Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2003



This semester has been a very busy time for both the students and the staff involved in the Social and Environmental Studies Faculty. International events have dictated a heightened awareness of the knowledge and skills associated with our respective disciplines and have highlighted the ethical domain so essential to effective teaching and learning across our subjects. With this in mind, it is topical to highlight our involvement in the 2003 Hammarshkjold Shield-Security Council Competition. It could be argued that the events of this year have put the Security Council under a level of scrutiny not experienced in recent years. Given this scrutiny and the fast paced nature of international events, it is essential for our students to have an understanding of the processes associated with the operation of the Security Council. After a very vigorous selection process, three of our students were selected as a part of the ten member state delegation to participate in the national conference. Congratulations to Rohani Mitchel (12), Charlotte Yellowlees (11) and Gabriella Ritchie (12) for their commitment and clarity of thought they have brought to this programme. This competition represents one of the many co-curricular opportunities available to our students in the Social and Environmental Studies Faculty which have been so enthusiastically embraced in order to deepen the learning experiences of out students.

Rohani Mitchel (12L), Charlotte Yellowlees (11B) and Gabriella Ritchie (12E)

IMBIL ON TRACK The School community welcomes Mrs Carol and Mr James McIntosh, the new co-ordinators of the School’s Memorial Outdoor Education Centre at Imbil. During a very busy Easter “break”, they moved into the Centre and met with the Imbil community at a welcome function for over seventy invited guests, including members of the Board of Trustees, the Principal, the Mayor and his wife, staff and local residents and business owners. In preparation for the Year 8 camps starting the third week of Term Two, Carol and James, along with Miss Nikki Moreland, the Outdoor Education Assistant, walked routes and established camp routines. It is wonderful to have Imbil re-establish its vital role within the culture of the School. James comes to Girls Grammar from Toowoomba Grammar School’s Outdoor Education Centre where he has spent the past two years working closely with the Director to manage the centre and deliver developmental programmes to Years 4-10. Carol has spent the last five years consolidating her skills working at a number of centres throughout southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales, and most recently as a Health and Physical Education teacher at Ipswich Girls Grammar School.

Their partnership provides varied and practical outdoor education experience complemented by a sound theoretical base. Carol and James

have both completed post graduate qualifications in Outdoor Education. Carol and James bring an energetic commitment to the Centre and look

forward to the challenging opportunities of the future as they strive, as James puts it, to “creatively educate in an environment which facilitates the holistic development of students and strengthens their drive to lead challenging and thoughtful lives that are fulfilling and relevant”.

Mrs Carol and Mr James McIntosh

Mayor of Cooloola Shire Mr Mick Venados and wife Tina, Dr Cherrell Hirst, Mrs Amanda Bell, Mrs Carrol McIntosh and Mr James McIntosh

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