Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000

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Is abelHazard (nee Bolton 1972-1976)

On Friday 10 Marclt2000 Dor Archivist. Janine ruley passed away. alter a \Go. short runtss. Althougli Jini 11ad Qiny beeninihe Schoolforjusiover one year. snellad quickly nude herniarkonthe Scltool coinniuiiity and cointibutediiiiich to 111e dadopinent and consolidaiion of our arclii\, a13.51enis reinenibercd b\ a nulliber of\ToriieiiI\110 were ill lier classes diving Ihaiperiod. in particul:IT. tile Presideiil or inc Old Girls Association. his Clirisliiie hunts rcc. *IIS Inaiiii 1998 unen SIIe andianiiieiagain an the Sclioo!. there \\as a spynianeous 511ariiig Drillc experieiices 111e\ 11ad slurcd ill Ihe August Zoology. E\ctirsio" 10 Heron island in 111eir Sentor year. Jail also lielped 111e Old Girls .4550ciaiioii enoniioiisly\\Inlineinombilia dimiigilieir Centenary Year last year Janliad attended Brisbane Girls Grailunar Scliooliii 1964 and 1965. and \\'as After Iea^ing Queensland Jail nio\ ed eventually' to WesteniAUSiralia vilere snellieiaiid niarriedTiiiiRilev. Sire gained a Barnelor orAris froillime Universiiv of We siCrn AUSinUia and then SIIe and Tini raised hTo danghiers. Eliz:its thand Callierine. reluiTting to lier studies in 1982 \vileii she gained a CmdualcDiplDineinLibrary and IntorinntioiiStudies \\ith Distinction from WA1T. Her interest in archives and records was anclithalin 1994 she decided 10 pursue akinsier of Arts degree ill this Ten' specialist area and ill 1996 gained lier degree froin Momsh University Jan was 110 51miiger to arclin al issues in independent scliools as prior to Iler reruntiiig to Queensland and lierjob in

disciplin"nailwhiclithq. say stood them in goodsieadtiirougliouilheir lives * 1,1111conlcoriilthe piano \\ithl, liss Pollock Iwlio she savs was an excelleni pianist and a lovelv ladyj and 115cd to play' tile piaiio for the littiuis and nullching ill and out of Asseiiibl\ * The\ can recalllvliss Line\. called STOP \Tileii sometliing did 1101 pleaselier find a HUSHlbll OLErihe tillDie Asseiiibl\ * Rainleen. F10rcncc and loan can reineiiibcr Belly 11/11er bagg\' liar\ blociiicrs. shirt and black sinekings. bandana amimd lier 11cad marked BGGS inking part ill the nthleiics This wars also 111e 11niforiii 101' 91n classes + Tlie school 11nd sincl niles tnn1 11nd 10 be ridliercd 10 Pierects would be o11 the gate eacll afternoon. checking Ihai inc nat and glo\CS * The "Pin and Whistle" was a meeiing place alter scliooliiito\\n However. this \\as o111 or bounds and von liard to \\atcli o111 for prefbcis + Natlrleeii ingtlls being sent to the Asseiiibl}, Hall for talking ill class and\\as IerrifiediiicaseMissLille\, pused throngli and co\^ lier there SIIe sal\s 511e nude sure she onIT wentonce!! ! Jin as\\ellMissLilla isn't alllieirlunches now! ! ! * Thev \\eran'Iano\\ed to talk to an\ bo\s win!51 Ihe^ \\ere in school nullomi + F10rencc reinenibers lion. on occasions Mileii girls 11nd misbcha\ed. 111e\ litre disciplined b\ 1101 being allowed 10 race tile Honour Bonrd at Assembly time Tile\ I\ere Inade to sit o11 the singe \Lith tileir back to me Honour Board - Inearnng Inai tiley fired tile rest o1111e school- surely' aimoriifyiiig e\perleiice * loan Teniembers naning lessons in the cottages winicli 111.3 under SIand nave been delnolislied (Tliey nave since become the caretakers' collage behind the I^cre woni.

Friendships forged at scliool stand tile Iesl of time. Many Grinmmr girls call attest 10 nits fociand. coupled \vinithe ideal11ni "once a Grainiinrgirl. al\mysa Craniumrgirl". it is 1101 difficult 10 believe that four BCGS Old Girlsliavebeeiiineetingrcgiilarl\ Torn\cr 40 years. loanPeel(neeTucker 1,3940j. Belly Geniner (Gale 36-371. FloralCG Parso"s IHonisb\ 36-371 and KrillrleeiiBolionIBeck 36-371 continue a friendship witicli began Inari\' \. ears ago \vileiillie^ I\ erC SnideiilS of Enshrine Girls Grinnniar Scliool After 111ey leti scliool and joined the \\or!force tiley kepl ill 1011cli by Cliiisimas cards etc. Tlic Second World War was soon 1100itiliei". alter\\Iticli they. animitied. Ben\ lived illT00\1001/1ba for it 1111/1tber or I'ears. v'hilc Kaihleeii Iteni to Ii\'e outside Lownreac!I. Clrrisiinas cards were al\\ms exchanged and I\lien Belly' and Kanjieeii returned to Brisbane around 1965 Uiq. begin 10 111eel\Lint Floreiice and loan Tlie 'girls' as tiley call 111eiiisehcs always met at David lones about e\eiy tit0 10 tinea months. Tliq. say 111ey, clione David lones' catererin as it was Ihe o111v place 111ai \\onId let thenI sit and 'nailer' troll, 10.30ani 10 2.30pin. Theirfh"vines sayihatiiis tile Duly place tint would allow. tileiiiioinal:e so niucli noise\vini all tileirlau"literalIdjokes!I They nave now 11nd 10 relocate to MYer careteTia as Danid lones' careieria 11ns closed Muiii(MINeeii) saysi!intihefriendship ms given tileni all a 101 of full tinoughoui the }cars. They'\, e 11ad Inait\, laughs and ing Ihing she ER\, s Ina1 11ns been outslaiiding about 111eir friendship is tile snaring of everyone's SIoiies - in tile good and 1101-co goodiimes Alluuclies. a cryonelins a itIru 10 tell 111cir anecdotes front tile pasi couple of monllis. Their nuchands liar\c been incliidedinilieir meritslup. aeiiiliotigliUiq. were Ironi dinereni backgrounds and occupations Ofteniheir cornersatioiis\\ouldtiiniio their schooldays and Ina\e dejailed halo\\, some ortheirrecoUectioiisfroiiiilieirdays atBGGS * They reineniber fondly Mss Enjott. their Englisli 11tislress. am ON'n to 111ein as 'Babe' - as she was a 5110rt lady). and are ever thanhillorlier


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.,~.. .- .. .. _ _' .'.' ,,,,".*. I a .;#;.,, .t^;' , .-* . IIJ ,, our School. SIIe \\ orked at boili Perili College andNISaiiits Collegein Westeni AUSiralin Mall} fomier 51udenis appreciated Inn's interusI in 111ein and what!hey 11ad done since leaving School and as a result many wonderful urns nave hall donated to fuelti\, es. As a inbute to Jail we dedicated tile 125" Service of Praise and Tnniiksgiling \\Ixicli\ms Ileld o11 15 Mumliin tile City Hall. 10 lier At the end of last Tear Jan 11ad prepared a Inajor report toriiie o1/11er firsl\earnitiie school. This report included a number of recoiniiiendaiions forthe future developnieiilin tile Archi\es area and it is now' o11r clialleiige to rimke her work ongoing and 10 address Iler recoilniiendalions would be on ChiisUitas boilda\. s Mien I \uns here last linte. I titouglit Allslralian students were ven. lucky. because tiley dadn'I hare am' home\\ork und could jusi eruny their holiday Hovere, . according to niy friends Ilere now tile^ 113\. e left school. 11'5 different and they seem to be very busy Stinte 11a\e to go to work. some ha\e to skirt going to Urn e"fuer. some IT"ve moved away 11.1n Bush, nc 10 other cities to shiJ\. eic These 11ungs niade it chill*1111 101 Inc 10 sec and

What I felt to come to aek to Australia

Kanakolshikiir", rexchange Student, 1995-1996

Hello EGGSI M\, name 15 I;, rinko Ism!:urn I \\as a long-leiTil eXchange shideni from TsusluliTa Girls' Hell and suiJied at BOGS about Ii\. e years ago I came back to AUSiralin for 1,011days Uus lime Nothing much has GIIanged nete. I dint. but when I amved in Brisbane airport. I was \cry surprised to see that


there \\erg many people \vim were

switnmmgpool. ER )

Q Miss Liney wasilieir Headmisiress (kilown10 linen\ as 'BIOSS' ~ Snort Tile '"Iris' 11a\, e had Inari^ "cod tinies and for blossom) and \\as a SinCl feel jilt\ liar\. e been blessed 10 snare 111Gir

talking on tiltir mobile pi, ones Also \\hell I went silopping in lite Cil\ or 10 the $110,111iig tenlrus. I '01/1, LUT, innii\ 111.1bilc shops *\. n\111.1, I 11"Jii'!

inGildship for 64 \ears hn\. illg 111.1 at EGGS in 1936.

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must lit, !tic in JapJit h"\'e o11c. and I. e. pi* *e, nitd to b* busi*r rin\\ Ihniiii\c \'e, rs

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inMilli:,, rimi I 11nd a Tenji\ \\, nLICrful and \alUahl* Ume \'.'1111 111\ g, 1.1d incnds. Ie", liers and Ilo51 litniilic, lit Austinlia I lit"it I It's a \'cry jut!:\ LITl to



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1,151"tl\, all, rel"\cd cnu"11y. bill rin\\' Ihe Id*, 13 a 11/11e changed. Belbr, I cante b"cl: Ileie. I 1110uglii tnni 11 was quile ,as\ 10 Intelim' 111en. 15 again. becaus* inc\

come to Allsiralia und shia\. at BUGS for a whole yeni 1110p* one dan'111 come hack liere again I 10\. e BGGS and I 10\, e AUStI'll, GR{Am/4/1 GAZETTEAflY2000 - Pnge 15

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