Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1999
Jan mey - Archivist
and later basketball. This was later transferred The War Work Group Fund was set up to dis- Preserving the Memory to School Day at which the OGA became inbuts and collect wooland hashed articles and
As reported in the first issue of the BCGS involved in the very successful Art Show. The to organise meltons to raise money for the war in order to ensine that we can continue to have ad its general meefuig early in 1899. The number of general reunions over the years, Prisoner of War Fund and the Comforts Fund. Minute Books and other records are being
"who had been among the first pupils or the objectives. Over the past 100 years the OGA pined "comforts" such as balaclavas, socks and for the records, thus covidriig an environment School. has contributed considemble time and money to mittsns directly to the men of the 2/2 Field Hy- conducive to their long-term preservation. support the School' s need for equipment, giene Section. Dances and Bridge afternoons or Continuing the Links and it was claimed in the hagaxine of that year lotnnportsnteventsin the lite of the School. With that the Association was the biggest in Australia. regular income of only 2/6 per member rising The OGA has also manimied links with and The Old Girls' Association sought arid continues 11 is also probably one of the oldest to the current $10. the OGA has raised enough provided support for many other institutions and to seek to provide continuity of tradition and funds through social activities and sales of associations developing in Brisbane. This has contact between past students, School and its
again from 1914 to 1917. Miss Liney was a subsequentlibrery farmties, silky oak table and Secondary Schools' Pas, Students' Association about its history for its members and the present
in 1926. and the Restoretion and Building Appeal to name research willin the curriculum. jus a few. Since 1900 the OGA has funded an Perhaps the Duly aim which the OGA has nor Old Girls' prize every year. There are now unee realised has been its long held dramn 10 have its Displays or photographs and memorabilia Activities and Achievements such prizes awarded. The most recent projector own Club Room where members could mee . commemorating events such as lite OGA the OGA has been the funding of two beautiful Many of the meetings and social occasions of Centenary will be accessible to present and
most effectiveIy through the Old Girls' Notes and instaUed in the Library foyer in time for the instead been directed towards sustainin, the comment ast students.
of the OGA has served this purpose. Group Fund, the OGA has also given service to Old Girls' Association has been well year. 1.1 this wa the whole school cornmuntty coinmunt^, and country. The Senior Group was documented in the Minutes of the Committee, will have continuing access to the history and
entertainments, cuehre and bridge parties. opportunity to meet people of their own Archives with two important omissions, the whichl"s endined for 100 yams des iteconcems
at the Schoolwhereimm 1900 up untilthe1960s Hospital, the City Mission. the Silky Oaks photographs and memorabilia from former the Old Girls' played the present @rls at tennis Orphanage, and the Red Cross were just some students' of the beneficiaries
Already, as arcsult of a request formemorabitiain the last Gram"mr Gazette. the Archives Minutes of the EGGS OGA for the years 1899 to 1933 and Reports of the Annual has received a number of donations from former students and their families. These have General Meetings for those years been most welcome additions to oar cornertion of school records and museum items. With OGA Correspondence (im particular, letters to the War Group Fund from servicemen two such sigyificant occasions, the Centenary of the Old Girls' Association and the BGGS daring WWn) 125" Armiversary Celebrations occuring this year and next, the Archivist is hoping that Newsletters of the EGGS OGA the School witl be able to display items representing every facet of its history. We need OGA Sports Coat made in 1935 or that em photographs, progyains and newspaper onppings of school events, badges, and items of Jubilee pencils coinmemomting the School's Diamond Jubilee year of 1935 (Royal uniform, particularly blazers and bats Blue and engaved with a silver badge and the letters BGGS, 1875-1935) Stationery created in 1974 for the Centenary yearin 1975 There are also a number of identified items, considered as being necessary to co PIete Issues of the School Magaxine for the years 1913,1914,1916,1917, June 1918,1919, some long Tuning series or to give us a second copy for display purposes. Below is a list December 1928, Decomber 1930, June 1931, June and December 1938, December of items which we would particularly inke to have 1943, June 1947, June 1948, June 1949, June 1950 and July 1953; and Brooches presented as mementos to Debutantes sponsored by the OGA at Bans in the Copies of the School Pumpemm for any period 1950s Photograph or the laying or the Foundation Stone in 1883 Photograph of rimss Bamland ff yoi, have these or any other ite", s tunicl, yo, , think "jigh, be of i, ,toresr to tile Selloo! Beamtstress' Reports/Annual Reportsforthe years 1882-1886,1888,1890-1898,1900- please coat@61 Ihe Arcl, tvisr. Jan R, Iey. The direcrpho"e mm, fur is 3332/358 a, Id e"inn 1901,1903 to 1910,1912.1925 is inIev@b9es. @Id. ed, ,.@"
GRM4AL*R GA^rrE MAY 1999 - Page 6
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