Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1999
to IDe
Visitors to the School on January 20 would have been confused. No more holidays. No students in classrooms - only teachers at student desks! BGGS staff were "in class", being challenged and inspired by three internationally acclaimed academics, Drs Vtcki Case!!a, J"lid Anti" and Loretto Giorcel!i, who led the inaugural Staff Professional Development Conference, No Dintts to Learning. Guests to the School included the DirectorGeneml of Education, Mr Tar, y Moron. and Principals of some of Brisbane's leading schools who also shared in the conference themes: understanding learners, integrating technology, and reflecting on practice.
Looking to the tutore The closing Panel Session, Practically U, opi": Visions of F"fure Learners, was chaired by our Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr Chanel! Hirst. The two eynote speakers were joined by Dr Lore!to Giorcelli, who has undertaken consultancy projects with the Uiitted Nations in China and the Australian Goveniment in PNG, and whose consultancy firm is presently trimng interpreters for the 2000 Olympics. Their ideas for this educational utopia encompassed the ethical and practical dimensions of learning, prompting an energetic discussion for one and all This inaugural Staff Professional Development Conference was voted a huge success by presenters and delegates alike
BeGS SLa, r Prohs. tonal Developingr. Con, ^rer, ^
Kay Kimber
motivational speaker whose wealth of and practical workshops, many offered by practical experience was winingIy shared in our own teaching staff, the Conference program offered thought-provoking sessions all her presentations which made choices difficult at times. "I Thusday's workshops wereled by Dr Julia Ib""d tire Congfere"ce over folk days to be Atkin from The kurin"g Collective New challenging, congfro"ting and definitely South Wales. Her fascinating group sri","lull'"g, " remarked Mr John CorereU, activities on student learntig were found Geography)
Keynote Speakers
to be equally stimulating and most productive. Mrs Svyetlana Hadgraft (Faculty of EngUsh) commented: '71ike file insight she broi, ghl in!o different chi"king partenisii'falloutsrereotypi"g too rigidly. ' Senimients such as these were echoed by many of our teachers, as well as the visitors from other independent schools who participated in Dr Antin s
Staff reception Staff new to the School soon discovered
Mr rerry Mora", Director-General for Educotio, ,. Oldee"$1a"d. Mrs Hamcock dad what it meant to be part of this proactive community coinimtied to eruiching the G"es! Prese, ,!er Dr V, tki Casell@
learning experiences for our girls. Mrs Linda Thomas aculty of English) stared "The e", didsis on the varieq of practical I'Ses for leeh"o108^ born for reachers and
Mr rerry Mora, , officially opened proceedings and introduced the keynote
ep r PM Staff ember. Je""tierA"drews co, ul"CIS a Workshop on Adobe Phoiosl, op
speaker, Dr Vicki Case!!q Director of the for sri, dents was $timidl@ting and very Center for the Eininceme"! of Teaching at exciting. It wasgoodto hear, h@, thisschoo San Francisco State University. Her speech,
has aco", injin, e"tto dyerco", tinned support Sponsors support our venture NO Limtis to Learning: Setting New for reachers10 langrnde theirow"skills Tile BCGS was fortunate to secure the generous Anniversary Year and the conference, Horizons, set the tone for provocative ideas hands-on approach in many of the of Data3#, Compaq, Videopro and tong"@ge Sri, dies: a Passport to Ihe World sup on the integration of technology into the coniculum. Dr Caseina is an internationauy workshops was born digmii"g but really Dataiec as our major sponsors. Their being organsed by Mrs Carolyn Mason, wondedi, !@s those who were obvioi, sly new financial contributions, proctical asststance president of the parents and Friends recognised leader in the field of educational to @11 this Ivere e"coi, raged and singported and advice contributed considerably to the Association, in conjunction with Mrs technologies, from primary schools to 10 I, y Jian thinking a, Id metv approaches. " success of the Conference and Were Very Hamcock, our Principal and Mrs forrat, I tertiary institutions, and is also Professor of With its smorgasbord of keynote speeches much appledated. nomq"isI, Head of LOTE Faculty Special Education. She is a dynaniic and We can now look forward to our 125. h
.... ....................................................... From the Heart
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I BRISBANE GUILS GRAN^I^^R SCHOOL I ' OLD GUILS' ASSOCIATION , I I APPUC^10NFORllmlmERS, in' , ^ I I To join the Old Girls' Association in readiness for the 125th haulversmy I Celebrations and the new minenium. fill in the foUowing form and mall to ^ it, Pre, Mad, BOGS OGA, G, ,g, ,y Ton",,, B, ich"", 4000 I I or fan to (07) 38326097. ' , I ^ Alternatively you may enter o11r homepage at WWW. her5.9&I'd"."" then click on I I Keeping in Toneh. select the Old Girls' Association page and flu in the Memberhip I ^ App","to" f, ,in and retum it to th. School in ,yb. my".. I --------- Please forward to me relevant infonnation for app"cation to the BOGS Old Girls I Association. I IName I I (Mad. " Nam. ), ^ Address: I I I I an*"red BCGS fom , to ,.^ I ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ G:^^'^i:^^AZE7TEM4. Y1999 - Page 11
human cardiac function. Prince Charles
Maria Barker
Hospital is one of only two hospitals in During the January holidays, I visited Dr Queensland permitted to experiment on Peter Molenanr, Medical Researcher and human cardiac tissue Pharmacologist at the University of At the laboratory I witoessed Dr Molenaar Queensland Department of Medicine perform an expertment on heart tissue that Laboratories at Prince Charles Hospital. moments earlier had been inside a living I originally came into contact with Dr person. This involved cumng the tissue into Molenaar during a Year 10 science strips, immersing them in a sustaining assignnient, in which we were to interview solution, introducing the drug to be tested an active scientist and reporton his workand and then applying an electric current to contribution towards the coinmuntty. As a simulate heart activity. The strength of the result of that interview, I received an contraction of each segment of tissue was invitation to reinrn to his laboratory on a day then recorded. Dufuig the experiment, Iwas when his equipment was set up and he was privileged to assist litm in th difficult task conducting research. of squirting drugs from a pipette into small tubes. Dr Molenaar is a Senior Research Feinow of the National Health and Medical Research From my visit to the hospital I gained an CouncU of Australia and has worked as a understanding of the everyday workings of research pharmacologist at Cambridge a research laboratory, and learnt about the University. He is cumntly involved in pre- ethical considemtions needed when working cmnical research on the effect of various on human tissue. I urge anyone given the drugs and endogenous substances, opportunity of visiting a labomtory to take substances created within the body, on the time, as it is a fascinating experience
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