \v, I\ billl! undci 111* Pintiii\ illid Friend\ Billldin" 111d jilt Lainpiiig cquipinciii IIJ\ haul Inn\*d to cnclu. ed *I, rJ, e nild"rill* drilliiiinrv buildin" The uj, tiling o11h* 1.1b, In10n \\'"\ arrJnged 10 cum, IdL' \\"11 " '11/1ily On, :ID"F1i, \I'd b\ huff "I in, ,enii* Jnd Ihc mill*,' Group 1,111in"I wii, *c '11/1iri!in tm. ri* 111L hubil tnnipu\ w, uld 111.1 h"\. at11ie\ ed 11\ cuntnile\, 1.1dc\ *I^ up nitni Tlie \\callier Iv"\ 1111, .ind wurni ;ind Inc omani*all, 11 and taleiing *\cellcni Allngeili, r it wn* all twiny"blc and nienior, h!e landmark day in 111e hislory o11hc Scliool

in IC;1.11 "CinebuiT\" Ihe INr*""\I, c * \^

I. .' e PJ, C. ;t ***:*;;*.' film to eiii, r in Tilt Young Filli, hj"L, I, t** ~ ' . }', I* .".-..-

* *- ..***I' " I ' '~'**,,,,, , ...*-.

, , , ,.. . ;*" '*.\* -

All, cd HiichcutL.

o1 whoiii eruu} Ihe ,\ciiing und uricn "" " " " " " "n. '{ * * -I , .., ... , ,,..

Iiuii. Ihc Incmh*rh Lie\v kilnrt ruin*

various \neti"lentci* "ridiiniqueiecli nique* \viihiiiihc runi\.



... ... \

ducliun and PDF:-productinn work und 111eiii*elven^illilheieclinol, gy rimlni CTeaiion. filey are alto developin" bn

near fuiun:. . - .' I I. * ,'.


A festival of words



wr, ling in an enormous range or g"nres : short stories. romanc",

Rebecca Hannon

A full day or"Incrtainm"nt. fun now"15. biography anal aulobing and activilics - that is tile aimos. rapl, y. buslI ballads. srienc" fit PIiere at inc Brisbane wordl"51 lion and fantasy. Also cuter"d worksli"us was fittinn by y"ung adults. for rine Brisbane Wordresi work children. fur soaps. trimics. inc shops I*"re 11.1d at Girlq' Grammar slug" or stand-up cumcdv. A5 SchoolCniumunicaiiun\ C"nir". The PInng Investigative journal 1515 LIDikshops off"red inc marlinpai, is or Ih"q" amiin" in write for rock ascri"sorpr"1.55ionalwriling work- and y"uth cullure magazines silops. all run by successfully pub- tverc cater"d mr. Tl, ere tv"re also lish"d wriiers workshops to enrich your .,"rd Th"wordiest, vases tabiishedin power and 10 impro\e your 5101'v 1990. tilelnlemnlinnal VC"r of Lit- telling cmcy. to ccl"brat" the written and The tvorkshnps were ei!nor on re spykc" word. This activity aims to to two days in duration. dependin" d"VCInplheprofessi"nansm and pro on Ih" course; PCns, paper. muming miency of Queensland writers and and uricrnuon tens. lunches und an improve their comn, errial via binty infonmaiion package allprovid"d and opportunities for unipluynient The worl, shops were extremely in the Arts industry worthwhile. as they were both in The 1994 workshops included formative as we" us fun



I^^^ ,^^^, I^^. ^^ --- ^ ,!,, ^^", ;^^^37 -' 73@o

Page8 GRAMMAR GAZETTE. Term 41993


SiCh@01. "'^N:evil's

Debating victory ends successful season _,.,, Debaiing Crimpetiiion. Fur Brisbane Girls' Graminar. nit Teani coach. Emit nieniber Julie d*baling 511, ,o11 or 19,411"* been a Helmessey. said. "It's a in bute 10 the fir*I-rule EUCce**. file seasun ended, " girls' dedicaiioii 10 debaiiii . E\en a his1/1/01* \, jin a sinnning ,icioi\ by 1110ugh onlyiliree, fihem did the riml jilt Grade 81.11e"millihe Grand Final debaie. it war a leani effort of Ii\c un AugLi*1.2 individuals 111.1 made it succes\fu!." This preiiii, r*hip \\. inkihe firsiby Or Ihe nine leant, enier*d in the a EGG S. it"111 in a number, f year*. Q. Outhi*, e"

Five Frenchmen and I 000 Australian girls

Arithony Perez


On July 14th. 1994. williruuroiher rimleFreiichsiudenis. ismnedasininge In legraiion in Brisbane Girls' Gram niJr School First encounter. first impression: The girl* seemed to have been minre surprised 111"n vre were. in iaci. \VC inu\I 11.1 TLtrgei Ihni in Francc. Cmm^ mar SLIT, Ills are Inited and runhe, more we \ eruthe unly, lies not to \L. ear a vin001 11nifumi or*pile " strict appeal, lit, . \\'e were *,'11/11n ditto\crih"lint \cli, ,I rui*\ were nui reJlly differ, ni froni nun. \\'e e\en crime milliii1:111"line rib*"call;111\ relict\ ,, r guit\ c, ,111, Ib^ ui*it to " innrc in"lure bellJ\'iuur "lid 111,111ie gin* \, CT*Ihu\leditiknu\... h, w I. . lake Iheir re\p, In\Ibiliii, \. A. 1,111* w, ni by \VC c;line 1.1 jilt cunclu. l, nih;lien\bJiic Gill\' Grini 111.1r SL1!,,! I\ " 11thticiii \c!I, ,I \\111ch











F1'.', it'11 .'. t, hull*' ^111, *'"A ,', U, ,\' 111,11 "11.1' 5,111, hind "Drill. !I 1111d, .I onc, Innii> Innrc up ruti'Iuniii*. 111Jii jutly \\ticni"*d ;111d clinkiJ*red 11, re ., ur *ch. till\ d. , in I'mlitc " tar a\ 111.1 in xi} *"1111. Anti I anI 511rc I .;in ,JULJiiuii "rid p;I'llm** "rutniic, Incd. *I}Ih, jin jilt rinmciti"11/11* titv* wit, T, I cullclud*. I \1111 \;!v 11 ni"v be ,"inc Nilh n, * and I'll. I Jre 11, \, \, I dimculi 14, r u\ to nilii, Ie in 111e chi\\d happy 111"I lire\ did. "inur\cii. *11.11i*rii, tin"betnjt"nicu

Awareness is the first step to self defence ^ Rebecca Hannon -^.^^^^^ On Wedne*daviti* 27th unulyihe yeareleren \Iudents. anp"Froiih, WIT defence uniiin 111e Sell'C"I'e cumjki litni of 111e Pity*it al Educ:11ion I'm ginin were addre\\*d by Delecii\* Serg*"niLiiida Marlin andiwu vuliin jeers 110m jilt Rape Cmi. Cenlre un 111.1"picotrape. nildwli, ! we can tini" preveiii 11. They. roc"*ed ,. n k, v I\,"y* 1.1 prt- \en! a pi\\Ibl, un"ck The*, includc kinking "Itri "rid c, ,find, ni jinU w"Ik ing \mildiiig up stringhi: 11.11 guing, I"I at nigh! Jl, ,nc. bui ily, .u ,iru "jin" in ,.,"r. ,11'"1.11*. c"nT y!, ri, kcv\in y. ,"r h;111d. rc. idly to he 11\, d in d*I'llc, 11 11, L'C\\ary: ,111d. rilli pulli"" y, ,urrel1 111.1 " \!I""11,111 in \\. hiLh you cniilJ h. \*ujjjci"bit 1.1 ;in nil:ILL. Tli, sinnling \1.11\lit\ uruih"1.1\*r $11* 1111hn* r. incdLn, w!h*ir. litrekcr und ithi* \innii*d 111* girl\. Der, cii\*Scree"ni Akinii altn *Id. "11 " *ururi\ing Ihc null:Iwi' nf anusl:\ Ih;lis. 1,111. *inn"d 11:1"Ithiii" i\in b* Unn, ,h, uiii. tile \IC!jin n. *d* 1.1c, rimciihej"111c* urnn" 0001/11/11* di"1.1y. in1.11 ni*"n. before 11"\. in" a \nower ur anviliin "." lip, upIe are 100 :maid to coniaci 111* police. Ihcy can gelin colllacL \viih 111e Rune Cmi* Cenire on 314 40's. wliiclii* e\clu\i\'ely for women. Th, y will lielp y, Iu antVnr y. Iur fulfilly or fob"dL deal I'llh Ihe "11:1ck. ni, re\- Utilis are Dri, :lie ;111, minlly cuntid*11 11.1. and "re *"it*d only by wnni*n.

Tournament challenges some ereative thinkers Anne Stubbing10n SidelielP andihesiudenis workcd ^,_ independently. "lumbers or staff This yenr Brisbane Girls' 1,110 innerlag focilii"mrswere onI Grammar School enter"d rnur on nand to pro, ide practice sii"a Ie", ms mill" Tournnmeiil "r"Iiitd lions and off"r support. competition. Two rifth"ICnnis tipied forth" MCIt teamhadininvolven, em- Language/I, iiernture proble, in incrs from years eiglit. rim" and "Cliches arejust nol"n". The team ten. rimny or tilese had Tourn"- of Curly O'N"ill. reliciiy Hnn"er, nitnt or Minds e\purl"rice. "ither Rowan Henders"nlyenrienj, Anco at Cmnunnr in pr"wiring years or \Vthl. Antanda Kerslinw Iy""r in th"ir primary sthnols. ninej. and Nit"in \\'"rren and One ream accepted Ihe special PCnny Aim"kenzie lyear eighl! chnlleiige orihelvlatlt", tiniirs!nil- call"d thenusel, CS "Old dogs and gill"rering problem: "\\'rinderr"I their n"Iv tricks" wizardry with wires". Tliisleant "R"conqu"I. ir" tvns a team g, ,\" tile, n

\ ,

O'Connor arguably the best

Student wins

H, List\. 0'Culli:, rand Lillc} Incqucline kin\, fomy. a in, *I \!u dciiinlihc Sch, "land DCh, ling C"p 1,111in 1991. relum*din, djudic"re the

Kate displays a trio of talents

Eve Wilson

poster competition

The second Much or Tern, Two fom"ghi Ih" relurn or the annual 1111erhousc Debating Coinpetiiini, flit rimip*1/1/'11 by. "11 with 111e innic "Tli. !11.11kin*I\."*i, rih"n Ii*I'll 1113". .111J ;111 11, u. ,\ ;1:2ued111.1r c;itL \tr} \Tcll. willI Lill, >. Eirel"rid O'Colln, r. 111d Grimili "*inn, 11 rollj, n, \I round Tilt \, r, ridi*pi. \\ :I\ 'Tnni\cli*, I^ 1113 *lint. indj\jdu;11ijy" Agriiii. jilt \1.11d"rd \\."\ \*rv hi*h Finally. " \\,"* up too'Connur rind Lill*v to h, 111, n\cr "Tli"I voni. lute i< y, Ur1,11unL Tlii. \\n. " p"nitLil"rly exciiiiig dcb"it. *\. 1111 K"I" Elil, am. Q. D. U. DC baling Capi;Iiii. and Allsoii Meekinn 1993 Inniur MeTIC weaver cliampion sinr perlomiers for Iheir respeciive

it, !c ha\ :11\, b, cii playing roll*r intr, I;. yinrI\,,, ye, in. tilt p. rinkniy. 11 hill*r hull;e, n growlig r"pidl} willI Ih* illnLi, 11. * r, firs WCCe\\In Am*tic.

Susannah SIegal Versaii1, , 111. rerieci I, "rd to Ue, cribc Knit K*IIJ. gnideicn \Iud*!11

debJi, . "11 tv. \ 1.1\ nf run. hut \*TV L, uni Cain*run. "r"de S. IN\ \v, n liard to nitmc , willner. " .hc *"id. a SI"Ie-wide puller crimpeiiii. n mr O'Cnnn, r w"\ 11,111, d Ch"in '10/1 5,11001 children The cnnijNiiiinn aL d*b;11/11g Hnu\e Lit'111* VC"r. uncled ni, re Innii 50,000, nines. nil\ gr*;111: PI"\, d jilt O'C, 11n, I' L, uru's po\ICr \v. I* u

and 11nck, y 1.1cni. K"Ie xiid. "Rillcrh":key h:,\r, ;111y I;."Ie '01/1p*!e* I', r Qu**minid In tic\'el, ,red. Originally. Nilp!c u**d to bothinllerli, rekey rindi. c huskey Sin, F1"yin, 11rull, ,\k"IC\ Jiidli"VC a nt"cii alsoplay, illGirl\' Groinm, r'\15wli", *huntr \lick. Nuwud"y. \VC Fluy on field linekey Ienin. tillkr bl;Id, \ and U, * \11. k* arc much \V"honly one toriip1*1.1em"1.1c" juristr 110ckeyie"niln Bn*balle, ind nuini, ny H"keyi\, cLion-luck, d - bill ill\ more male ICai"s. iris an accomplish- rini an vinleni us many lienple lend 10 ritent for Kaic to have achicved so Ihink. F"tin!injuric. are Ihe runt!PI, v" niuchin ill* grinie. Ien! Hnw, ver. ininne\ are InininIiLtd Specialo. 5 do cum* along 10 sce 1111tlm*15 and o111er guard* are wnrii muleie"ms play. usually betaiise Ihere properly 15 a greai deal of taskmoving aciion. Kale said. 'Th, run, inninful nlmy Unionunai, Iy. innre case of funuleice injuries occurred Ih* daylwasii'Iwear hockey games. crowds are riniaslarge. Ing my helmei. and anuckhiimyhead. "

Page9 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term 31994

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