Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000






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I25 Years of Secondary Education of Young Women in Queensland :


The Girls Cm^r School Brisbane

Ph",@greyh come of Tit,

han conetlimg to ,431. ,@/8 in th.

Y"r #@If't* and the entire school family

has been doing just that. This year marks

the 125th anniversary of the School after

opening for lessonsin 1875 with just

50 students


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J. hn Dimiiiiou Arc!111ecls Ply Lid ACN 010 I79334

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tipphnne10,3226270o Facsimile (On 32362267 Web v"Madarch"ads cum Email jdaaich@darehil"CIE cum

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Sune 10 Arcadia Walk No'sa Heads Old 4567 tiephan, (On 5,472877 Fac, jinil" ton 5,472206

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Offleial Sponsor of

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Benedicte Galichet & Tess Palmer

The BigProjeclis aYear 1211titiated hutdraising effort, linking snOnolywith tile theme for 2000 devdopedby the Head Girls - Dre",,, 11. Dnre 11. Do 111 Tile Year 11 body' \Died o11 all omanisaiion ill 1999 to support as o11r Big Project aiid the Roval Children's HDspilnl flamed a clear 1114/01ii\ \Die. This was a \en tipproprinie clioice for inc shideiiis or BGGS. as \re are coiniiiuiiig the slipport Inai Ihe girls iruUaied limit^ ^cars ago tinougli incir funding or cots at the then HDspilal for Sick Children Civildren's Hospital and we are doling 11! The Big Project is a way to 1101 only raise fluids for a faniastic 1105piml and involve the whole 001,001 coinmnuity titrougliotit therearin exciting fundraising acti\mrs. buttonmke a BIGiiiipact. willT the support of tile \vliole school conmiunity BCGS urns ill2000limeboth tirem, ,! rr, ,d dared to raise funds for the Royal

wingo towardsihe purchase Drille ClenienisLipidvac. tile titird Bit Project goal This litgli Iecll equipinent is a type of lines ticlioiiiiiul and is reqiiired hi' 111e in OSpiial's plastic sling eons for operaiio"s on cliildreii \\1111 delbnitilics and Inajor Iranmas Tile equipment \\illbe uiilisedin inc ONmiiiig tilenircsinId Mill. lite Ihc oilier collipimciii aire;ich' purelin"d. 11n\ e a profoiiiid impaci o11 111e 1111\'siC:11 wellbeiiig orcliildreii at inc 1105piinl Reneciing o11Terin One. inc whole Scliool 5110/11cl be proiid or the efforts Inadc 10\lards tile Big Pro^Ci. WiUi 111e slipjioi'I and GIICOUMgenieiii of tile snident and sinnbod\'. Mrs Hallcock. ille Rin^al Cluldren's HDspiial Foundation and Leigh Clca\'e. Brisbane Girls Grailuiiar Schoolhas


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itss Prim, ei' ILi tilldBe, ,eatere Gullche!IRi Flewi, 1,110theJ' clieqi, e 10 Leig/, C/eru. e. COM1, ,,, In' SMPpori ,trolluger at Ihe RCH ruinid"1,011

richie\ e our goals. Febniarv saw tile in April. Big Project goals einphasised inc Initing and selling orrannbow tibbous \\inI service dimension \Viniilie ripproacli of England House (theirimrllicoloirred swipes Easier. 1110Yenr 12s were eager 10 lime fun tying ill willirudio Rainbow). They were a and revcri to primng' school days. \\ hile

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BCGS is able 10 provide funds for very 1/1/00rimil. lifts"'11g pieces or cqiiipiiicnl. and also offer o11r time and energ\ \ 1ST 1111" 111e kids and

huge success 11/11/'11g

Him 11g 111eliolida\ a little special for 111e chilclren nillieliospila1.011Moiidn^ 17 April. 111eiiibers of GibsoiiHousc and tile Year 12 SIudeni E\eciiii\c conglii a bus 10 111eliospiialfor a wonderful ancriiooiior inlegi\ing. Wliilc Gibson girls, mikeir '11/1/1al Easier Iradiiion. \islied Ihe wards Milli donations orc, gs. 111e \'ear 125 stillp at tile o111door null, hillieaiie



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approxiiinlcly'$1000 WillI Tetv generoiis dollalions froiii

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Mack:IV House and 111e Boarding House we were able 10 pUrCliaSG 011r hist goal - a LEI\ 115chil piece of collipiuciii


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Whileilie perlbnuaiicc o1/11c


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supportiiig 111e staffa!111eRoyalChildreii's Hospiial

called all Apnoe" Groininnrciies. tile craft. race paintin" and Monilor uscd to deleciapnoea (absence of Easier Egg hiini\\as rippreciaiedinline


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kids. noUtiiig surp. TSSed line \15n 1101/1 111e Easier Bunii\ 111dgiiig bv 111e reaciioii of

bruntli) incluldren

richie\ed iis firsl goals - tile PIircliase or h\o pieces of equipment and 111el"lidling

We 11a\, e been workin" close!v \\iUi Ms LeigliClea\e. 111e Coininiiitity Suppori Manager allhe RCH FCiuidaiioii. Tlie ideas of 011r year group arc collliiiually sripporied and ciicoumged by Leigli ITlio is guiding us to tichia c maximiim Gulliiisiasni\Tiniin 111e \\. hole school CollunUmlV 11Uic-Amia SlimlL a conunilled Hospital Voltiitleerlins organised weekly \ISIis 10 the RC!. I for SIMdenis sixteen years and o\er as pan or Radio Railibn\\. tile Hospital's \bluntscr program ETliinoiilliTess. BCnedicie. logeiher with Head GirlsEllieO'CornvuiulEleiti fulllioii\. 11n\elicc!I null!Ig "I'd doling vanoiis fundraising aeiiis \Torkiiig willI one of o11riiiiie senior HDiisc Groups 10

in Marcli. colluTtiitedBantand girls we'll} contribii[ed to ille organiusaiioi] of inc School's 125" birUidii}' Darn. BOUi Coles and Wool\Loinis generousl\' doriaied all endless rininber of cliocolaie fleddos. Darn lints. Ininn's and binlidm. atc. All tilese donations lidped 10 nial;e inc Darn. jininciisel\. successful we were also able 10 use 111e spermciilar balloon armiigcinenis ironi the Priiise and Tiniiksgi\Ing Service ille da} before 10 cre"Ie a areai 1,511\e annospliere willlullc hinds raised at line pan} null England's FireNOAXENAL doriaiioii 10 111e Bin Pro^Cl\\c were able to purelinse o11r secoiid goal - a F1iiid Loss Monitor For inc linensi\e Care Urni. Wc prescnicd our second clingue for $280U to Lei:!!I o11 Asscinbl\

craneiiiliusiasiic spint or gi\ingio a worni}' callse

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Ho\\ e\'cr. we 11/1/51 eiisiire 111ai 111e Project iiiainiains iis 11/01ne"mill 111roiiglioui111e }ear. loin;the a sigiimcmii impact o11 the Ii\CS orilie CIMldrcii. himlies and 51,111at inc Royal Children's HDspiinl To do this. tile Pro^Cl requires consisicni jin o1\'einciii. coini"innciilaiKlciit11/15iasuiof 111e eniitc scliool body. \Viih 111is ill litind. 111e orgynisers or




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111e Big Pro^Ciand lite Year 12 5111dC"15100ks fomnrd to Inni\1'111.110 dollbi. be an ctiling letiii

Ihc cliildren. Mr Bruce Addison's co- fur limecogitisedlalen1\\'111dcfiiiiicl\ be "linged ill inc F1iitirc! Tile allernooii ga\ c girlsilie OPPorhinil}' to 1011cliihcli\CS urn it\\ cliildren. and \ cn tipprccinii\c mr. Ills alld Sinn. Tile a Ciii was :111 c\alitpic o1' inchin:! Chilliiii;Irspirii. ;indiio dollbiiii inc 1111/1rc oilier girls will

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be gi\ciiiliis same opportunity




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Tile fundmisiiig aspeci \\as exiciidedinio. April \\1111 inc Easier Bunjici pande lielcl nit 111c lagi d"\'uricnii Wliileiiuc arlisiic geniiis Mas SPOTicd o11 lite Singe La\\n. girls dollaied 111eir spare change 10 inc gillse. This nioiie\ aloiig willI a donation fro"IWoolcock firinge.


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GinfyM4R GAZETTEM4y2000 -Foge 3

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Queensl!?rid' 80/100L;' ' Const^^tiff^na/ Conyen tibn


Jarcqudine Mantle & Katheri"e Mercer

Year 11 students Kateiyn Pater (R) and Kate Lilley (L) represented the School at the Queensland Schools' Constitutional Convention held on Friday 3 March at the Parliamentary Annexe, Parliament House. The theme for 2000 was Commonwealth Referenda: Should The System Be Changed?. Below is the speech Katelyn presented to the Convention

11nn! does file 125"'. 111,111, e, Fnri, 111eni, to the sillde, ,I @110d, my?

learnt 1101 10 take for grained tile OPPorhiruties offered to us today

The \vliole school collmiunilv' 11as bccome in\o1\'ed in the 001ebraiions: 11 seems Ihat 110 one call escape the energetic aimosplierc RIBGGSihisyear

For Ihe busy Grainniar Girlii\Lollld be easy. to look on 2000 asJuslaiioiher

year. On tile surface the 125"'

celebrations appear to simply. mean moreltiusic relicarsals. dans at Cm nan. Froiiiihc formal inbutes to our collool inston. . 10 the In ore infoniial collool and a scliool caleiidai bursiiiig at the celebrations. encli shideni 11as 11nd tile seanis. Ho\\a ei. 111roiigli being OPPoritinih' 10 enjoy' tile e\cileiUe"I and iit\o1\'editillic rimii\ CGIebraion dyiiaiitic school spiniiliaiis a nanmark or a'enis. it ling bccoiiic clear innt o\'er the pasi 125 \carsihc Scli001 11as 11ad a GirlsGtrui"jar vasl Instor}I \\11icli is imporiaiit to




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As filmrc studenis relcbmie 11/01e milestones of this Illustrious school. titer I^ill be remembering lis. tile students of 10da}: for our imporia"I coniribulioii towards Grillunar hislory and tradition - someiliiiig \\e should be very proud of and lie\ er forgei

even Grainmar girl - past. present and future. Tliis is a Year orcelebraiioii. conimeinomlioii and reneclion. as wall as a year o11cariiing and of acknowledging jinosc who nave collle before us. B} taking 11ns 100r to celebrate Ihe School's illsiorv. we liar'c









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flingro\'e. ref. 1,111/e elm, ,ges errJi o, 711. be PI'oposcd bj, file

Distillg, fuller/ g!, esi. , rilld 1,110ii $11, ofe, 113. Oil Ihe eve byVie


cellieiia, y of Alls!landi, Fede, niloii. 11 is painci, /qily nonic Jini one of ihe AeJ, jusi, es foci, ,g o111' society Is the ofecnveness of oily sysie, ,I in relniio, I to consiiii, !1011n1 14e, enda. However fliere is ille option of Citizens 1111hn!ed Refeienda - ille Does ill!s "let, n flint even dyer 99 yea, s we still cull I get 11 ITgh! or is if ayu!erri in whirl, citizens can '91/6"111 u merely a ratectro, I of the changing perilio, I lullh signal11res q131jppo, 't for a cello, " ploposnl. y' needs of rodnj, S IMOde, ?I society? Colli"10/11"earni Goveni"lei, !. 1/1ere 1,111 sri// be PDM^cal party cornic! und proposals 1,111 be 1111/1/@d


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G, .a"In, ai. GazerIe Ed, 10's for rear 2000 IL-R) Joeq"e!111e Wit. Incq"e!111e Amiil!e, Kan'ei""e Alerce, : Anna Amore

AMs!, allans are in dollbi Inat all proposals 1,111 be serJoi, s. file 11Nmbe, ' of $1910!,, JES I'eq, ,lyed cal, be raised. in rills .for, ,I qf r

For rim"y decades If lids been MMde, stood fhn/ to e, ,COMr, Ige a heali/Iy democracy. ANStrn!in Inns! liare a cyste, ,I tulle, ebv cihzens cull parr, 'crynte ill I"porm"I decisrO, I Mink, ,Ig processes. Ci, ,Telli!y. file sysie, ,I of ^e/eruiidn e"ploye, / in Airsnn/In is in 11rge, ,! ,leed of leibn" 7/1e poll!ICa! CUI, "dig"s precechJig 1<1ere, ,ofu tyren it's re 1,111e. IMOJieJ' rind e!fort. For 1/1e n, o31 pan. 1/11s 13 of Ile to file excess, VC collip/ex!11' qf the i's"e$ Covered/ nild 1/1e 111c, easing PDM'ei' Of pm'0, politics

SUSANBLEAla. ER Painter and Sculptor


Null\h. in illv or, rolls Be all", vs, ,, slew, allbertl

Limited rediti"" 3/6

inspired by Williamt Slatespeare's 110,111ei. fromline scene \\lien Hannlet mingines Dpiielia at preyer Oplielia I\as originally stillpled ill clay. A silicone 1110uld and tileii plaster liarcn1 1110uld \\. as taken The figire \\as subsequenth cast in \va\ and filmier refined \Lulling usc of neated 1001s Pendes Art Foiiiidry rentbnnc) cast the jigire ill bronze using the 10si lint pinc, s$ The pailiin runtslied appearaiicci was cronicd 111roiigli inc ripplicaiioiioro\Idisiiig clieiiticals 10 Inc bronze

If 15 Indeed a hard askjb, ' may, plopostr/ to <1,111evc ticcepid, ice b. I, filmy/!,. 111g lire ^^'oposd/ wesilo".* or at lensi 5096 of \'Die, *^11 n 11n^, To' bend, 1,011ncn/ prepniniioii biti 1,103i q161"Ies. PCIlidp* 111,101e plopos(Jig impol'I"1114: c/I'llges 10 fhe ^kid '11/11nrj' brpm'!I'd, I slippo, I file Relbr, lidi, ni proCCss show/,/ by!!Ig '60/11 d ,, 101'c e!tcf!'I'e. pittClicn/ nild '11/7ei!! figi, re, uj36 o111 of 44 pm'flewnioJ:\ sj'$1er, I qf goveii, ,, leii{ it/eieJi, ofd bring Inccied Jini. to, Allsiidlid!,,

Editorial Committee

SIqff C""s"if",, fs: 1,111 Arithtliff Ithhi, I All" mini Amitj/

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111,111/, JiniK, LA A1'1,111i, ,,, A, 111, fini DC1 t, I

Iris E, !^^or SII"JIS E, Jimr:

011h, /,., was lite girl 10 lite Sellool or Ihc Year 1,190951ndciiis

ORVrmUR G. IZLi'IfA/4}', 0011 - F"gc I

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about how tile seasons are reversed in the Southern Helmspliere led one boy to ask- "So do you have Chiisimas in July?' Tm my second week in Canada. I attended a Frencli syeaking class at a school to be told by a student- "Your English is really good - you barely nave an acceiit". But I tried to educate them. teaching tilem words like "dodgy" "sinnlet'. and "winel". I also gave thenl alasie of Vegeniiie- whicliwas invariably spat out \\iUiiniifiled SITearing. Our evenence in Caned a was truly nituztiig. For this I InusI nunik 111e Direcior of Forum, Clare Barter. tile Canadian Go\'enuiieiiL the Sclioolmid of course Ms Hermes soy who also attended 111e conference. and re\taled centuiiniusical talents o11 skillii"111. MOSlof all thonglil appreciate 111elrieiids Uiatlinadefroin across the world. and in Canada. Tile lessons I\e learnt at Fortini\\ill stay \\. nilus all our lives - the Ino51iiiiporiaiii one pornaps. that 111e cause is 1110rc 1111porlanl than the individual alld noi to gel caughl lip mime ego of coliiics Tilelcssons and spint DIForuiin\in continue- as Bunpides said, "Never that whirliis SIMll die. " The Miniitesio will be presented to The Honourable PolerBaitiie. hitA. Preimer or QueenslandaitiieBGGS 125th Anhirersaly CelebmtionLOTE Conterence 10 be lidd at the School on 27 July

Just after emuns fuiishedlast tenL cotiin Cots and Ms. June Hennessey set off for the Forrih Session of Forum For Young conchans 2000. When \\. e arrived on the Thrustay eventng it was snO\ving. despite it being almost slimmer in Canada. From there on in we were thrown into a week of friendship, hard work. latentglits and amaruig e!, penences Foruin is a progmin for Canadian students tint runs every year. and tits year for the first fune there was animtemational element. Eleven students and teacliers from across tile world came to Canada to present the Yoiiili MMIifeslo for tile Twenty-First Centiiry which some 350 sindeiils 11nd been involved in \\Tiling The richial presentation of 111c manuresio was a veryliiu, ,bling and extraordinary cxpericncc. 11 took place in the Senate. in the presence ortlic Sneakers of both HDiises of Parliament and tile Deputy Phine hintsler Tlie rcspoiise fronilhe Crunchan students \\, as truly irispiting. and weimo\v they will continue the workbegun in Paris.

FORUM FOR YOUNG CANADIANS ^,"^ ^^^, ^, ^e ,7"^-^^ ^


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students are fully biniigual. and s\viich in and out of Frencli and English without even noticing

elections. debates o1t youth issues. and a siinulatioiiofafederalpro\inclal

Alter the presentation. tile international students hallt countries like France. Kenya. conterence. Tilese sessions took place in Buluaria. tile Bahamas and Russia enjoyed boiliEnglisliand Fretidi. with the experience of working onfonun tasks. simultaneousiraiislations. 11\\as extreniely We encountered qiiite a lack of knowledge about AUSiralia in our Ira\. GIS. Disciissions nilpressiVC tile way minm' Canadian Tinoughouiilie week we 11ad mock

7161ti07ic{I 1'611th Scie7ice For1,117i

in alliiileractivc en\Iroruiic"INliicli combined illdej, endciiilcnriniig. ionin\\ork and coinpaitionsliip. tits ino wonder inari activities I panicipaied ill at inc Nanoiial You 111 Science Foniiii ha\e 11nd a profoiiiid effect upon me. The NaiioinlYouih Science Fomni on'Sri preseiiiediiie\tillI the OPPoriuitiiy 10 leaniaboiiiiiiyselraiid Others ill a slipportivc cm'irOiUllent. as \\ell as exposing 111e to Ile\\ ideas and concepts related to science. run\'ersity and career choices

beller 10 indi\ iduals. boili teenagers and ridulls. and 10 be a siroiig and slippurli\c Ioniiiineiiiber. in addiiioii linte forged 111a!it siroiig friendslups to cmlleiige and slippori nie during tile lie\I PIinsc o111tv Dinners. andli\ing MillinivN\'SF collienipomries. inn\cleanit 10 relaie

Sopliie Ferris

ille Austinlian Geological SIInc\ Organisation. unerc I wasjtisi as inIPrcssed by tile superior design and Iecli"o10gical capabilities Drille building as I\\as Ninjilic work being carrierIOUi inside Visits to tile Australiani Centre for Reinolc Sensin". TidbinbiUa hachiig sinnon. the 101m Curtin Scliool of Medical Research and the Australian Federal Police Force Forensic ScienceLaboraiories allprovided me \, ith insights into corrcnt Testarcli

relenlific cumini!tilts' 11ns 1,111i} o1/11g people like 111e was aideniin 111e inICractions or these coieniisis \\jin

InGinbeis o11he student bodv: incir unidersianding that National Vonili Science dadopnicni

Foruni shideiiis are potential filmrc leaders tit science Itiglrligliled by. 11/01r \Tilling"ess 10 share Many peoplelia\c tolliirstrumenialinlhe SIMDOUi ruinting and success of the National Vaini Science FDmni boili at the As well as allowing us to learn and doVCIop selection phase and the Formn. Rotor}.'s

workinlbsterlng tileNationalYouUi Science Fonmt (partialanyniyineal ROUT}, Cliib of \Vindsor), is \. inI to its clearly the role of continued success and operation. My fluiulv and Brisb:uie Girls Gnuruiurr School scie"lisls In have provided 111e with a great deal of society. today. support both before inId during the Minilsitalks and National Youth Scicncc For uni. The sitar semiiimrs fromI Ihe student skiff on session A. ill partialjar foisty, niy floor snarliiember. lime all dcinoiisiraied

in a scientific sense. the Fomnipro\ided me willI the nionis to mumrein armore personal sense. Industo' talks snO\\ed

To gain selection for the FDnmi I was required to undead:e two illierviews. firsUy \vini nly local Rotar}. Club. Windsor. and then at a district level. Both interviews nlenjods and the practical uses for and aspiratious. and the latter in relation 10 present research and my scientific abilities and niy Inonvanoiifor dc\, GIDpmcnis applying. I was askcd nullierous scientific Scieniific topics such as Australia's and Gullcal questions. as \Lell as \Tnnt I believed I collld contribute to the Funiin. equipment as well as proved to be searching encounters, the fomier in ternis of lily personal interests Session A Qinie mySF begaii on I Janiiary strideni toriiiiis 2000. when 14.1 snideiiisltomallover filese acii\Incs AUSiralia. New Zealaiid. Callada and Soulli provided lite Mittii!Ie Africa urn\ cd at tile Uru\ersih' o101/1bcrrn chalice to \'Dice 111\ Dull concerns and residences We spentilieiie\INo weeks Ideals for inc future us UViiig. Mochiiig andl*until:!logcilier. visi!ing scientific mall^11ioiis. anti Melias allowiiigiiie10 panicipaii"g in selltinnrs. groiip roninis and consider the beliefs tind up intolis of social acii\ines oiliers en\Tronnienialpoliq. \^erc debated in

demonstmied how' we could become 111e coieniisis of tonicrro\, Practising negotiation skills. PIiblic ticbiinkiiig 111\Ihs riboiii '11/1\ CTSih courses and SPCnkiiig

Allskills acqiiircddurlngilieNaiional Yoritlisciencc Funiiiiarclifi= skills. o11.5 111"I 11.10\\ I \\'ill drn\\' lipoii nullieroiis 11/11es. \intilsi aiihc Fomiii. \Ie \\CTC encoiiraged to fill our puckets willI its runny stones as possible. 111e SIones \ ourself alld o111cis. I kilo\\ jinniir"11 Uiaii lime experienced alitlle:inlint the National leadership andicain work. lie\er failing 10 encoiimge andiii\'o1\e allstudents Milli Iheir endless Grilling i'siii. Evervoiie \vlio 11ns contributed 10 1110 NYSF desen, es innitl;s. especialh' Mr Rod ion: tile Direcior Drille Forum. 11is 111rougliliis lirelcss organisilioii and dedicnlioii10 111e \ o111/1 or Icon\' tiltii 111e Fomiii ex!515 ill iis Ctirreiil toriii. and coini"11.5 to pro\idC a 1111iqiie and 1111forget!able e\PCriciicc


Sri/,/,, e I, IT', Jib, ,lit/IIJJ' 11/11, ,, I Ih, Ah"o11n/ 1,111/I .VCIc, I'd FDii, ,;I 1111',, h, "bit

subjects 11ns noIt opened 10 Inc a broader inline of options and possibiliiics. boilifor lit\ hillirc career andiniii\ personal lire

Eacli crime student grotips ill tile FCnim towed a \'rifleh' of scientific Illsli1\11ioiis

E\lensi\e. Lieiailed and varied. tile prograiii

o\erilie firsiMeek in Canberra. As I was a allo\\cd111e10 view coie"ithcincllitics and

leant about 111eir lises The inns:

meltiber orPauling. o11e urnicinc

Cheiitislry. groups. lily group's \isits 11ad a in Iercsiiiig aspect o1/11e scieiiiitic prograiii CG"IraltoiityNYSF experiencelio\IC\CT

tiereihc neople 11/10 lived alld learnt Kiln rcpresciiiiiig 1.10\\ICdge and learning about

was tile OPPortiuuty to ink to. and ask questioiis or proiiiiiieiii sciciiiisis who shared 11n" litterCSis. I was asiouiided bv 111. '11/1/1giiess orihese scieiiiisis 10

clieinical SIa"!. incliiding nips to the clieiiuslfj. Inborniones alllie Austinliaii

lite o\'criliosci\\'o Meeks. Inn\'clie\'CT before been pari01a groiip CISi!Ideiiis

Defence Forec ACUdeiii} and inc

willI SIIcli siinilar jincresls \'c1511cli di\CTSe Yoiit11 Sciciicc FORinicotild be sillboliscd

Allsir;11iaiiN;inclial UiuVCrsiiv Clieinisin

in 1111s \\, IT. I would nat c laken a caskei

backgrounds and personalities Tinoiigli social acti\mes. rule dance. biislidaiicc

Depaiiinciit. vilere we perlbinied some firsi tills\\ or 111c probing quesiioiis that \IC yearnitiversity expcTiineiits and vie\led inc asked rind Ihe enthusi"sill 111al Ihe}

load awl\ will11ncl

silo\\ed for tileir work. Tlie filliq. thalilie siloppi"g). the Science and Rotary

ladlities. Other sites of inICresiiiicluded

GionM4R GAZETTEAL4y2000 -Puge 5

111,111,111ii^;tit!tin^yini:^I^16/1^::inn^:I^^$:;::^::::::::::...:::.::-: '* ** """ ' ' " """"" "" """" "'~' """" " 125TH COMMEMORATIVE GROVE

Laboratory was opened in lionour of his wife. a Tornier student and a tonner Tnistee

SUITday. 21NLty dawned bright and clear for coine sixliundredinembeTs of the Girls Gnunnar Faintly, both pastand present. as they set forth 10 tile MenTorial Outdoor Education Centre at infoil Tile occasion I\, as the planting of one hectare of AtISIraliaii cabinetliiiil, ers \\Iticli\\infoniia Collmici"oninc Gro\'c to celebrate not o1us' tile Year 2000 and o11r 125* animersan. . bill also I\\cull-clie years urine Falliers' Groiip openiin!: Milliiiiihc School I, trTretor L\TICIL afornter Cliairniaiior the Falliers' Group \\tin jiniiaied 11tis wonderful idai shies Inat "OUT Memorial Education Ccnircluis a VCn special placeiii the hearts orboih PICSeiii and pasiineiiibers crime Scliool coinmiiiiil\ and 11as in\o1\'ed countless fillhcrs in I\orking bees since ils oneuliigi!I 1987" Tile sitc cliosen for tile plantation is to line west of tile accommodatioil blocks ill a little used grassed area. 1111as been set out for planting o11 a grid \Tith tree species andlocaiions keyedinio a master plan. Coinprising offasi and slow' growing Allsiniliaii nail\'e cobinei till, bers. it is projiosed Inai trees

Article byJ"dith Hancock Photooraphs by AjiceEichber"er& Jinlie-Anna Smith

TlicHead Giniii197S. Sue GOTdon. after leaving scliool pursued a career in Outdoor Edrication. 11 was a gran PIcas!n'e 10 be able to appoint SIIe and net linchand Tini tom;nil 10 directilic Centre Uuougli iis initial singes of de\clopiiienl. we in\e inncli 10 nullk thenI for. Sue. Tiniand their faintly' of Hannnli. Ben^rinn and Sunniiiiha lia\c Iruide the Centre tileirlioiiic and line \ulnable recoilrccitlins become for our \o11ng \\Dineii for their social enjoiional and piivsicnl de\'clopineiii U is 21 \cors since Ihe incejiiioiior!lie Fallicrs' Groiip nild as part of our cclebnitions. welliaiik Petsr Coaldral;e, Barn Clieales. Can Ishel. Tre*Dr L\11cli. Ne\ Walls and 11/11Walcrs for tileir nilUtiUg efforts in OrganUSlng the planiting orUic Collunemomti\. e Grove Special thanks arc diie to Waync and Kay Morris of kiniy \killer Tiinbers \vlio Iru\e sponsored our Irees 111rough the orgaitizatioii or Sanianiha Coitioii trolli tile NODSi and DisiticiLaiid Carc





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Agency'. nie Australian Cabinet Tinibcrs planted by us all 1,111 be tile

EveJTDI, e 11/10 ruleJ, ded 11nd o11 eiayoinb!e ,Iny

lieniage for 111e future

Tile fast gro\\ing species are planled 10 capiure tile site by roniniig a panial canopy therebv leduCiiig weed-glowUi. reducing niainlciiaiice and encouraging 111e SIo\\er species to ionii tall SImighi trunks as 1110y seek Ihc sunshine above. The last growing species are expeCled to inniurc ill I\Tel\'c 10 fifteen \'ears nine \\-illi tile 510\Tet species un sonie twenty-fi\, eyears nine The Meinorial Ontocor Ethicalion Centre was Qincially opened o11 Sunday' 9 Augisl 1987byDrA S Calmiunii. CBE. DSO. ED. DEng BE. Min. FAmlIhc Clialriiimiofihe Board of Tnislees

Shortly after the oneiti"g or tile Centre. tile Fathers' Group set lip Tile nitbil Support GIDiip11hiclilins remained a \1:13'1111poriaiii facet of tile life of line Falliers' Group Tribiite 111usi be paid to null\' people \v!10 played niajor roles at 111e Centre. A second doniiiion block is nailted Tlic Peter Wilso" MeijiorialFund\vhicli\\as opened in 1979 shortly alter 111e accideiii and by tile P & F Association. Tlie GIIorinous sripj}on from the parents alld mends of the School\\as recogiused when thc Inain doniuiory block was named innieirlioiioiir FlinchngforInc de\elopineiiiptim:In Iy can10 froni doriatious to tile BOGS




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hill & Sire Lollh"111 11'111, ille, r CAI/at, !, 11,111i"/I. Delay"11/1/1 rind full, '11/11rt nerve innde 1/1e Celll, 'e file"' 1101/1e


Tile Centre \Tag CSiablished as a perillaneiil Buildiiiginlionour Drille particular 111eniorial to Joiniand Janellc Sunniorclmid contribution of one of these 111en. and ino snidents HeIen Gallan and Jinian recogruses all the lathers involved Shames \\It0 1051 their Ii\'es ill a tragic bus thronglioui 111e years accidentalClirlslmas Creek o1/21 April 1979. 11is also a tribute to the courage and Tinouohout tile years there 11a\. e been selflessness \vincit was snowii by all 11/05e other donors to the Centre incliiding Dr CinenieBryant andin 1994 theML Bryani wlio sun, i\'ed


F1',,, c"a/ Jar!11/1 flailcock p!o, 115 tt free at the Selloo!ir 1251/1 Corn, "e"lord!^\, e Grove

in this year oroiir 125" bin!Iday. we now have a place or great beauty and tranquilli^' and a'eryonc \tlio visiis ale Centre always collies a\\my, reeling Tenc\\ed. Tile Centre is anvin, , tribune to the incl tiiaioiit orgyeaiad\ersity call come so Inncli Uiat is positive and Dunoing

planted by individuals win beidentified on 1110 plan for filmre reference. nioiittoring or replacement wireie necessary


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A's, ,/,,,, o1/11, BGGSI',, ill, rs' Glow P, ,, I Cn, 11n, tik" 11. ,/CUI"CS Ih, 111d, ,I. prop/, 11'11u ,""d, flier, 11'"I' to 1/1/'11


it!,, 1,111s Flierr" ill, C"kh, fillo, !

GinAfilUR G, 4ZETTEA{41'2000 - Per, ,e 6


Gene SIS and Evolution

Riehard Gill, OAM


He has been Chorus Master at the Australian Opera. Dean of the West


The idea of wrtting a new School Song was Tlie first version 11ad tillco verses \vith lines mooted about tile end of first collies Ier. last of six and five stresses alieniaiely. What's year. 1999. Altlioughlwas going to \\Tileit more they were quite densely wrtllen. so as in conabomtion with Mrs Mumhy. the end to cmnmintheralotof materinI. it Ginvery of semester dellruids on herniadeitdifficult sensibly suggested that a school song for us to coincide except for brief exchanges, should be easy to pick up and remember. so solderidedtimil'dimve agoin thenobonys. perliaps shorter lines would be a good idea. and perhaps two verses instead of titree Our briefincluded a number of elements that IvfrsHancockconsidered appropriate. tilese Back to the drawing board! Fortunately, by included reference to the pasi, present and tins slage we were just starling the rind future, an awareness of tradition. reference seniesler holiday, when I had tinie to tiniik to the two coloorsblue, Tenorting Offord and and doodle again Cambridge, use of Dor motto - prefbmbly in the chorus - and, if possible. an allusion to Big Tenjink! uniat to leave o11L andliow to the inngery in tile irispiraUoiml \\indows do it? created by leiuoferAiidrews. The\vliolewas 10 be modem but funeless the School. Tlie Inniii problein here was to Verse One. tile founder's vision was uslated find the right lone. so 111e words should be 1101 in terms of equality of OPPommity. bui elevated but not pretentious. and calcli a as a slatelineniof\Flintilie SGIt0015iands for. feeling of tradition without sounding essentially tintloniungis alite-longprocess. Victorian. Another consideration \\as 10 and cnablcs us to accoilMilodate cliaiige. and avoid coinplex seijieiice siniclures. and. as have real input into o11r own lives. The far as possible open-ended lines inni are colours blue. alas. illsl wonldn'tm liarder to sing properly. I consciously an'oided repe. Tnng kev words. andl alsolook V file\erses wereinore duncull. Referencelo expression 10 the policy' or 11uTl{Inng the the pasl. present and 1111/1re offercd all Indi\Idiial. and gi\. inglier time to develop interestinn problein. Today's prese"INilltoo This. hilumbalaiicedilie School's fostering soon be tomorrow's past. while our funire of di\'ersiiy: a limiti-racial. non will bccome the preseitt for subsequent denomination al comintinity. encouraging generations. The soluiion \\. as 10 focus on excellence across tile board. to enable 111e rollnder's \, ision. and on the School's acadcittic. SPOTling. cultural. artistic. and ethos. linagery froin leimifer Andre\v's creative in Ieresls 10 thrive. Tlie conccpl or windo\\. \LBS a little liarder to incorporate. sharing what wellavc gained logicalIv filled becalicoil\ms atranslatioiifroin oneinediiutL ill here. Then it was a limiter or nettiiitr the visual. to another. verbal. Tltis illvol\ed order right and ino\, ing throngli tile \erse isolating 111e central colicepi or 111e \vindo\v. from di\, ersity. 10 sluriiig10 nomirc. Because and giving it thenianc 51"thatrice: that is. thc caring inches antlie resi\\ork. it ITasilie incorporating a visiial inlage into the biglipoint o111tis \, erse expression of enjos I was developing. To acliieveihis. 1115edincima"e of butterflies 11 Iris laten nuinerous re-\*files and niucll emerging frontilie Gill}'sans slate to represent riddling willI words. synon}ms. parallel the Scliool's policy of der'eloping the talents concepts and rhyihin Haring it set to music oreacliindividiml snidenl. Tlie tito colours \\ as noi only \, ery exciting. but also of blue linergad \\, 1111 tile idea or blue being illuiieiiselysatislyiiig. 1110pcii\\miller I with 111e approval of Granunar Girls, pasi. pre"111 associated with first place and fulluc care to steer clear of negaii\ e coiniolalions WillI quiie a bii of inggliiig. the present \ersioiieiiierged Where to start? Verse T\10. The window. \vhicli I 11ad dropped froin Mark n reappcared. o11h this unieii\T'Sihcbirdiiimge. in o1tiiebiittermcs ,\Iucli 11a\'c fortoo Inari}' syllabus to mill to a line willI only. four heals). and it gaVC This time, ill trying to incorcomle tradition and vision, Igoiihe balance all wrong. and the Song Markn, was too hacl, vard-looking With a few SINOesiions from uns Hancock The first part to be \*Titlen was the Cmonis. 10 work on I 11ad another go which I 1110ught silould reflect tile spirit of

The search for a composer to entrust the Australian Conservatorium of Music, task of witing the School Song was one Musical Director of the NSW Conservatorium Singers and frequently that required much consideration conducts professional orchestras in Richard is known Mr Richard Gill. OAM. was the perfect Australia choice of composer given his exlensive internationally for his work with young background in all facets of musical life musicians and has conducted The and being a keen collector of school Australian. Sydney and Western songs. Richard's work as an opera. Australian Youth Orchestras orchestral and ballet conductor is highly regarded throughout Australia and Richard was contacted to compose the overseas and he is in constant demand music for the school song that would as a ledurer and teacher in conducling, capture the youthful spirit of the students enabling it to be used by them on a variety composing and vocal coaching

of occasions

** **. :. ^,.

On the advice of his own daughter. the initial drafts wiiich were somewhat traditional were discarded and the bright new concept emerged With a song full of vitality and myIhmicdrive MrGillcalled Mrs Hancock on speaker phone and played whatwas to become Nil Sine Labore. His visit to the School to teach the new song to the entire assembly will long be remembered by all the students, especially Ih e Symphony Orchestra members Mr Gill's desire to write something lasting. his engaging personality. his passion for * teaching and his amazing ability to instantly connect with student musicians made him the perfect choice for the task


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All/ Sriie Labore JIT. ,CISi Lulltt H"of 9,411 and '01/1pos, , and vital to the success of Nil Sine Labore R, allnrd GII1 11,111J FIJI, cipnl J, '11/1/1 HullcocA








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Nil Sine L"bore

'Rendvp!easellr AIMS, c " R, dinrd Gill andPnii! nonevpeubr, 11 A. 11 SIiie L, ,60, 'e Tile c/, o11 16,101, .! give 1/1e ,,, allgi" nipeiyb, ,,, in, ce d, ,r, ,, g Selloo/,-i'se!,, b4,

Nil sine labore. Sei J, our goals and 311'1ve Din'e to lei 1'01, r ,/r, urns inke 11,111" und sodr hispiled 61 1/10se 11'110 shone, / Ihe way, lit keep 1/1eJi IIOPes d/IVC And 1101d 1/1eii pro!Id frothno, I. , to Inc jolt












Maintain o11r founder's \'ision bold A life enriched b\' learning Embracing change. \\c build and lTold A future ntorc disccrning Dra\^ strength front o111 di\ ergii\ : We 11a\ e so nilicli to gi\ e Eaclifledglingialciii\\c call scc Mattire. take thrillt and live Nil sine 1,160, v

, * "~ .,








GII. ,MAHR GAZErrEAL, 11"2000 - F"ge 7



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;;,;rotor Jilt $11,111,111s 1:11^"fuji 51m, I 11/19 Jtitie;; 11:1",,!

Congratulations also go to all House Drankit Caplatiis. nannelyNliso" unlner Jane Stafford. Joinaiuiali Cage. Ehaabeth CIMislianse". Najalic Clinchansen. Vanessri Special con"ratulations go 10 the three veryialented Houses - GrrrTlli, Gibsoii and Mackay. - who were selected for the Dininn Showcase on Friday' 17 March

MorganMa"uire - Drama Captain

One of the first e\. cms of OUT 125 days of relebmtion was themternouse Dinnia Festival. To fitin \viniourbitilidav yeai tile theme ofLenr, incl o111 filepnsi loom, ,g to 1/1e. /1111/1'e. was sei

Vanessa Rotliwell

Alter fifteen\, eels of wire cuts on oar nands. paint and plaster o11 our shirts. a 101 of stress and general irud \\ork. tileYear 12 SentorArt Folio Oneculiitiiiatedin the Year 12 Art E:diibitionNi"hi. For some orus nits was the chance to model our piece of wearable art. for others it was the chalice to display their painting or sailpture. 11 was also a chance for the falluly and friends or tile Year 125 to see their ariand for Yams 10 and U art students to see \\lull's in 51m'e tornleru. Tile folios \\ere dtie in o11 tile TUGScla} and tile Evilibiiion \\as held o11 the niursday inglit. therefore all art was flirtslied bni it \\as still lieciic. Studenis whose work was o1t display. 11ad 10 supervise it being 1111ng or displayed. \\line fibre arts students had to am\e early to do their natr and makeup and gct into 111eir 'dresses Tlie prograiil oilhe nightincliided \vine for 111e parents, a dr;uria presentation. a short lait lioni the Head orAri. MrDona!d Pincoii a Po\letPoini presentaiioii or sindeiiis at work ill the an rooms alld tile irishion parede. Although coine models\\erc worried about falling orer in their creations. the parade \\eiiloff\Till10/11 a hitch and ITas well recei\ ed by allm attendance All parenis and friends appeared jinpresscd millilic quality of \lurk proLlticed b\ Ihe students and innii\ ridniirliig remarks could be neard aroLind inc audilorliun. Silltil:rrl\ all studenls wereliapp}' Millili0\\ 111eir \\ork apus, red and \\ith 111e praise Ihe\ recci\cd. we \\erc allihaiikful to sho\\ off witai \Ie 11nd spani so muchiiiiie creating. in the toriiiormi exhibition \\Iticli\re rarely. ite\'er experience

Fun was had by, one and allin finding way, s Weeks. Pinoebe Lynch LouiseFirUi. Saran to interpret this idea. Heats \\, ere lield orer Hack. Varies5:1 Rolliwell. Marguetile in\o afternoons. and all performances Bumoris. Maimalilnine. Morgan prolyed 10 be litgldy, creative and Grip\. able. Manuire. Holly SIIutlL Cattlerine Out of the wine competing Houses. titree minn"10n. Nicolc Berlrainaiid SIepliailie were chosen 10 perloniiiii the Sho\\'case Fiddin"


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o11 tile Friday inght. This dimcull selection To all vins ITlio participated and to tile staff process was made possible by the skimil andfaiiitlies \\110 lielpedinihe nilming of andiniclligeiit adjiidication of MBriaii 111e resti\a1. \'o11r coniirutineiit antl Calmoii. a relebmted actor \vlio was dedication\\asinucliappreciaied. Special previously Drama ieacher at Brisbane Boys tnniii;s innsi go to Mrs Miirpliy for once Graminar anId\\lionad directed Inaii\ co- again putting so 11/11cli energy and lime into produciio"s o\Grille }ears 111e a. eni. We look tonvard 10 an oilier successful interimLise Drama Fesli\al nexl










74 ^I^/^ Is',", 9"'"^mm" Comum, ^, <:1"'^,,,

The Colluniiuiiti' Choir tilen conibined \11th file Gnuiumr Sin"ersand BGS Cluniber

were not ablc to be illvo!\cd this Ianr you can look fontard 10 another OPPortiinii} ncxivearwhen BGGS will 1105itheaen!

Jackie Colwill

Saturday e\, Giving. 20 May saw a number or Girls Granularand Bo}s Groin"mrpareiiis staff and ex-sindeiits in\'o1ted in tile cumiinatioiiof nearly threeiiioiilhs of tellernnls\\\Uinie Graniniiar Conmitiitih Clioir. tile clioir sang as part orThe Brisbarie Granutiar Scliool Gi. n",,,,,, r '01/11/11iJi, j, in Co, IC, ,'I perlbrnianCC at May tie Hall. University. orQiieeiisla"d Tile Collmiiuuiv Choir. winelilms existcoin the pastas a BGS jiniiati\e \till continue as a combined effort bentccii the tito schools w'jin coclI scliool as tillernate 1105/5 for Ihe final performance event. So. for 11/05e \rlio

Orchestra to sing rollr Pau11{o114, conducied and slage-martinued 1110veinentsIroniMoanri's all reliearsiils as \\ell as condiiciing tile ticcoiiipaiiist and Mariaiiiic Rigb\ conducting tile final piece Milli inc Massed VCrdi's C/10r, ,s @1the Heh, ,11 51th vs. The wight provided a Choir. Pain \\orked hard with a groiip or wonderfill OPPorhiitity for 111e singers urntixcd abilities. e\pencilce and wider Granularcoiiuiii"tits, 10 age and inspired all\\110 conte to 'just sing". The 11/1/51c provided a variety' of Reqi, ,ei, I alld finally' \\tUinie Grillui"rr\focal Erseinblc for a chiniig rendition of Gillseppi film! perfoniiance with loannc Stranger as


collie together to lisieii 10 and be part of 111e innsic

cliallcnges and rich re\\axis as tile choir sang timec jigiler 11/11nbers as a group. Tlie 5.1ecled pieces 11nd plenty' of swing and colourincluding alkaliiihil arrangement of line evergreen. 3/1, lid!Ido"/I

Ibi, 1111g/11 ^eco"JISe Airs Animhi: Air$ Jackie CDAi, 11 d, Id 1999 11c, Id GII. 1/11d, 1/1 11di"",. o1.11j!11 %^,.




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11, ditf0 11. H, Incock, 11M, B Sc, GrrrdDjj, Eat^, Idmi", M Phil, EtcE, fillM, LEIPC

Iudith's award is minusically tied up \vith tile school and her 23 years of educational leadership in tints place. SIIe Iris been well and truly assisied. even enabled. by very professioiml staff. May we all relebmie andbe rightlvproudofJuttith andiius school: nia} Iudithbeliappy and Ii\e inn\Ie of 111e ciiomiity o11his recogiulioii: may education benefit as Iudith continiies to laboiir for the litglicsipossible sinndards andina^ we all conti"11c willI line Ile\er-ending siruggle to acliie\e o11r 0\\11 personal goals - snaring for 111utuat bellcfil whene\'er 1,055ible encll other's sorro\ts. joys and snoresscs One o1/11^ lit\'o11riie quotes - ' SIIccess Is 1101 tile result or spontaneous combustion - you'llust relyoursclToii lire! I ' IudiUi 11as done that and we can SIand back and adrrtire Tlic Board or Tmslees 10asls you - Iudith Hancock and BGGS and looks ton\, ard 10 a year of nappiness. success. celebration and millual henem of girls, star. pareiiis and coiniiirutityin tills waterslied of the ceriumies -lite Year 2000

I was pleased to speak at the Staff Meeting on Friday 28 January and o11 behalf of the entire schoolfuiitilyit gaveme muchplconure to congratulate Iudith Hancock. Pin^cipal. on 111e award of Member in the Order of Australia. fits awardlms been niade ill recognition of lier Receiving all Award un this order dcmaiids initi the recipient goes lire ECCondiitile -i. e. does Inncliinore nun is denianded by job or career. Iudiili miller mewlihiiiIhc adjicalioiwlseclor during ithc Irisi 11nriy years and paniciilarl} inclasllcii. 11ns dollcjusi inni. I do 1101 need to in Ik about lier service to edticaiion intougli BCGS - services 10 education ill 11ns Stale and \ yoti are all well aware or Inat achieveincni - and her incredible far sighted contribution to nits school \till continue for a rinitiber of years 10 conte inchth's special contribution lIas been in too particular directions * One in tile big picture arena of as we know. 111Auslralia

Dr CinerrellHirst, AO Chair, BCGS Board of Trustees

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Tile '10/1d Hallcock. /all, ,A, at 1/1e rill. a, 'of Cereii, o11v IL-Ri. ' I'lle. Din, Id. 11, drill. Din"d111, : Fro, Id Myonin, n!elv SIephm, Ie coind ,, o1 be preseJ, I

- of 111e innueiice this coll001 11as had upon 111ein. Those girls are now. and \vin continueto haleadcrs of OUT future colltmuiiities and mothers ortiie next generatioii. Ally influence o11 111eni \vhiclileads to a ticlier. more socially aware society wincrc wonien are regarded as eqimls will benefit OUT society' and us all. Iudith has 11nd a sigioficanl impartnetoulyat Girls Granimnrhiii also Ihrougli her enormous coinribution to Woineus College at Universii} or Qiieensland o\'er eiglitecit I ears * Lenders are only greai leaders if line^11n\e10/10\\ers - the Board or Tnistees is enoriiioiisl} proud or 11ns jusliUiiioii - lis leader Iudiili Hallcock - for lier \'is 10n Inno\ allo n. colllmillneni 10 educniioii findlo\'e Drille girls and 111e colicoi and also it is proud or cacli of\ o11 -illc 51:arcf tills scliool \\'110 MDrl; so ribl\ beside 11cr tin\ b\ da\ sei'\ing gciicr;11ioii after general1011 or \'o1/11g \Loineii and jinotigli tileiit our columniul\\ * 111dit111ms recci\cd Innii\' a\\rims alld 11/11cli rec0:!1111ioii ill Inaii\ un\s or er a 1111/1^ber or \ ears - bill this initiikis tileiiiosibroacU\triad a\\artl - the aw'ard In o51 generalI\ acrepied and acknowledged b\ tile coniinuiiiiy and I 11tink it is lining that it has o001rrred tillhis the 125, h Tear of the school

lieractivelobb}, 11g o11alloccasioiis for the best and niosi nonest or educational philciples and procures at Stale and Natioinllevels * Secondly ill tile lives. nones and dramns orthousands of girls - girls Nilo nave passed Ihrougli tilese doors and \\ho have gone into the world at large - someiinics very conscious - and sometimes less so

education alld we nave \\jinessed this 111rouglt lier service to DTDanizaiions sucli as AHISA. MsQ and Inariy others as weU as






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Indri/, noneock receJves lier Alei, ,bell, , Ihe 01. der o1,111sir"h" minr, //o111 Ihe Goven, or '10/1ee, ,$1u, ,d. His ETCe!!e, ICUA/,\or General P, fur. JITi, $011 AO

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still provide a relre"I. serumar and in"ling area with a restored original library bookcase and tables and chairs

"Gee. hits Cooke. 11 looks like a Teal library. "

Dighl The return on an original library table, used for many years as the Bonrdroom tobie. ling also pro\Tded an area for smaller classes or groups of up to twelve for meetings and seminars Tile Westpac Reading Rooms

11 is not clear what the library was last y"r. but obviously the ne\\.. Impro\td library 11ad received 111e seal of rippro\ al from one Y"r 9 student at least

file library 51.11 awaits some ne\\. chairs for the Board table. but longer tables ha\e been situated in tile old conel area and a fiction lounge eslablislied






in fact, allusers have welcomed the 2000 \. ersion of The Beanland Memorial Library niey aimrre the new reception area willI the spacious circulation desk. the bank of search computers for Allce. the ease oraccess to the nvo main wings. and the added space and focilities ThemGillty of an un-library teelmology hub with data projection and fifteen crimpuiers has been a genuine bonus. This focility has been fully booked on some school days The usage rates are already significantly higher thait 1999 figures

The Parents and Friends Association has also kindly provided a special guni for the purchase of new fiction sheI\ing This became a priority when the refurbishment I"gl, light"d Just h, *" .Id. ,I. k. ty ""d 1.11 U, . ,ld an, k, were The new shelving has a cleaner and lower profile and a wooden hash. in keeping with the new decor The library rin\\. 11as I\*o new black and \\, bile Xerox phDlneopiers as well as an up firaded coloor machine A scanner has been installed in 111e technology moni us Ihe library progresses towards lis aim or providing a one'slop information shop ^a school G/*tiff, IR GAZETIEM4y2000 - Puge 9












filere are arcas for sewn witole classes at once with a range of furniture fruitt Individual cartels to tables for groups of up to

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