Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1997
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13^^0a;rid:':News^'. From rite Ch, ,irmezrz of the Boczr, I of T'rz, sires , , * *.: ,, ::, - ... . '*
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-**.,,_..,,._.,,.. SSOCiatiOn of Heads of liead tillhe sand 10 believe Inat lace 1'09 ' " ' ""/*;*;;t: Australia) Ills by no our schools. we have any ciioicc bill d'sc ' ' ' " ~,**'*;': ' . S. we ave any c 101cc bill discontinuation of anv boarding *;;;,:*11-: that IUdith Hallcockis does 1101/11eaii uncertain! , 0 ' ' ~ ~ ' *.';::::; : I . a - icn us a loss of all Important pail of the It*;**:: ' e = C rin, e 10 enstire all Iherefoje be accomj, allied bviii!ICli ~' 'i';: organising oilhe eiivironniciii in \\, 11icli our girl. I ' .- .; ' "'.: conference. inIglii best learn and in CIOiiig so. ' . . " ' , lirepare tileinselves 1'0rlite as atlulls Injure of 11 . 'I I. " ." ' t ' 1, Whilsiilie schools in the wider coinniunii ,. ' ' " ' represented at tliis .' * conL^in^ce covered the fins 11ns been the policy a Toncli ' ". ' ' ' ' " " w. hole specirum of or Ihe Board for soilie time. We I , ,' . .. I. independent schools nave SITUgtrled10 conieto ternis ff ' , ' .' "." ,',' willTin Australia with willI what! changes in Ieclinolog . ' .I ' I ' ' ',. their niany different education and in politics jaild ':I . ;;-; 11. 0Cal aspirations and tilerefore fundingI ITiean for the 011 I ' ;:.... I '.' ' .-'. . issues. a significant future of the Brisbane Girls h I o' ' " ., t 1,111. ,, '. -:-' ., common thread in Grammar School and how we " ' :--.' -' -"'-" thinking and planning rinoht best use thenI to our was clearly visible. it advantaoe . . . Ice was indeed usefLil to reflect upon s. e re c allenges which face our The future of boardino with 11 e , schools in the educational, political school has been one of th ' ,' an social spheres. under consideration as art f 11 ' n discussions - over recent months school. Ih ,' ' , ' ' ' o ne would nave 10 be blind not to and interniitientl over nta , , , '. e aware o the enormous social. At our last nTeeiing the Board ' " . , ' of technological, econoiitic and resolvedunanimousj , I ey in a. or, an is ajional change cultniin the discontinue the provision or. ' " ' ' ' I wor outside our scliools. and it boarding facility within the I I. ti ' tr wou d be akin to burying one's Tltis change will be orad , I. , k' ' '
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Dr Cherrell Hirst, M. B. B. S, B. Ed. St.
I recently hat! the good fortune 10 attend a national conference for Chairmen of Governin, , Bodies of independent Schools in Australia. This was an excellent conference organised by AHISA (The
Friends of Girls Grczmmczr
Sini"ed' Ginss Window Progress
Our recent Annual General fished in both tile Guce/re and BGGS Meeting saw the election of a Neii. s. new communee for 1997 Mrs Diana Lynch - President Friends hosted the in autiural Lilley Mr Rob SI Cladr - Secretary Oralion and Dinner in Marcli and Mr Kern Schmidt - Treasurer Mrs Jan Blackford and Minor March will become an annual event Christopher Gehrmann joined and it is intended Ihai a Dinner for I e conm}illee along with exist- meritbers of Friends will fom , I I ing In embers Miss Felicity that occasion. Withams, Miss ElizabethHation and Dr John Woollett. The bai- Renewal of SIIbscriptionslee are due anCG of the comintitee remains in January 1997. if you have over unchanged and includes repre- looked this matter. please use the sentatives of the Board of Trus- form below - renewals and new meni lees. P & F, OGA. our jinincdj- berships arc always litost welcome ale Past President and the School Rincipal We are looking forward to nosiing a MentoringlNeiworkin" Breakfast on We sincerely thank the outgoing 30 July 1997 at 7.00am arthe S h I enjoyed a ITTost successful evening. Celebration of our anniversary 111
vitalions and information will be Issued in the near 1111/1re
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TITis year, we are also hopino to have all end of year gel-loneiher for Friends and details of this event will be advised at a later dale. Friends of Girls Grammar covers many areas of Ihe School family - CUITenUpast/future Par ents. past/present Staff, past SIu dents and families and slipporters of the School generally. locally. Interstate and overseas. Renewal of Subscription - 1997 ------------
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In 1996.111e Principal. Mis Hancock. announced the developiiieiit o1' an original slained glass \\'illdo\v for' jilt front o1' tile Beaniand Library. The intricate design will flow acioss five panels art!Teflontof the Cuminunications Building Pastsludeniaiid currentsialTmember. Ms IenniferAndrews. designcd Ihecoiourful and dynamic windo\\' \vhicli is beillu developed by Mr Warwick Blair for installation later in the year Tlie window is dedicate, ! to line Class o1' 1996 anti to all pas! and Injure gluminai gills. Tlie Ninthers Ginup is cellcroti>11 funding inc PIOjeci. Thc nil, t, I, ray. !: depicts 111e \\. rin; in pi'o21tss.
coinnutiee for their elforls dur- ing 1996 ancllook forward to an
The area directed o11 this occasion will be Healtli and related profes-
Senior/Student: $15
exciting 1997. The committee SIons. if yoti are currently worldno wi continue to meet o11 a regu- or studying in this lielcl and \\, ould jar basis. as will the Netwoik- like 10 be parlorihe morninti. lirease
Please circle and enclose appro-
ing Subcommittee. an integral contact the Networking Subcominii- pitaie fee to Tile Treastir pari or Friends and details o1' lee. care of Miss Fellcity \\'illianis or Filends of Girls Gramniar Inc. forthcoming events will be pub- lier Secretary. Ms Ienny Sinnli. in- GPO EQ\ 2876. Brisbane 4001
GR-IAIAl, IR G. AZET7E 1997 - P, ,,,.,
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