Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000

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Benedicte Galichet & Tess Palmer

The BigProjeclis aYear 1211titiated hutdraising effort, linking snOnolywith tile theme for 2000 devdopedby the Head Girls - Dre",,, 11. Dnre 11. Do 111 Tile Year 11 body' \Died o11 all omanisaiion ill 1999 to support as o11r Big Project aiid the Roval Children's HDspilnl flamed a clear 1114/01ii\ \Die. This was a \en tipproprinie clioice for inc shideiiis or BGGS. as \re are coiniiiuiiig the slipport Inai Ihe girls iruUaied limit^ ^cars ago tinougli incir funding or cots at the then HDspilal for Sick Children Civildren's Hospital and we are doling 11! The Big Project is a way to 1101 only raise fluids for a faniastic 1105piml and involve the whole 001,001 coinmnuity titrougliotit therearin exciting fundraising acti\mrs. buttonmke a BIGiiiipact. willT the support of tile \vliole school conmiunity BCGS urns ill2000limeboth tirem, ,! rr, ,d dared to raise funds for the Royal

wingo towardsihe purchase Drille ClenienisLipidvac. tile titird Bit Project goal This litgli Iecll equipinent is a type of lines ticlioiiiiiul and is reqiiired hi' 111e in OSpiial's plastic sling eons for operaiio"s on cliildreii \\1111 delbnitilics and Inajor Iranmas Tile equipment \\illbe uiilisedin inc ONmiiiig tilenircsinId Mill. lite Ihc oilier collipimciii aire;ich' purelin"d. 11n\ e a profoiiiid impaci o11 111e 1111\'siC:11 wellbeiiig orcliildreii at inc 1105piinl Reneciing o11Terin One. inc whole Scliool 5110/11cl be proiid or the efforts Inadc 10\lards tile Big Pro^Ci. WiUi 111e slipjioi'I and GIICOUMgenieiii of tile snident and sinnbod\'. Mrs Hallcock. ille Rin^al Cluldren's HDspiial Foundation and Leigh Clca\'e. Brisbane Girls Grailuiiar Schoolhas


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itss Prim, ei' ILi tilldBe, ,eatere Gullche!IRi Flewi, 1,110theJ' clieqi, e 10 Leig/, C/eru. e. COM1, ,,, In' SMPpori ,trolluger at Ihe RCH ruinid"1,011

richie\ e our goals. Febniarv saw tile in April. Big Project goals einphasised inc Initing and selling orrannbow tibbous \\inI service dimension \Viniilie ripproacli of England House (theirimrllicoloirred swipes Easier. 1110Yenr 12s were eager 10 lime fun tying ill willirudio Rainbow). They were a and revcri to primng' school days. \\ hile

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BCGS is able 10 provide funds for very 1/1/00rimil. lifts"'11g pieces or cqiiipiiicnl. and also offer o11r time and energ\ \ 1ST 1111" 111e kids and

huge success 11/11/'11g

Him 11g 111eliolida\ a little special for 111e chilclren nillieliospila1.011Moiidn^ 17 April. 111eiiibers of GibsoiiHousc and tile Year 12 SIudeni E\eciiii\c conglii a bus 10 111eliospiialfor a wonderful ancriiooiior inlegi\ing. Wliilc Gibson girls, mikeir '11/1/1al Easier Iradiiion. \islied Ihe wards Milli donations orc, gs. 111e \'ear 125 stillp at tile o111door null, hillieaiie



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approxiiinlcly'$1000 WillI Tetv generoiis dollalions froiii

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Mack:IV House and 111e Boarding House we were able 10 pUrCliaSG 011r hist goal - a LEI\ 115chil piece of collipiuciii


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Whileilie perlbnuaiicc o1/11c


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supportiiig 111e staffa!111eRoyalChildreii's Hospiial

called all Apnoe" Groininnrciies. tile craft. race paintin" and Monilor uscd to deleciapnoea (absence of Easier Egg hiini\\as rippreciaiedinline


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kids. noUtiiig surp. TSSed line \15n 1101/1 111e Easier Bunii\ 111dgiiig bv 111e reaciioii of

bruntli) incluldren

richie\ed iis firsl goals - tile PIircliase or h\o pieces of equipment and 111el"lidling

We 11a\, e been workin" close!v \\iUi Ms LeigliClea\e. 111e Coininiiitity Suppori Manager allhe RCH FCiuidaiioii. Tlie ideas of 011r year group arc collliiiually sripporied and ciicoumged by Leigli ITlio is guiding us to tichia c maximiim Gulliiisiasni\Tiniin 111e \\. hole school CollunUmlV 11Uic-Amia SlimlL a conunilled Hospital Voltiitleerlins organised weekly \ISIis 10 the RC!. I for SIMdenis sixteen years and o\er as pan or Radio Railibn\\. tile Hospital's \bluntscr program ETliinoiilliTess. BCnedicie. logeiher with Head GirlsEllieO'CornvuiulEleiti fulllioii\. 11n\elicc!I null!Ig "I'd doling vanoiis fundraising aeiiis \Torkiiig willI one of o11riiiiie senior HDiisc Groups 10

in Marcli. colluTtiitedBantand girls we'll} contribii[ed to ille organiusaiioi] of inc School's 125" birUidii}' Darn. BOUi Coles and Wool\Loinis generousl\' doriaied all endless rininber of cliocolaie fleddos. Darn lints. Ininn's and binlidm. atc. All tilese donations lidped 10 nial;e inc Darn. jininciisel\. successful we were also able 10 use 111e spermciilar balloon armiigcinenis ironi the Priiise and Tiniiksgi\Ing Service ille da} before 10 cre"Ie a areai 1,511\e annospliere willlullc hinds raised at line pan} null England's FireNOAXENAL doriaiioii 10 111e Bin Pro^Cl\\c were able to purelinse o11r secoiid goal - a F1iiid Loss Monitor For inc linensi\e Care Urni. Wc prescnicd our second clingue for $280U to Lei:!!I o11 Asscinbl\

craneiiiliusiasiic spint or gi\ingio a worni}' callse

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Ho\\ e\'cr. we 11/1/51 eiisiire 111ai 111e Project iiiainiains iis 11/01ne"mill 111roiiglioui111e }ear. loin;the a sigiimcmii impact o11 the Ii\CS orilie CIMldrcii. himlies and 51,111at inc Royal Children's HDspiinl To do this. tile Pro^Cl requires consisicni jin o1\'einciii. coini"innciilaiKlciit11/15iasuiof 111e eniitc scliool body. \Viih 111is ill litind. 111e orgynisers or




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111e Big Pro^Ciand lite Year 12 5111dC"15100ks fomnrd to Inni\1'111.110 dollbi. be an ctiling letiii

Ihc cliildren. Mr Bruce Addison's co- fur limecogitisedlalen1\\'111dcfiiiiicl\ be "linged ill inc F1iitirc! Tile allernooii ga\ c girlsilie OPPorhinil}' to 1011cliihcli\CS urn it\\ cliildren. and \ cn tipprccinii\c mr. Ills alld Sinn. Tile a Ciii was :111 c\alitpic o1' inchin:! Chilliiii;Irspirii. ;indiio dollbiiii inc 1111/1rc oilier girls will

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be gi\ciiiliis same opportunity




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Tile fundmisiiig aspeci \\as exiciidedinio. April \\1111 inc Easier Bunjici pande lielcl nit 111c lagi d"\'uricnii Wliileiiuc arlisiic geniiis Mas SPOTicd o11 lite Singe La\\n. girls dollaied 111eir spare change 10 inc gillse. This nioiie\ aloiig willI a donation fro"IWoolcock firinge.


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