Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000



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;;,;rotor Jilt $11,111,111s 1:11^"fuji 51m, I 11/19 Jtitie;; 11:1",,!

Congratulations also go to all House Drankit Caplatiis. nannelyNliso" unlner Jane Stafford. Joinaiuiali Cage. Ehaabeth CIMislianse". Najalic Clinchansen. Vanessri Special con"ratulations go 10 the three veryialented Houses - GrrrTlli, Gibsoii and Mackay. - who were selected for the Dininn Showcase on Friday' 17 March

MorganMa"uire - Drama Captain

One of the first e\. cms of OUT 125 days of relebmtion was themternouse Dinnia Festival. To fitin \viniourbitilidav yeai tile theme ofLenr, incl o111 filepnsi loom, ,g to 1/1e. /1111/1'e. was sei

Vanessa Rotliwell

Alter fifteen\, eels of wire cuts on oar nands. paint and plaster o11 our shirts. a 101 of stress and general irud \\ork. tileYear 12 SentorArt Folio Oneculiitiiiatedin the Year 12 Art E:diibitionNi"hi. For some orus nits was the chance to model our piece of wearable art. for others it was the chalice to display their painting or sailpture. 11 was also a chance for the falluly and friends or tile Year 125 to see their ariand for Yams 10 and U art students to see \\lull's in 51m'e tornleru. Tile folios \\ere dtie in o11 tile TUGScla} and tile Evilibiiion \\as held o11 the niursday inglit. therefore all art was flirtslied bni it \\as still lieciic. Studenis whose work was o1t display. 11ad 10 supervise it being 1111ng or displayed. \\line fibre arts students had to am\e early to do their natr and makeup and gct into 111eir 'dresses Tlie prograiil oilhe nightincliided \vine for 111e parents, a dr;uria presentation. a short lait lioni the Head orAri. MrDona!d Pincoii a Po\letPoini presentaiioii or sindeiiis at work ill the an rooms alld tile irishion parede. Although coine models\\erc worried about falling orer in their creations. the parade \\eiiloff\Till10/11 a hitch and ITas well recei\ ed by allm attendance All parenis and friends appeared jinpresscd millilic quality of \lurk proLlticed b\ Ihe students and innii\ ridniirliig remarks could be neard aroLind inc audilorliun. Silltil:rrl\ all studenls wereliapp}' Millili0\\ 111eir \\ork apus, red and \\ith 111e praise Ihe\ recci\cd. we \\erc allihaiikful to sho\\ off witai \Ie 11nd spani so muchiiiiie creating. in the toriiiormi exhibition \\Iticli\re rarely. ite\'er experience

Fun was had by, one and allin finding way, s Weeks. Pinoebe Lynch LouiseFirUi. Saran to interpret this idea. Heats \\, ere lield orer Hack. Varies5:1 Rolliwell. Marguetile in\o afternoons. and all performances Bumoris. Maimalilnine. Morgan prolyed 10 be litgldy, creative and Grip\. able. Manuire. Holly SIIutlL Cattlerine Out of the wine competing Houses. titree minn"10n. Nicolc Berlrainaiid SIepliailie were chosen 10 perloniiiii the Sho\\'case Fiddin"


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o11 tile Friday inght. This dimcull selection To all vins ITlio participated and to tile staff process was made possible by the skimil andfaiiitlies \\110 lielpedinihe nilming of andiniclligeiit adjiidication of MBriaii 111e resti\a1. \'o11r coniirutineiit antl Calmoii. a relebmted actor \vlio was dedication\\asinucliappreciaied. Special previously Drama ieacher at Brisbane Boys tnniii;s innsi go to Mrs Miirpliy for once Graminar anId\\lionad directed Inaii\ co- again putting so 11/11cli energy and lime into produciio"s o\Grille }ears 111e a. eni. We look tonvard 10 an oilier successful interimLise Drama Fesli\al nexl










74 ^I^/^ Is',", 9"'"^mm" Comum, ^, <:1"'^,,,

The Colluniiuiiti' Choir tilen conibined \11th file Gnuiumr Sin"ersand BGS Cluniber

were not ablc to be illvo!\cd this Ianr you can look fontard 10 another OPPortiinii} ncxivearwhen BGGS will 1105itheaen!

Jackie Colwill

Saturday e\, Giving. 20 May saw a number or Girls Granularand Bo}s Groin"mrpareiiis staff and ex-sindeiits in\'o1ted in tile cumiinatioiiof nearly threeiiioiilhs of tellernnls\\\Uinie Graniniiar Conmitiitih Clioir. tile clioir sang as part orThe Brisbarie Granutiar Scliool Gi. n",,,,,, r '01/11/11iJi, j, in Co, IC, ,'I perlbrnianCC at May tie Hall. University. orQiieeiisla"d Tile Collmiiuuiv Choir. winelilms existcoin the pastas a BGS jiniiati\e \till continue as a combined effort bentccii the tito schools w'jin coclI scliool as tillernate 1105/5 for Ihe final performance event. So. for 11/05e \rlio

Orchestra to sing rollr Pau11{o114, conducied and slage-martinued 1110veinentsIroniMoanri's all reliearsiils as \\ell as condiiciing tile ticcoiiipaiiist and Mariaiiiic Rigb\ conducting tile final piece Milli inc Massed VCrdi's C/10r, ,s @1the Heh, ,11 51th vs. The wight provided a Choir. Pain \\orked hard with a groiip or wonderfill OPPorhiitity for 111e singers urntixcd abilities. e\pencilce and wider Granularcoiiuiii"tits, 10 age and inspired all\\110 conte to 'just sing". The 11/1/51c provided a variety' of Reqi, ,ei, I alld finally' \\tUinie Grillui"rr\focal Erseinblc for a chiniig rendition of Gillseppi film! perfoniiance with loannc Stranger as


collie together to lisieii 10 and be part of 111e innsic

cliallcnges and rich re\\axis as tile choir sang timec jigiler 11/11nbers as a group. Tlie 5.1ecled pieces 11nd plenty' of swing and colourincluding alkaliiihil arrangement of line evergreen. 3/1, lid!Ido"/I

Ibi, 1111g/11 ^eco"JISe Airs Animhi: Air$ Jackie CDAi, 11 d, Id 1999 11c, Id GII. 1/11d, 1/1 11di"",. o1.11j!11 %^,.


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