Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1999
Friends of Girls Gram
Fathers' Group build firm foundations
han Hodgkinsom - President
The combined Fathers' and Mothers' Group Dinner was held in March to
wereome new parents to the School and The Fathers' Group has commenced an active progyam for 1999 bunt around work was again strongly supported this year by approxinmtdy one hundred and fifty at both the the gory Terrace and jinbil Campuses. Garden beds were reset and parents. Guest speaker for the dinner was Nth Ken Hyndman, Assistant Principal walkways relaid in rind March at the (Studentstaff Support Services , on the School in time for the Old Girls topic of career Association choice preparation Centenary for girls Dinner
Diana Lynch - namediate Past President
about this brealtast in the BGGS Neii s - please look out for it! Plans are gathering momentum for the 125' Birthday celebrations and FFie, ich is excited about its involvement in the planning. We happily report our finandal contribution to the publication of a history of the School to be launched at the Celebratory Dinner on 2 September 2000 at the Brisbane City Hall. Representatives of our Committee, along with members of the P & F and the 2000 Cormnittee, are in the process of formulating arrangements
At the Annual General Meeting of Friends held in March, the Coriumitiee f0 1999 was elected. We welcome our new executive: Kern Schintdt - President, Glenn Capper - Treasurer and Rob St Clan as Secretary The deneral conimttee also includes new members Jan Davies and Manreen MCBryde and continuing members - Christopher Geminann, Catherine Scany, Pencity Williams, Ian Brown. Mir Einerson, Sylvia Pegg and Diana Lynch.
The 1999 Father
During our inIbil Working Bees a large, high sloped paddock has now been fenced for
and Daughter
Dinner win be held
on Tuesday 10 August at the
School Auditorium
two alpacas,
Newly-elected P & F Preside, it. Carob, " Mason, Moihers' Growp Preside, ,t Dawn Brady and Fathers ' Group President fan Hodgki"son e, !joy the Combi, led Fathers ' and Mothers' Group Dimer
and an exciting
pathways were
eventng is planned The Guest Speaker is to be announced shoaly, building on the success of Mr
reset, corbing and
installed on new roadways and the
bigli and low
Wayne Goss at the inaugural dinner in
ropes courses rehung to meet new
With the support of two senior staff members, Martse MCConaghy and Ken for this eventng which wiU prove to be Hyndman, we anticipate two very spectacular exciting Networking Breadasts, the first of which win be held in the Auditorium it you are interested in finding out more on Tuesday 15 June. W look forward about Friends of Girls Grammar, please contact either the School or any of the to the current Year 12 stu ents' above members of the Comintttee. We attendance as the mentors at this breadast win come from a wide range would be more than happy to forward a
AUStratian sundards safety chieria ........................................... 00
o o . o o
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Mothers on the Move
. . . . . .
Damn Brady - President
will be under twino within the School in . of professions. There win be more news brochure to you
. Mothers' Group has had another busy ' start to its year of social and fundraising the important area of Career CounseUino. ' . inctions. We were pleased to welcome . ' mothers to the School at a luncheon on Our talented mothers have been usy . I" February and to host the Welcome 10 creating craftitems and cooking tasty . New Parents' Cocktail Party held in the inorsds for sale at various functions . Auditorium on 3" February; it is always throughout the year. Our craft working . . an enjoyable task to be able to welcome bees, while very productive and . many new parents to the School at these profitable, are also wonderful sadal get- . . . . . .
Music Support Group
The audiences recognise members of the group mainly because of the suppers prepared and served before performances -
Aun Ichafagi - Secretary
. .
. functions. . .
togethers and an mothers are very
. In any large, non-profit organisation, the a practice commenced because we . successful operation of satellite groups appreciate that many parents come sri atg I Oar annual Umeheo" win be held at the . depends on the support of interested and to concerts from work and are hungry and fursty. Members are also found in the ticket S"minit Rest@"Font at Mt Coot-tin on enthusiastic volunteers booth and with the raffle basket Brisbane Girls Grammar School is such an Speaker; mark your diaries so that you . organisation and the Music Support Group The third, but certainly not the most o consists of a number of very interested and important task is fundraising. All money win not miss this exciting day at a raised is spent on instruments and other glorious location. O very enthusiastic parent volunteers. . . . . . . welcome to attend. Wednesday 4th August and we are negotiating for an interesting Guest
. The Heads of House redly"$1 held on . 3, d March provided an opportunity for . parents to meet with the Head of their . daughter's House and learn about the . pastoral care system within the School . Mrs Lynch gave a thought provoking . talk on aspects of adolescence that we . may have to confront with our . daughters ' The Social Dinner hostsd by the . Mothers' Group and the Fathers' Group ' on 30th March was a great success; the . inchon is an OPPortimty for an parents . to get together on a purely social basis . and everyone enjoyed a pleasant : evemng . The goup was addressed by Mr Ken . Hyndman, Assistant Principal (Studenti . Staff Support Services), who gave us . some idea of the type of work that he . .
equipment for the girls' in recent years, the group has purchased double basses, saxophones, recorders, a hanch horn and keyboards as weU as stage extensions, stand racks and amp"frets and much more. More equipment is always needed - at present
Our amual Card and Games Day win be . held in the Auditorium on Friday 10" . September; our basket lunch is superlative, so organse a table to play o o o
The goup, formed many years ago, has a
dueefold aim;
(1) to support the music staff and students in their performance; co) to provide a friendly and hipfront' faceto audiences at schoolmusical
. . . . .
bridge or your favounite game.
there is a shortage of tubas.
Already this year the Mothers' Group Committee is pleased to have been able to donate a number of outdoor tables and . (in) chairs for the use of the girls of the School and we look forward to assisfuig . the School in various ways in the future. :
There are variouslevels of fundraising - from presentations and; to raise money for the porchase of the ubiquitous raffle, to the City Hall concert whichhas been so successful mrecentyears equipment not covered by the The saleofentertainment booksis becoming School's very generous erants to an armingICvent. Severelyears ago the goup the music depariment hosted a dinner -in the grounds of
Government House which was a very
. . .
The group is much larger than it was even a
. few years ago. reflecting the increased enjoyable evening
. .
number of girls participating in the school's
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
However, the group's Music Support Group members enjoy each ' enthusiasm remains unbounded andits aims other's company and enjoy the company of . music program
the music staff and the students. Members never seem to leave - one past member was "camp mother" at two music camps this year, while several"ex's" have been seen at school
. unchanged
. Members support the staff and girls in various ways - by attending music camps, . .
. by decorating venues for concerts. by pertonnances, including the memorable
~ ,@
Easter Calcbmtion. Under the leadership of Alex Steele and with the continued support
. .
working as stage crew, orgamsing . lefteslunents for performers and by "being
,F ^
' there" almostevents. The staff andstudents of Mrs Hancock, the group, which .has
achieved much in years past, win achieve
. . . .
. can concentrate on the performance,
' bowing that the background workhas been even more in the years ahead
. ...........................,................. CFtyt days are always lots off, "for the Mothers
. done.
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