Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1999



,*"""inter^oWS8 Drumc:I ; ^IWCiy, s, brings smiles . . . . . . . . . . . : The long awaited internouse Drama Pi James witten and directed by the Drama Captain, The a Oaldey and dealing with . . . . . . . . . .

Tnnic, Night with Addzm Spe, ,cer

Vanessa Rothwem & Iacqueline Wu

The inght was the perfect time to ooze the Brisbane. .." on his week off, apart juices of our brain and squeeze the money from the "... gyeat people, " and was his out of our wanets. An this for the punose ". big gig for the week " of sench, Ig the BGGS/AUStra"an IYPT antemational Young Physicists Spencer's enthusiasm was prompted by To ornament) team to romantic Vienna this his passionate belief than "Sde"ce in year. The aimosphere of this dark and geneml is important, young women mysterious night had a tinge of getting involved and getting active in intelligence and anxiety. Everyone was science is really important and badly prepared for the strenuous brain teasing underdone in our society. " He hopes and spontoneous questions that were about that in a few years' time, being a to spitl out of Adam Spencer, the night's member of the Australian IYPT team host. That wight, the 22" of March was win be something all Australian what everyone had been waiting for - students asp' to. He was, therefore, Trivia Night.

the issue of environmentsl abuse, and Beadand's presentation which was a revamped version of "Wizard of 02" , adapted by Jabam Gnus and directed by . Jabam and Nina Machews, Beadand's Dramn Captains. With the pressuse of the competition behind them, the Showcase was a time . . . . . . . . .

. Festival for 1999 was had on the 15th and . 16th of Marchin the School's Auditorium . As with every year there was a variety of . topics and gemes. Rangng from the more . serious issues of anorexia nervosa and . plastic surgery to it gilt-hearted jazzed up . old favoorites such as the Wizard of Oz

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eager and passionate about helping our team to reach Vienna and promoting it throughout AUStratia. Spencer had some advice for Setonc and Mathematics students' He urged students to stick with the subject, even when it is boring. He haneved dial without the boring parts you camot expect to get anywhere. He also advised that students should "... read around. .." to get them "... talking maths. . . "

Superb . pedor, nunces at Ihe inferno"re Drama . Compeli, to, , . . . . .

IYPT has teams competing from around the world and BCGS is sending the AUStrxhan team. The squad consists of mex Ginies, Megan O'Coinior, Chistine VelayutherL, Tessa Nan, Ien MacGitlivmy, Sany Brand and Lacey White, with a final team of five still yet to be chosen. and Mr nunson (BGGS Physics teacher) as the team leader. "1,410ever gets to go to Vienna in tile end co, ,Id not have 1/@d the OPPom, ,, iO, lullh0", 111e cont, tb", ion of the

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. and Cindererr@, an were done with the : same enthusiasm that would be expected . of the festival. Despite some technical . difficulties on the second night, both . nights were a great success and enjoyed by . all. Out of the lime productions presented . by the Houses, three were chosen to appear in the interhouse Drama Showcase, . held in the Gehrmann Theatre on the 19th : of March These plays were ninehfeld's production . of Morris Gleitzman's Australian classic : "Tipo Weeks with th 01, ee ". adapted and . directed by Drama Captain Cantlin Ochan. . Mackay House's play ' Sunke Innk", .

. . . . . . . for the directors, casts and crews to relax into the mood. The immense enjoyment shared was obvious in the faces of all involved, both performers and audience. Although only diree plays were chosen to appear in the Showcase, every House must be coinmended pertonnances, and the time and eff . they put into them. Sadly there is now a . whole year untit the stage is tit again with Ih laughrer and the making of stars that comes only with th Brisbane . Girls Gramnar School interhouse Druma Competition . . . . .

entire SQM@d. 11 is a shame Ih@I two people At the end of the night a mystery team cannot come, but we hope they realize that won the major raffle prize, $88 from they are @ p@rt of the team, too. " stated 'heads or tails' and the Trivia Night Lacey White overall. Sweeping most of the raffle

. . . ...................... .................... Ie, s, Ms Christ SMPerstcir

mmma Mainott

MC errraordi, iaire Ada", Spe, jeer I"Ih year 12 shade"is. (DR! Jesstc@ Kels0,10,115e Calla, and Meltss@ H@,"ino, I at tile Trivia Nigh!

Rehearsals ore we" widerwayforJes"s Christ Super3rdr

There was fundraising to be done, so they decided to hold a raffle, and contacted many people and coinpantes to donate money or prizes. Ien MacGiUivmy cmaited the fabulous host of Triple I'S Breakfast Show, Quantum and regular guest on Good News Week Adam Spencer. They were hoping for an autogaphed item, but were more than pleasantly surprised by his enthusiastic offer to come to BonS and host a Trivia Night. The Trivia Night was virtually his sole reason for coming to "... lovery

prizes were staff members. lvfrs Saddle and Mrs Vine won the Triple I packs and Mr Dale won the Steve Parish prize, which prompted a huge cheer from the audience Over an. Trivia Night was a huge success. There were considersbly more people than expected and SPCchtors had to sit on the stage as the Auditorium was fined to capacity. A profit of $3500 was made which exceeded their target by $1500. The evening was made a success by the exceptional organisation of Mr Allinson, the squad and all sponsors' generous donations. A special thanks must go to Adam Spencer. MC extraordinaire. His wit made the mobt most enjoyable to all. As Dr. Karl touszelntcki (who donated autographed tapes to the cause) put it, "rim"k Godfor andacioi, s Adam. "

On the 6th - 8th May the Brisbane Girls rubson runer who plays Auny, Caltii, I Grammar School and the Anglican Church Ochan and Benedicte Gatehet who play Grammar School ale combining to present the two apostles, Paul Cleveland as Jesus and Joseph Mumer starring as Judas the weU-bown musical Jes"s Ch, is, S"persiar. The musical fomows the life of Jesus through song and dance For the first time ever. the organisers of th musical decided to work with Approximately eighty cast and crew have scaffolding PIattorms. There will be two been busy preparing this drama piece since of these used on stage which win allow for early first term. Along with the students, different stage setfuigs and also a bit of height for the actors. there are also seven teachers involved The drama teachers are Mrs Mumhy, Mrs Edwards and Miss MeclJem from

The ticket prices for this great musical involving many movement and dance scenes are only $10 for adults and $6 for students/children. esi, s Cl, ,isI SIPerst"r is a fabulous musical and the thespians from Groinmar and Churchie are sure to

Gnuniner and Mrs Dean and Mr Mason from Churchie. The two music staff involved are Grainmar's ChorelDirector Mr Honey and Mr Cole from Charchie


"Simple Sinio, Is"}," S!dye"joy the it, " of file Trivia Night

The lead roles in this play have been diven impress you to Morgan Maguire, who plays Mary,

GinAfA^R GAZETTEMAY1999 - PagelO

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