Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1999


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the Choirmon 's Desk


Plans have been developed and win which have implications for the continue to be revised to action independent secondary sector - such as responses to those issues. Board the implementation of National policies across a range of the School's Competition Policy, the introduction operations are under ongoing review to of GST, the increasing individual cost

Cinerre" Hint Chairman Board of Trustees

The newly constituted Board of

ensure optimal management of the

of uiitversity education, and the review of funding for independent schools to

Trustees has commenced its four-year School. However the Board is

term with a renewed deeree of coriumitrnent and enthusiasm for the future of the School. it is well aware of the strong position the School

extremely pleased to note that with the list but a few, there are even greater exceUentleadership of Judith Hancock social issues fadno the current

and the wisdom of previous Boards very little modification is required.

generation of secondary students DisiUusionment, angst and rebemon

maintains in the present and is

have always been features of detennined that policies and strategies The Board is pleased with the physical adolescent development but the current are in place to maintani that position in charttres to the School which were use of drugs, alcohol and violence to the long term. The continuation of an implemented daring the summer express these emotions and frustrations bu one of the members of the previous vacation and is looking forward with have not previously been evident to the Board has made this task more easily interest to the next stage of capital extent we see today. Schools are achievable. Greg Warichap, the new planning. John Dimtriou Architects expected often by individual parents member is an Accountsnt with Hall have been contracted by the Board to and the coriumunity at large to solve adwick. He has a daughter in the develop plans and he will present his these problems. Such a responsibitity School and has a geat interest recommendations to a special meeting cannot be borne by educational professionaly and personaly in of the Board in May. The Board win institutions whose core business is secondary education and BGGS in then work at developing future teaching and learntng. Schools such as amCUIar. We miss the expertise of implementation of a long term capital BGGS which have a strono pastoral Judge Margaret MCMurdo and thank plan incorporating its priorities for the care component to their cultore are her for her service to the School over School for the next five years with a able to contribute to the resolving of the last four years' strong awareness of the changing many such problemn but can do so requirements of physical infostructure only with the encouragement and A pluming day early in the new year with current and future developments support of parents and the student provided an opportunity to consider in in educational definery. herself. depth many issues facing the School to internally and externaly wi Winst there are at present significant the broader context of the filtere o issues challenging ed. coation in this secondary education in this country. country at a political level - issues These issues win continue to confront all secondary schools into the next centuny. Recent episodes of extreme

violence in schools must convey the message to society as a whole that there is a need for re-evaluation of its acceptsble social behaviours and a redefinition of social structuring for children to encourage their hope and belief in the future and their futures Schools such as BGGS recognise that they can play an important part in this process and are eager to do so that they can continue with the business of providing the essential healthy positive environment necessary for optimal learning and development of each of us whatever our stage in life.



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The winning design for the logo which opening of the Olympicsin Sydney, win for aleatherboundliinitededitionwhichwi11 125th focus but will not add to the represents the School's 125th Anniversary bring to acimJaxoar 125 days of celebration be promoted next year comintiments of students and staff unduly was submitted by Vanessa RodiweU. I was from Foundation Day in March. over other years. pleased to attend Assembly recently and The staff and students have been Watch for an update with each edition of the present Vanessa with a cheque for $200. A special publication on the history of the coordinating many of the celebratory events Gazerte where we win outline more detatls Because so many excellent entries were School, including apictorialhistory, win be into the nonnal schoolcalendar. in this way includin a mm'or educational conference at received, the assistance of a gaphic artist launched at his chiner. More details adj be events such as the Drama Showcase, the the School focussin on OUT international was obimned to choose the winninig design. provided as they come roband but watchout "Proms" and the Liney Oretion witl have a relationshi s, an Art trailwithin the School, The theme of the beloved 'school hat' and events that have an historical focus

featured prominently in the designs subinttted. A runner's up prize of $50 was awarded to Miss ladie MCKay, a former year 12 student in 1998. The committee congatulates these winners and coinmends an thos who submitted entries. We look forward to seeing the logo employed on stationery, certificates. badges and medallions over the next two years. The Committtee has enjoyed strong support from parent groups, the Old Girls' Association, staff and students for which we are very gateful. The parent groups, for example, have formed a committee to organtse a major celebratory droner for the school farmly at City Han on September 2, 2000. This event. scheduled just before the

it is hoped that 'old girls' of the school who live in Queensland provincial centres or interstate win be able to organtise their own localevents. The Old Girls' Association and the Friends of Girls Grammar are endearoufuig to facititate these reunions and would be keen to hearfiom any past students living away from Brisbane in this regard Please do not hesitate to contact our Cornimttee tinugli the School if you have any suggestions for our own y2k

I G Brown Chair 125th Anniversary Conimi"ee

Drl@" Brown congr@into res Vaness" Rothwe!I on her winning design in the 125th logo Competition

GRAM, ^R G^TE My 1999 - Page 3

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