Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1999

ed mittcztii, es ill the BGGS Cc, reer Edz, cc^tio, , Frogrc,

information Relevant. up-10daie information is provided dunugli the harery, internet intranet, CD ROM and notice boards As far as proctical we ensune information is analable when our girls are ready to use it our career education progam around five key components. The live components of our progyain are outfuied below

sort of "homework' aimched to encoLirage students to develop the suns to explore and ruseareh their ouni camer issues. in addition. BCGS Careers has its own email address Individual students are encouraged to send in questions and suggestions. Answers to common questions are posted on Dor intranet site

AUStra"an newspaper amiele daimed that in some organisations. job desertptions are being updated on a monthly basis

Ken Hunch"an

Today's world of work is far more complex than the world of work 20 years ago. Newjobs 11 is possible that not all students win have to are emerging. other jobs are disappearing and deal with the effects brought about by these the conditions of work seem to be continually features. However, it is important that all students are prepared to deal positively with changing. The term "new career' has been changes that may be occurring in the coined to cover the features emerging as a workplace result of these changes

Community inked work A muge of community linked work is being developed

Class and small group experiences: All This work includes a variety of structured and Year 10 students participate in regular career semi-structured experiences that facalitate education lessons, and career sessions are bunt accessing coinmuitity resourees. Experiences

Some of the features that contribute towards the "new career" tonow More people will be selfemployed and more "ill be working for sinaU and medium sized businesses nther than large organisations. AUShaman Blueru of Statistics figines (1996) indicate that 96% of an businesses in Australia had less than 100 employees, with most having less than 20 staff. The computer services industry, a repidly expanding industry. is do mmated by business (88%) with less than five employees increasingly fragmented. The trothtional literareIncal coreer ladder win be the reality for less people as the career becomes more like episodes, linked by transition periods. Aceorch, Ig 10 recent surveys. young people in Australia are me Iy to have over 20 jobs during their working life and niore people will have more than one job at a time. One ABS sumey discovered that 21% of those surveyed changed their job at 100sr once in the previous year Lateral movements from one occupation to in general. careers will become

Preparation to deal with changes win mean


into Year 11 and 12 assemb"CS. in addition, Lifelong learning win be required Thereis a willingness to tale on new roles, daring study periods, year 12 students are

include inviting community members to ian to goups and individuals about particular careers,

take risks and keep an open mind Planning for the future win involve more uricerlainty than ever before Students will need to have the skills to locate and criticaly evaluate career infomiation, and make appropriate career decisions The traditional model of career counselling asked people to find out about themselves, find out about the world of work and rinke a match. The trouble with his approach in our rapidly changing society is that matching two outdated sets of information is not the best way to plan a career. it is entirely possible that one wight declare a career aspiration at 15 which will be obsolete by the age of 25 We should encoLrrage students to keep their options open and to never see a career decision as a peruunent decision. Each career choice should be thought of as an experiment i produces satisfying outcomes 10 see



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in order to assist oar students 10 deal with another will be more common. often crossing "discipline boundaries". Many likely change in their worl^lace we are continuing 10 develop our career education gowth industries w' have positions plugarn. Career education is concerned with where combinations of skills, attributes the development of bowledge. skims and and interests all be involved. This emphasis on flexibitity, transfersble skills attitudes which win assisi students 10 make and multi-skilling has been a contributing informed decisions about their study undor

Ke Hy, ulm@". Assisi@,, t Philelya! (Stude, ,"SIqff'Support Services) disci, $5es career clioices Ivitli Fio"a Norih

invined to meet in small goups to explore career issues. These runeiings occur in a

providing work experience OPPorruntties. offering networking breakfasts and promoting community based pinganis Coordination and Liaisons Coordination and liaison is necessary 10 develop long tern progams and to encounge students to access a range of onom, imties. We are contint"11y 100ki, 18 for ways to assist students reach their goals of achieving satisfying lives

factor to ale development of doub e

work options and enable effective participation Computer room This enables students to in working lire. The goals of career education participate in small goup discussions, or to include helping people create satisfying lives seek information independently. requesting

degrees at untversities

There win be less securejobs. Self

for themselves. facititaimg continuous ionnnig, guidance when needed

reliance win replace loyalty in understandings between employers and assisting cuents to learn new skins, challenging self-defoaiing beliefs. claritying values and employees Fixed job descriptions walk replaced by Ionning chicient work habits. To assist students achieve these goals we are developing temporary assigmnents. A recent

individual assistance: Students are invited 10 make individual rippointinents to explore amper issues. These meetings are likely to have sonie

tud. en



1999 heralds the second year of the Student Executive, the leadership body introduced last year to replace the Prefec system. The Executive comprises the Head Girls Sally Brand and Iudy Hamsworth, the Head Boarder Kate Phimps and the nine House Captatns Louise Coney roeanland), less Kelso rigland), Libby Kidd (Gibson), Megan O'Connor (Gritfith), Kate Prosser airschfeld), Kate Hodgkinson a. illey). Diame HOPIey (Mackay), Bennda Deal (0'Connor) and Mehssa Hamilton myo01cock). This year the Student Executive has expanded to include drama, debating, sport and music. These areas are represented by Calm Gahan comma Captain), Rachel Otive roebating Capuln), Emma Warichap (Club Sports Captain), Georgina Mewing (QOSSSA Sports Capuln), Bin Shield alealth Promoting Schools), lady Hamswoxh onusic Captain), Jeany MacGiUiway roand Captain), Lathika Vimanage (Strings Captain) and Clam Jackson

They include Saran Davies. Nex Gifues, Saran Estwiclc, HeICn Kim. Ienny MacGil"way, Andrea Noon, Genevieve Starkey and Lacey White. We anticipate that they win make a valuable contribution to this group. in its first term of office, the Executive has started to look at many aspects of school life that we felt should be addressed, in particular the correct wearing of school urnforms. As a fun project for the start of the year, the Executive organised a Fashion Extravaganza which was weU received as "light relief' on Assembly. Other projects include the Year 12 Common Area, a school radio station, computer rooms for senior students and behaviour management. in this respect. the function of the Executive has extended to incorporate discipfuie. So it is evident that first term has been a busy one and with the inclusion of eight more girls' second term should prove to be just as fast-paced and productive

Judy Hamsworth & Sally Brand Head Girls

(Choral Captain). The broadeiimg of the Executive means that all facets of school lit are accounted for at meetings Expansion will continue throughout the

course of the year, as the Honour Award recipients are included as nienibers. The first round of Honour Awardees have already joined the Student Executive


Mrs Homock with Head Girls Julith Hairsworth dad Sulky Bra, xi

GRAMA^R G^E My 1999 - Page 5

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