Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1997
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V01. 6 issue No. I 1997
B, isb@" Girls Gr@minar School News a or : fineo or"tin the A
I Iey Ora. tion
March 15,1997 was a very special day in the history of the Girls Gramm School. Not only did w CGIebrat 2 years o secondary education for gir s in Queensland but also witnessed The Honourable I. M. Macrossan A 'et Justic of the Supreme Court of Queens
who believed in and fouuht for the establishment of free conipulsory and secular education for all. She also praised the efforts of the prin cipal, Iudith Hancock, who, Dr Hirst maintained, shared character 1stICs with Sir Charles Liney. She described them as ' one of a kind -
the future of Australia.
Following the Liney Oralion. the Friends of Girls Gramni held a formal Foundation Day Dinner in the original school assembly hall One hundred and twenty guests, Twentieth Century Australia and its 'digital future". it also includes a text about an Aboriginal artist who has taken his Walmajarri helilace into the realities of the modem world. Rockhampton Girls Grammar were present to enjoy Ih_ friendly coin any and lively conversation. A number of Sir Charles Liney's descendants were also welcome guests. Entertainment was provided by the string quartet of Leanne Day, Susan Jetme, Cartierme Chapman and Iiza Marthews. The beautiful voices of the Senior Choir sang the songs that have become traditional for these affairs : 7/2e Girl, ,I'll"I Tr, ,dino, and Tnni's Whni Fife, Ids Are Fo, ..
The pace of Ih social and techno logical changes that have taken place in Australia and especially in ueensland during this century was highlighted by Justice Macrossan. He expressed concerns that we should not heed too easily the pressure groups who call for a rodieal and immediate transforma- lion of oar way of life. "We need to remember that the most strident Justic an OSsan challenged his Isleners to avoid the tra of assiv Ity concluding with the plea that ' we mus ot underva ue our 'nsti tutions an democrati processes". This address is currently being printed as a penmanent record and copies ar available through the school. Justic Macrossan kindly donated his gift of appreciation fr in tile school 10 the Beanland Memorial Ubrary. This gift consists of two books o essays that reflect on
including officials from Brisbane are not necessarily the most enlight- Grammar, Rockhampton Grammar, ened. " IPswieh Grainmar and
C/, e, .FallHi, ,I (Cli@iruimi @111i Bon, d of Tr, ,steed. 1,151ice & M, s Altrc, uss, 111 ,nitl I'd, frill Hd, ,cock titer Ihe Linev Oralio, ,. land's presentation of themaugural visionary, able, dedicated and L'liey Oretion. persistent".
Over 200 people met in the Gehrmann Theatre to honour the memory of Sir Charles Liney, the prime mover for th establishment of the School and to hear Justice Macrossan's address.
Chief Justice Macrossan s address entitled "A View From the Nine ties" reflected on the role of the judiciary political correctness and the Constitution
While Justice Macrossan acknowl The audience was welcomed by the edged both the "good" and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, "innnoderate" sides of Sir Charles Dr CherreM mrst, to what she Uney this very human sketch in described as 'this most significant no way dintnished the 160ac of Sir even in the life of the Charles as "a refomier and innova Brisbane Girls Grammar School" tor . Dr Hirst praised the vision of Sir Charles Liney who believed "that The Chief Justice felt that so o10s the education of girls was as impor- to the end of the minerinium was an tant as the education of boys - their apt time to reflect and, in the man brothers. " Dr Hirst went on to explain that Sir men's have been 11y presented" Charles was not only an exponent he challenged the audience to of equal opportunity but also a man consider issues of significance for ner of the judge who offers his judgement only after "the argu
7/1 Se, nor Cl, off ped'or, ,, rindiiio, ,ul Gra, "", rip $0,183j>omih baico, ,y 4111e Boardi, , House to din, Ier gif"13.
Air^^^11/11d. '--:tin;^::;:World' s \ \
Student Excltczizge Frogr, Jim
Natalie Lyo"'s eXchange to Tsushima:
Often, larger group "exchanges" are Digaiiised. such as the group of Freiicli SIudenis who arrived last
Nina Malthe\vs
"I c, !11d 11ni. in^ endiig/I lib, 111 Inc prey, /e 11'11, , ITCl'C 11/10/1'Cdin 1111'
Lorr"me Thornquist
The silldeni eXchange progi'alli 11as been all important aspect of life at year. There were aboLit fifteen Girls Grammar since 1978. AboLit students and they caine trolli a two nundred girls have Ial After coinpleting grade 12. Nanajje ,Chilll/^}Ig till of 11,111, ,$/, I\.\ 1,131 \-,"I all TGH. 1111/1, Ih, fit. I, .ItTiti7ii" Lyons left AUS!colia ill Februar} 199610r lier one year slay, at o11r kind/rids\. Jimji, ,11 '11/4/114.1!c!t, ,in or sister scliool. Tstishima Girls' High till IncS, I, ,u/,/, 1111i. '/I ,,!111b/,. mr ill Naga}, a. SITe reltimcd 111 iaic null in 1 be a great. beneficial and memorable experience. Girls Grammar has also benefiticd froin girls froiii other countries and cultures becoming pan of school life. in nTore recent times. Mika Hayashi. from Japan has come to Gramniar from April for one year. As well as Mina. in Term 3. Girls Grammar is hosting seven other students from Japan. There is also a possibility of students amivino from France and Gennany TITere are a variety of places for Grammar students this year. Six students are going to Japan to two sister schools Ironi Deceniber until January. Also. nine students will visit the No. 3 Girls School in Shangliai in September. There are three girls who would like to ,o to Germany as well Of course. trips sucli as these require extensive organisaiion and lielp from members of staff, suclias Mrs Thornquist. Head of the Lore Faculty. wlio devotes niany hours ensuring the niutual benefits and success of the exchanges. p"171cihd!e ill 11/15 CACh, wing lids heeli file be31 ,let 11,101, I 11th'e ei ei' ,ii"dc. in 11/11dsigh! 1/1e yetir 11'tts the gifules! CIMl/e, Ige 4'11, ^ life so In, . b!111c", I sriy 11. ithoitt till\. '10/1b! ii hrrS b, eii 1/1e 11,031 I, 1,1110, tib/e inId MOSi rel, drdr, Ig. Y 11 o111d Intr 10 c. unress fill' rippleciniio, I to 11^^ school in Inaki, Ig Ihis OPP0,71/11it\' drrti/db/e. dJi, //01' 1/1e tiffiSldiiCe 1/1"! iru, , girdi 111e by Airs 7110niw, ISI ill "17', Ingiiig 1/1is ,.\ch"Jige 10 141p"11 ill I 996 This is the leiier that Naralie wrote on her return to Australia " * 17n, ** . -~**~ $*, . * $j *,,*. it -~- ~ ~* J *t*t ., ~ "", h 11', is 11 I',, 11 I 1,111 firi. eJ 11,111:ci. 1101' ,I. ei' I'egit! I;*\,. A Vive La France ! allofihe above and alot more for the twenty-one girls who travelled to the dark Dre at Lycee Salnt-Palil is very Alex Moles last long as the next destination \va Paris ! To experience allotlier culture first- FranceduringtheChrlstmasliolidays. different 10 schoollifelicre atBGGS hand is indeed a truly amazing in France school begins at eiglTt WillI only linee clays alld Iwo nights experience. All overseas trip to a On Boxinti Day Ihe oroup departed o'clock ' I 11 morning inld call ill Paris. the group 11nd a bLisy foreign couniry willt a foreign the SUITuner heat of Brisbane and coli' continue un!il five o'clock ill the schedule to sui'\. Ive. Tile Eiffel culture is alearning experience and headeLlforllie snow. ice and freezing riflenioolI However. do 1101 he Tower. A. jusCe D'orsay. 111e Louvre. provides for alit^lime Dimemories conditions o1 France fooled that all Frencli students \\, ork Ihe Champs Elysees and Noire hard. Every twohours students slop Dame were only some o1'1he s'glt The niain aim or any Sister School Grammar students met neatl-on the for a Ien nth^ute "smoke break" and seen by tile glutip. Enchanted bv Program is 10 provide students with challenges raced by entering a new thereis also one and a nailhours10 tile city or 10\. e all of 111e 111embers 101al immersion into a new cuttere country \\, hen they arrived in France. Iuncli where students call iruvel Drille groLip vowed 10 return again where 111e students can learn the Arriving during 111e Christmas home for allotluncliorgo to the local soon language in a nTuch wider and vacaiion. the groiip was spread out cafe practical context thaii ever possible into their respeciive families willI Tile 1996/97 Freiicll Trip 11ns in a classroom. jiltle or no contact with friends for As a group however. we did not pro^Cl to be another successful and over a week. During this lime solne blend very subtly into the school memorable Frcilcli exchanne Brisbane Girls Grammar School students travelled within France. environment. Wearing ten or more Superb organisation and has an on-going Sister School some went skiing \vhilsi o1hers layers of clothinrv each da and the arrangements by the Lievoied relationship with Lycee Saint-Paul stayed in Allgouleme with the'I obvious difference of speaking Languages staff. notably Mrs in An gou16me whereby during tile families another language made the group Thornquisr. Mrs Duff and MTS Chitstmas holidays students travel somewhat of a spectacle to be both Lazar ensLired a happy. eventful to France and in winter, students For the remaining three weeks of the Iautihed at and admired and exciting trip was had by all from Lycee Saint-Paul visit hip, the groiip aliended school willI Special Ihanks In usI go to Mrs Dull Brisbane their host brothers and sisters. Alter three weeks of life in and Mrs Lazar for acco!lipanying Uriaccustomed to the extreme cold An gouleme it was time to leave and Ihe group to France anti acting as The 1996/97 Brisbane Girls andlack orsunlight. many girls were there were manly tears by most or the excellent translators. ITlo:11ers and Grammar School Frcncli Trip was shocked to anTive and leave scho I ' group. However. the tears did 1101 gtiides GiniV"IAR G, AZETTE1997 - Pn"e 2 ,,... . ... stst . . ..'. * * 13^^0a;rid:':News^'. From rite Ch, ,irmezrz of the Boczr, I of T'rz, sires , , * *.: ,, ::, - ... . '* st * * ..... ' . -**.,,_..,,._.,,.. SSOCiatiOn of Heads of liead tillhe sand 10 believe Inat lace 1'09 ' " ' ""/*;*;;t: Australia) Ills by no our schools. we have any ciioicc bill d'sc ' ' ' " ~,**'*;': ' . S. we ave any c 101cc bill discontinuation of anv boarding *;;;,:*11-: that IUdith Hallcockis does 1101/11eaii uncertain! , 0 ' ' ~ ~ ' *.';::::; : I . a - icn us a loss of all Important pail of the It*;**:: ' e = C rin, e 10 enstire all Iherefoje be accomj, allied bviii!ICli ~' 'i';: organising oilhe eiivironniciii in \\, 11icli our girl. I ' .- .; ' "'.: conference. inIglii best learn and in CIOiiig so. ' . . " ' , lirepare tileinselves 1'0rlite as atlulls Injure of 11 . 'I I. " ." ' t ' 1, Whilsiilie schools in the wider coinniunii ,. ' ' " ' represented at tliis .' * conL^in^ce covered the fins 11ns been the policy a Toncli ' ". ' ' ' ' " " w. hole specirum of or Ihe Board for soilie time. We I , ,' . .. I. independent schools nave SITUgtrled10 conieto ternis ff ' , ' .' "." ,',' willTin Australia with willI what! changes in Ieclinolog . ' .I ' I ' ' ',. their niany different education and in politics jaild ':I . ;;-; 11. 0Cal aspirations and tilerefore fundingI ITiean for the 011 I ' ;:.... I '.' ' .-'. . issues. a significant future of the Brisbane Girls h I o' ' " ., t 1,111. ,, '. -:-' ., common thread in Grammar School and how we " ' :--.' -' -"'-" thinking and planning rinoht best use thenI to our was clearly visible. it advantaoe . . . Ice was indeed usefLil to reflect upon s. e re c allenges which face our The future of boardino with 11 e , schools in the educational, political school has been one of th ' ,' an social spheres. under consideration as art f 11 ' n discussions - over recent months school. Ih ,' ' , ' ' ' o ne would nave 10 be blind not to and interniitientl over nta , , , '. e aware o the enormous social. At our last nTeeiing the Board ' " . , ' of technological, econoiitic and resolvedunanimousj , I ey in a. or, an is ajional change cultniin the discontinue the provision or. ' " ' ' ' I wor outside our scliools. and it boarding facility within the I I. ti ' tr wou d be akin to burying one's Tltis change will be orad , I. , k' ' ' if'**', t\*;,*\,\:'.;,\'*;;*':;,** ' ,.'\:\ t* *\.^,. J:,..;.. *.*4*,^;; ~ *.. it, . I. ,.",,_ ,, ,/ ,,. I*,.* I ~.. { \t } * * * Dr Cherrell Hirst, M. B. B. S, B. Ed. St. I recently hat! the good fortune 10 attend a national conference for Chairmen of Governin, , Bodies of independent Schools in Australia. This was an excellent conference organised by AHISA (The Friends of Girls Grczmmczr Sini"ed' Ginss Window Progress Our recent Annual General fished in both tile Guce/re and BGGS Meeting saw the election of a Neii. s. new communee for 1997 Mrs Diana Lynch - President Friends hosted the in autiural Lilley Mr Rob SI Cladr - Secretary Oralion and Dinner in Marcli and Mr Kern Schmidt - Treasurer Mrs Jan Blackford and Minor March will become an annual event Christopher Gehrmann joined and it is intended Ihai a Dinner for I e conm}illee along with exist- meritbers of Friends will fom , I I ing In embers Miss Felicity that occasion. Withams, Miss ElizabethHation and Dr John Woollett. The bai- Renewal of SIIbscriptionslee are due anCG of the comintitee remains in January 1997. if you have over unchanged and includes repre- looked this matter. please use the sentatives of the Board of Trus- form below - renewals and new meni lees. P & F, OGA. our jinincdj- berships arc always litost welcome ale Past President and the School Rincipal We are looking forward to nosiing a MentoringlNeiworkin" Breakfast on We sincerely thank the outgoing 30 July 1997 at 7.00am arthe S h I enjoyed a ITTost successful evening. Celebration of our anniversary 111 vitalions and information will be Issued in the near 1111/1re ' g*,,!\; . . ,-.-,.. . ."~~. . . .- ; - . ,. I~ TITis year, we are also hopino to have all end of year gel-loneiher for Friends and details of this event will be advised at a later dale. Friends of Girls Grammar covers many areas of Ihe School family - CUITenUpast/future Par ents. past/present Staff, past SIu dents and families and slipporters of the School generally. locally. Interstate and overseas. Renewal of Subscription - 1997 ------------ ., * '- "". * , In 1996.111e Principal. Mis Hancock. announced the developiiieiit o1' an original slained glass \\'illdo\v for' jilt front o1' tile Beaniand Library. The intricate design will flow acioss five panels art!Teflontof the Cuminunications Building Pastsludeniaiid currentsialTmember. Ms IenniferAndrews. designcd Ihecoiourful and dynamic windo\\' \vhicli is beillu developed by Mr Warwick Blair for installation later in the year Tlie window is dedicate, ! to line Class o1' 1996 anti to all pas! and Injure gluminai gills. Tlie Ninthers Ginup is cellcroti>11 funding inc PIOjeci. Thc nil, t, I, ray. !: depicts 111e \\. rin; in pi'o21tss. Name Address coinnutiee for their elforls dur- ing 1996 ancllook forward to an The area directed o11 this occasion will be Healtli and related profes- Ordinary $25 Senior/Student: $15 exciting 1997. The committee SIons. if yoti are currently worldno wi continue to meet o11 a regu- or studying in this lielcl and \\, ould jar basis. as will the Netwoik- like 10 be parlorihe morninti. lirease Lire $250. Please circle and enclose appro- ing Subcommittee. an integral contact the Networking Subcominii- pitaie fee to Tile Treastir pari or Friends and details o1' lee. care of Miss Fellcity \\'illianis or Filends of Girls Gramniar Inc. forthcoming events will be pub- lier Secretary. Ms Ienny Sinnli. in- GPO EQ\ 2876. Brisbane 4001 GR-IAIAl, IR G. AZET7E 1997 - P, ,,,., 01^' on one piece of toast at a nine. As the old saying goes: true friends are like diamonds. precious and rare. false friends are like autumn leaves. found everywhere if you try and don't succeed try, try try again. Being rejected is the fastest train to Destination Rockbottoni but don't surrender. So you're down in the dumps Relax and take advantage of your despair. Have a bubble bath and eai some chocolate. You need no excuse; yoLi desei've it. Feel good about yourself. There is nothing to be ashamed of o 10n Confdence creates comfort a context of co 'timent s sacrifice ...... live in a very different Australia. Ruth Faney I just one World War 011 dio@er On the 23rd April Assembly at had survived he would be about 98 BGGS was called to attention with years old. Suppose he had three the words: children they would b in theirlat 'of, ,ice elderDrum eslp, updrill, ,,, OJT'. now sixties. if. his children each had wedi a, ,di, o61fjtis to diefoi' o11 '. CUI, ,,- three children, he would have nine In. " Agroup of Year girls then led the schoolthrouohasombrecejebratj ' ' ''gger Would have 27 gre, grandc ildren, who would now be of the ANZAC rindition Throtioh aboutih age of the students a this poetry, music and freeze franies. school That's thinv they shared with the assembled nine descendants of each soldier. f the students a tragic of a ICIU Maths were done, a figu e of two cam atgn fraught with unforeseen million, three hund d and one problems and dangers that few of thousand will be reached. Two the young men involved could hav million, three hundred and one Imagined thousand Alls"analis who were never born. One million five Suzanna Nisbet-Sriiith pointed out hundred and ninety three thousand that the ANZACs did nor achieve a Australians owl'age who don't exist glorious victory but the unined becaus of tile war. Manly of them troops displayed the couraoe, could be at this school now. bravery. conrradeship and self Sacrifice which, as sj A1b 'lagine Australia if those people Abbott President of Brisbane RSL ''' lived- How different would it be? What influence would the Club) said wrote the word havehad on the society in which we ANZAC in letters of blood on the live today? Who knows what pages of history". Alexi Drennan would have been? Two nthon prompted us to remember "in the people can make a big difference. darkness of that fateful Sunday morning, the GaUipoli campaign gran children ill their late thirties each of 1/1e, ,I had three child en, Susan"a Siegal She who despises herself esteems herself as a self-despiser". Do not think because Susan Sontao is an esteemed feminist and writer that the aforementioned quotation was easy for her to writ in 1967. Do not believe that even dunn@ those mystifying years they call 'the sixties' our teenaged parents, who claim to have been free wheelin, , eace-loving and protest marching Think healthy and you win be healthy Being healthy plays a big part in feeling good, physically and mentally. To get in a healthy frame of rinnd you should try exercise regularly. Exercising is not just for your outer serf but cleanses your insides simultaneously Those who exerdse set goals. "I must, I ...; . ^ ,, 1:8 I ,.~ ,". -,. G. ; ^.., go. ~ ,, -- I^. -,- *., in a recent somey of Year 8 hippies, were always happy. Believe it or not, there were times when our parents wallowed in self pity or teenage angst. However, not much has changed over thirty odd years - adolescence remains a hardship and to remain confident is a problem. So wha is it that makes one feel confi Grit about onesel . is it Ihat delightful nine dimple on your left cheek? Or those perfectly plucked and positioned eyebrows? 0, neither of the above. Well what is it then? The appropriate analogy is a spring roll - a number of tasty little ingredients wrapped up to create, a delicious little package. To begin with, to feel o00d about yourself you need the right friends. I'm not referring to the bestlookino or the most popular - just friends who understand you, can Ginpathise with you and basically 10v you for whoever you are. Do not choose to be friends with people who think that you can be used all the time. Do not choose to niake so many friends and have to spread yourself too thin, as you are not ajar of Vegemite. Take advantage of beinc yourself and spread yourself thick must make that last sit-up". "I can do that last push-up". "I can niake that final kilometre. " The achievement of goals such as these may seem in vial and even frivolous, but they boost self esteem. Setting and attaining goals can become habit-fomiin@ and transfer across to your academic and personal lives True beauty is more than skin deep as it is the reflection of your inner re f. If you think beautiful thoughts, then these will show on your face. If you are in a great mood. then it is going to radiate froni your cheeks. There are few people who call hide all their true teenn@s. Stop trying to decide what to be or how to change and be happy with what you have and the person you are. No one can maintain a false facade for life. it is unfortunate that there will always be GOPle who do not understand or like you. They may say it is because of your monobrow, but it is probably that special something that you have that they want. What is that you ask? Your self-assurance, your serf esteem and your confidence ANZ. I Service - Ginde 11 able"11 which lasted only nine nionihs students it be caine obvious that began Australia's of a though their first thoughts of the test nation hood". of Ih students had been touched by different if those sol iers hadn'I the wars of the past. Many had died? Emma Prior reniinded us of fathers and grandfathers who had the impact of losing ifty nine been in wars and they valued the thousand young men in a single courage and self sacrifice they had campaign. 11 s a figure seen ill shown textbooks and quoted from rim to time. But the fifty nine thousand The implications of World War were not Just numbers, they were One stretch beyond the fatten people - mainly young men at the soldier on the battlefield all those beginning of their lives, n, any of years ago. They reach into our whom would hav gone on to marry lives all these years on. We live in and have children had their lives not the Australia of today. because of been cut short by war. in fact, if the men of yesterday and their those men had survived, we nitght tomorrow that never was. word ANZAC were someiinies of biscuits and holidays. the majority How would AUStr 11a be GRAMMAR GAZETTE 1997 - Page 4 . . . .' ' ' ' ^ . ^ . . . . . - ' ' . . - ^ ' ' , . ' . ^ .' . . . .- . . . \'. . . . I . . ' " ' . . ' . . . . . . . *"..'IC^rin, $sillCi!tin(nit1:;$11^tillAntivi. ti, (^, s . *.... .' .'. .. " .'..' ..' ^ Ancieiat Greece - the pust ifz o14rj?reseiai A cross-curricular from tnnnty-first to activity for 8 England and 8 Woolcock twenty-eighth April. We explored nlany aspecis of Ancient Greece and , y ,,,~, ,,',',*,,, ., . g;it The Won^ Workers Am anda Rowell. Kate Adams. Anna Falcke. Courtenay Lind rvt. Jinired of 11,111Joi, in tit, ,. Janeinta Paull 1171"I 11'ns 11'00dii"it? Did 11'e Ileed o1, I' 311, ,' Eight England and Eight Woolcock participated in a cross-curricular activity Grinned "Ancient Greece" IVC sinned of intri qjie, 7100/1 " " ' ' <4'**,^- ;~ . ".' '~t*,. .- 11'11/, ittic/, err galoit ill 1/1,1100, khOP FD",, I lit $"11. ed o1, r 11', 0d. 11'e full. ,t/ ^c, ,/ him/. lit Jini'e, ! o1,131, /,, ill 1/1, lidO, AIMP Jul'd ' 8 Ei!31,111d & 81,001cocA "011'1, I it Gull, e, " outside of the boundaries of separate subjects and classrooms. After all orientation session of maps. slides and information about ancient Greece. \,;c sei off for a walk around the city to study Ihe legacies of Greek architecture. in \vhicli five countries - based on our langiiage classes. conipeied The cross-curricular week CUIminatedin Ihe exiiavaganza of the Olympic Gaines. won bv 11nlv: A1, D"IIJr, 11 firfy, ,,/ 11'111i it/,, I. , ,,,. 11.1"' ""''"""' kit, ,, rp, .,,$ A", I' rim'ing. lit' fitJ, I, ,/ firj/ill, . lit I"I nil, ' IN, It/s '11/1Ji, ,, Tc, / Null^,, g Ah L, ,11h, ,,!I 1,111 n jin, Id. 11'11e, I lit g"I 0111'. fills, rSj"Innj, 'of a Greek reast prepared by o111 Heads of House, anti a Drama h was enjoyable working willI Showcase wincli \\, Quid nave girls froiii another class as we shocked Sophocles. Tile \\. inning completed three niain activities - play. "Perseus and Mediisa". \\. as Language and Biography. presenled 10 o11r parents at an Architecture and Consiructioii. evenin, \vilere all of our \vorl: from and Drama. Various locations. the week was displayed. Never including the library. conipuier before nave so many versions of the rooms and the auditoiiunt were Parthenon adomed BCGS! work stations for Ihese activities. In addition, we ''11-:;:.^^ \: I as, , 11t $100d b, Ick. 01" b, }of/, o1, s, $ 11', r, good fills is 1111"I lid V I"rid, 11'111, u 3nii' tintli, 'Uod 01u' cross-curricular week \\, as great! We learned so Inucli. made new friends and had fun ' trained" for our own unique version of the 01ynTpic Games. Alen, IIJ^"", incht, in in King Geor"e Sqimi? Null' 11'e fire 11. ill, },,. to roamde libOd!1'01* 111"d, IIJ I, ,is$ 1/1, slid, Year 9 Two Week Camp Si, lee ille esiab!ish, ,, e"t @1the BGGS Men, on"landoorEd, ,c"iron Centre fill", bili Jus8. ill ' i " o I , I errr"di, ,g $011, e @1the year 9 C"inPS to fluO "'eekS Sillde"is have bee, , "i"e, , IIJe o on, ,f to I ' 'e. J 71efollowi, ,gife", s give dpicft, re @150me @1the den, joinmt @CCW, red of"rim 111e i I ' Have you ever been hight canoeing? One disastrous Beef Stroganoff. we set down a 20 nietre cliff face. I ,_,___, off in10 111e night. However. 10 one supported b two r h' e Jacinta paujj group's dismay, their catamaran started controlled by niyself and a tallow ,____, 10 come undone. Once that problem was student. Slip Up Susie NitCallam and Colette Brelion Upon arriving at BCGS MOEC (Binbane Girls Graniinar Scliool Memorial Outdoor Educaiion Centre) it was evident ninjaciion was needed 10 fix an area of land that had slipped due to the 1974 floods and line fellin" of trees. solved we continued up tlie dam. We As 9A splitinto two group s. Ihere was the excited chatter ribotit abseiling and canoeing. but canoeing at night was a Irea!. When we began canoeing in Ihe afternoon Iravelled approximately one and a half kilometres to the back of the dam. We were carrying poles and ropes the whole way in we Tile area which we invesiignted 11rst. w. as owned by BGGS MOEC and was soon arrived back at Following a brief erasli course. in lie car. loaded the wincli we abseiled a 5 men-, cliff and , located near the \vaie^ ianks. we also canoes o11 the back 2 nicire slope. we allenipied a 20 of the trailer and metre desceni. This cliff. usualI\ \'isiied altotlier landslip at a nearby dairy liti'111. TITe aspects we 11nd 10 111vesiignie \\. ere soiliype. antile o11he slop. . \\aler I'vel and vegciaiion. we vigiled Ihe alitcied area and ineasiired and researchcd lite iantl slip. We iaicr \,.'eiii to Ihe A jary Vallev Dair\. Fami and organised 10 111eci and in Ier\it\ ho!h tile local Dpi exper!. ;in11 Ihe tarinerabouiilie slip on his land. To gel a bellei'grasp on this lopic we \\, atched a \, idco on landslips which occurred around tile Soulh Easi Queensland and Sunshine Coast areas. Followinn this. we e\amined the BCGS MOEC landslip and decided upon a solution 10 Ihe problems we had encountered Our results showed that trees with deep root systems would be the most appropriate to plant. GiniWMAR GAZETTE 1997 - Pnge 5 slatted the long walk reseived for Cmdc Tell silldenis. \\us ack to tile campsite. by 1:1r Ihe must situacular. rini only Despite mishaps. because o1 its angle and neight. but everyone in the class also because o1/15 ainazing \. 1.1v enjoyed 111e nitlii canoeing. */ *. .. .. -.. .. ' ~ ' ';, ^,,. * # a A. .. .... . I'I**, ' ~' ;,. , ,, ',-,.. 11\ I ** : ^ , '.'.. '.' ':* ,**. _,, ,. IJF/** . 4'. ' *.,.... *- ...:..:. 11$*^" ~- , ~ ^- ** .' .{... , . .**,*:;;. r. ,,'. "DollV look doll. ,, ". Piiotogr, ,phs of yenr 9 Cn", p I"ken rilld del, eloped by cn, ,, p s!,, de, ,13. \ 1.1mping Backwards off Cliffs nona Hogg order' to lie the canoes together. The final result looked like a catamaran After many successful dinners and Breath in, Breath out, but don't look down. ' These thoughts rail through my head as I sat suspended halfway -.. .. .: ..-. \ , ...-, ,..-. ,, ,. ~ ,.-. ,..-.--.-. .. .... . . ... . . . .. . . .. .. .-.... . . . .. 44 \ -. .. .... *. , ,.,,,,,,,,,...-......^..,,.... ....-.....,... ... . ..... .. .- ..^.. ,, . - . . ,, \ . .. - .......- . . . -, I Easter Celebration Sets New The lenth of Apti1.1997 willno down in 111e history of Brisbane Girls Grammar School as tile day new heirhts were sei and achieved by the Music Department. WillI new Swing Co- ordinalor Mr Mark SUIlivaii taking centre 51ane 161' his first mayor concert at Groinniar and a combined Grammar clioir consistinn of Girls Grammar Senior Choir and BrisbaneGraminar's "Groinmarpliones". it promised 10 be a spectacular evenin". but no one It alised how special an experience 11 would be. percent. Tile result was electrilying. Members o11he audiences aid anenvards that nanicularly during the beautiful solo by grade eleven student. Alexie it 11. the Ilairs o11 tile backs o1/11eiriiecks stood up. 11 was all exhaLis!ing but \, ery I'ewni'ding perlbrmance \vliicli everv always been all eveni inucli anticipaied The encl of yeai' calliedral service has Heights waiting for finally aiTived. file joint choir look its Inace hellind Ihe Chamber Orchestra. Expectations and hopes were running high. As the 11rsi noies of Sc/inncrt's Aid$, Ab. 2 ill GIIiqjni were played and sung. 111e audience knew they would 1101 be disappointed. From the height oilhe sopranos and violins. to the deptlt of 111e basses and celli. everyone was giving it one nundi'ed Catherine Chapman Senior musicians shine , I , , * ^;* '11/1ric. g, Wry$ n, ',' "111'1/"71" to go A'. 19,711'ill lid n I'dA flinticrl/ I'mr/ur Bri. *bullc Gill$ Ginr, I"I'll .Scho, ,I. t. * A I a a b. . Catheriiie Chapinan Sillgle person Dieselii. including 111, 'ts I"ru' fins b, eJi ,I s, ,. IeJ of in 111e school calendar. bui 111is ycar it was clianged 10 an Easter perloriiiancc flitce, $, SI^' nip ,Mirsic DeptiJT, Ileiii performers. enjoyed inlinensel}' .\/ifi Ih, $11cc, s, '11/1e C"flitditil to avoid Ihe crush or events at Ihe close Tile niglti concluded will, analj, , """"' ""'111',' ill 1/1e .win'. !/IC Sailjuj Drille \, ear reading 11'0m PitteciFrancescaGas!c - ''''P' "'.'It' Coll"F1 11', IT lidjt/. 7/,,-., eicii! r/lull'c"s"', I 1/1, MIC"1.1 off/I, and two pieces 1101/1 111c Initrniediaie Once sealed. Ih, audience was treatetlio Selli"r Coll, ', r! 8,111, /. P, ,tiffw'o11 Choir. under the direciion o1' Nits all Inspiring rendiiion or Albinoni's Elizabeih Wilsoil Biseiiib/,. Sellioi C/10/1'. C/,, 7111b, I' The henuiiful Indrigi'0 ". a haunting. beautiful niece of OJT/Ie$n'd rill, /1/1e Sino, Bulld hamioiTy or "1,511 roll, 11 of 10\ In us IC many niay Teijiember from Paler Urnni/^713 " \\'as alloiher memorable weirs master^ece. "Gd//inn/I". Tile 7/1,1/11/51'c c, IPItii, if. ,tiff, \., ti Hit'k, \'. liem from the evening Chaniber Orcliesira under the dii'eelion K, fir N, 11.30"!e illid Led/I Kill, ,o11.11'111i r u Ivan. accompanied on tile Reverend A1an Dale's add , ''"" 'ntr}' till, / hi", 10,011r wrenci, . I in ': .. e ,' was Inspiring. with ' '''" " piece with at$0 '710elic ". in/e, 11 ainazing Inatuniy and after 111e service sensilivity ni, Seijior Colicerr Bulld '01/11, life$ 10 Words cannot express Ihe appreciation Tile choir and official party then Gritei'ed del e/OF in 111"nil'in' rind t's, ,,, wilte rind that niusi go to all in Lisic sinn. in 1011 '." it ' ' ' the 911ee, , of^/, b .. ' P ' ar. rs EliZabelli Wilson. Mr , _. I' lire in F1ni. again by the Chamber Orchestra. Mr Holley Ibr creating a very s ecjaj P'"""' ''""' 'ibi/fly 10 nhi a ,I. er evening for all involved. 11 will be ''''"' ""'11,113!, 13 I, pelroir, . , **.*, *; * I\ ~ ** .,,., .,,.**,;::. ..-,.. t;^:,;;*.*;*; Bodysiiatclimig at BGS Eninia Prior e service PIOgressed with tile Senior difficult act to follow but 11 I I A SriTnll town is in\. rided b . , OiT perlOnning two pieces. "Sled/ coinmunjj has an oilier ''" fi'"^'ice e, ,trillfinsiicn/I\' received 10nii \vhicli the b ,,' , , . , tile jusi notes echoed Ihrouglioui the fulleric S"b, e Dullce bJ Ih, X-Files. Govenimeni conspiracies, cal edral. the audience sal in awed On Sunday15JuneaiCii H Ml PerciJJ'10/1 Eiiferiib/,. 1/1e piire 1.0jces paranoia. lie0-11azis. nos ~ ' ,I' - .. silence. TITe emotion conveyed by inc orWi, Senior C/!oil 11.11/I A10*IFT\ A1. e inc FBIand more thrillei"ht , G . Grammar Music Departmeni will be singers was tell by every member of 111e Vennii tilld 1/1, bcniifmi/ N, "10 performing a gala Proms Concert. This 51udents - 11 call only he Bodvsiiatcliers audience. Tile centrepiece o11he nighi, SI, innm/. Sled/Alit^^ to IeJus. diid file innOvaliOn promises 10 be all excjjjj, 'rr 11'trJ' 10 errr, . djj 1/1 nowevci. was stillto conie. music, U experience. All families d """""' ''ThC, 11n Play'1113 11, Its b\ Bodysnatchers is based o11 a 1950s B friends o11he sellooi are illvjjeu to all d ""'"' tmt/ FirrCC//. ,is 11. e// t's Ih, ginde science ficiioii rillii called After a reading by Head Girl. Barbara in. e{v Hoe Doll, ifr0,11 Ro, /eo b\ to niakc this ne\\, event a resounding "In\asion o1' the Bodysi, atchers" alld AleKay. the moment all had been cupfulin has been nunpied by Air SiC\. e Uszinski Tiff Singe Bull, I colic/,,,/, d 1/1e SIIccess. for Ihis year's BCS senior PIOduciion. But Bodysnaicliersisliardly desiiiied to plug, trill 11'1!/I tt $el rim!pror, ,/ ^,, T popi, /a, ' 11,111i 1/1e in, dierice. Solos b\' likely 10 by a small. innmate analr. One JeSsicn ErrWrungvie o11 re"o1- an\- tilld realurc \vhicli seis it a an I I Hc/cJi SIM"JP o11 ,/1'11"I$. antij. cm/s bv ITrOdUCliOii* C\'eiiiiiille cal'lie 't I , All, I" P, 11^,,, r, fi, of Ledli Binc4jbrd itS de\elOjtiileiil is iis 11ni Ile 10 , . choirc, I, ,of 1/1, ItI, is, of Mie, 11/11 flits growl. 7/1*' F, e, 11, ,/ 11'e//F1',/, dryd/b, ' The cast is di\. Ided into gioiips. alld thrill, ,17b, ,, writ'a ", 1/14/7131,1/1-, iris se\'eral dii'rereni scenes will be school bull, ! to play' ill Iht' 011, .cJir/inId pertOi'111ed him 1111aneoust}' o11 sep"ra!e 1.1C. F, J/11', 71 11'111i ruin/! in ItICc 111 singes. Tliis 111eans Ihni You. 111e ,, 11\ '11/1. be just a B-grade production. nor is it \ , *. * f audience. will bc able 10 decide \vllicli tunes }', Li Maicli rind \vilen. wini Ihis innqi\.;111ve ami',"ch. Bodysiiaicliers '10/1/15, s 10 he all}111iii:! 11uloi'dinai\ ~., 7/1,11/11Fi, ' 1111, $1", it. 1,111! ,!!/ 1/11, /,. IIJ. , pin\ills 11,141,111. ,. ing 11n//Iu, ,11.1'. Juli. Mt' Sit"~: All'I'll'1'1'.*. J\If '14/1/1'"!I. .IIJ',,/,/! init/ All:, 11'11$"11 , , * \ Ritecii Grammar gilt aic in\o1\ed ill , t'-,,,'I', till"Ih, 'I' hi. q 17,111id 4.1p/,/, Jilt, IhC riniduCiion. including N ' 'in jar', 1/1 flitr'I flint/ 11. ,,!t. nor o111\ 11.1yj Cla\'"rillu. illl CM . Susai , C ', .. the ill, /^\'11/1/'11 Kuni", bindl. \o in 1/1, Ality Fricnd antl Allann Siniili in innj, I' 012,111, ,nil0, I ,I '11/01hci' grrrii ci'4111. 101es. Bodysnatclier* will be Fellbriited In inid Augusi. and o11,111inn's Ibr sure - * BGGS Chin^, b, I' 01'c/IJFi, n pad, ,Tiling in Ih, . E, ,Fin 5.11. it', ffi/Ie p, 4101"lullce$ 10 offIIJ b}. ille it's going 10 be big. Doll't nilsh it GUAIALIR GAZETTE 1997 - Prt"e 6 ... . .. -. .. -.. .. .,. - . .. ~~ e, , \ ,^^ ... .. .. - .. .. , ^I e ** I - . ..-, t*.... - .. ^ .. .., ,, ^ Wonder tile 57 strong cast. but dynamic and consider. " Mrs Edwards said. "B eruoiive are starting Do ints. Special commendation 111ust go to Menssa Hickey and Lean Kirinon. the lead girls. They pertonnedihe son's with passion and ITUmour: they were true professionals. With Inarie leads of Miehael Cooke. Shalln Devetlish Me ares. Gyioii Grantley. Peter Kelly, and a superb slipporiin" cast. V, !est Side Story is a production the and at least sixty for the rinnor ones. "We were obviously 1001dntr for goocl singers and dancin" was another jinporiant aspect for us to after that. we were looking for the girls to have a certain presence about them on stage. " Preparation ran smoothly and to schedule. TITe onIv problein that tended 10 pose itself was teaching some of the boys how to dance. "At one stage, it took us about anI 110ur to teach tree steps. it certainly was an experience to remember. " Mrs Edwards explained > .-, I e' 4.4 ** * , .:, 1:4'-:.'I I Side I. ^ e ** e West not have been possible without the dedication of the Drama staff, in particular. Mrs Sybil Edwards. The staff 11ad been preparino for the production since December. 1996. TITeir tireless work. allliouoh bellind the scenes. wars evident Ihiouoh the professional performances from the cast ITienibers. Despite all the gruellin" work put Into the production. all who were Involved enjoyed the experience. The school collununity should look out for future drama productions toI a wonderful evening of entertainnient. Odin, e anusirui & ^ A. ^I Not only clid Barz Lulu'mann manage 10 trollspori Rollieo and Junei 10 a modeni day era. but so did Jerome Robbins. creator of West Side Story. Instead o1 Verona, we are in Mannanan. the West Side or New \ ork. where TITe Sharks andTITeJets replaceilie Montagues and Capuleis. They I'ighi. and they kill. They audience will never forget The exemplary perlorinances would The Ii"his between the Puerto Ricans ITlie Sharks! and the Allie ric a n s IThe Jetsj choreogmplied skimilIy and the death scenes handled \viih maruiTiv and sensitiviiy \\. ere Along \viih the stunning perloniiaiices by the actors. the cosiumes * * , I -.-. 4 **,\ . **,* 14* .;,.,**. I** I'***, .* **. I*. ,...~.".,, ,,~.,,,,.,,,,,, f ...,,.,-: , .,*, \, **, '~ " I', . . " ' tv*/./,,*:*':**/ 4;/^; ,. * , ,*. ,,,, .~*-.~. ' -. . < -; 1:1'41 -\,*/ *::-: I' * ';" . '4f441, *-\I a*,.~ . A .~ ' *- - ..' , I I' * *** *,. , I' ' ~' " "' '~"' > A * * ,* i. !*\:>*,*' I; it_:\:;. .:.*in'\; ::' jin\11. \:\F <1i'!\' ! :\;.;. ~**,;f tv I ,f, I , .,,*.* -* ~* ,**; 17; 4/1, ;v!r, ,,}/ ~ a d n \ "* repent. and they, die. backdrops were veiy effective. "We tried to make the costumes as life This year. Anglican ChurcliGraininar like as possible. so most of IheilI School. Ibeiter Iruowii 'round the were boughi froni op-shops and the hood as Chitrc!lie! and BCGS. backdrops were supplied by the coinbiiied forces 10 produce West Churchie Manual Arts snide is". Side SIory. ainusicalwillI one o1/11e Mrs SybilEdwards. GraminarSj}eech most powerILil statements for and Dr:tilia teacher. ex lained. 101emiice ever 10 be made on Broadw, av On May Sill, 9th and 10/11 an Morris audience nTeiiiber commented. "Ihe Hall. Cliurcliie. the sounds or the whole pertomiance \'as spot-on. We 51 Side boys and their girls riglit clown to the noies of eacli pumpeLlilrrougliihe floorboards and song. " the nearis o1' all andience members Tliere is 110 earsv \\, ay to describe the On average. I\\, eniy Grammar Gills SII'o11g alld energetic pel'forInailccs of auditioned tai' eacli oilhe Inain role . "11 is not surprising Inai the cast had been preparing since February". an ** * *I4,171 * 4'1Jit, 1141i;INi*!11 ? I. ,,!IfC{! I 1/1/1571 {!/;,/ )I a .* J Frogrm, , i, ,CIMleS. Gen, /!11'111fii'Off!'if, s John Will^^ills ' '71/1nssic Pal{"' tnn/of I \ Foilr Serlso, I$ Anditir LID}'d webbe, 's "PIid, !10/11 @111ie Ope, n" Gif e. ,! 1.0culis! Ginn Ce, \. o Se/ecii0, ,.,/1,111 "Le$ Afire, fib/es " 0001 111'ices. 1'11ch, at, Ig " "Toll',,' of Booki"/i, ,, 11 Aim ' R}till' Booksto, as TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM MARY RYAN'S BOOKSTO : Padding10n: PIT: 3368 1694 New Farin Ph: 32540444 Ciiv Ph: 322199,2 or' 1/1/'01igli BGGS MUSIC DEPARTMENT PIT. 333.1'73 ., ,, ^ ~ I ^ ,, A ", \ } ,^ I I Tickets: 320 Sintyle $10 Concession $50 Family C Adults. 2 Children) , * ; * * GRAMMA/? GAZETTE I 997 - Pn", 7 * .. ... .......... . . . ..... . .*.. . .-. -,,. - . .. .. ...-.- ... . .. .. -. .., , 1:11:11S:^!lion^11'^^<;^I^:s--..,^' e ~,. ... .. .. \ * introduction to QCS Grammar's Fashion Week Grammar girls drive defensiveIy Naomi Burke-Shyne Emnia Lane The lime has conie again and an o111ei group of BGGS Year Twelve snidenis are being introduced to the ever daunting Queensland Cal'e Skills Test (QcsI. The QCS test is lield annualI\, for graduating senior students and is used to delennine individual results. overall positions tops). and field POSjjjons (FFsl. Every Queensland student eligible for an o\erallposiiion sitsihe Iesi. Tile Iest consists or a writing task. short answer response paper and two inuliiple choice papers. The foul papers Iesi a nulliher o1 sriecilic skills 10 coinplci, Iy a<.;CSS silldents' ribilitICs Thc 11nj. crs am auni 10 sc\. un hours of e\aminaiioii Ihnt is spread o\er I\\, 5,11001days. Tlte 1997 Queensland Core Skills i's! will bc 11.1d 11n Tuesday anti \\'ediiesdny. tile 2nd and 3rd or Serve niber containing details of the test and will sit various practice examinaiions with past papers in preparation for tile test Mrist-read malerials for all siressed or anxious students are 111e '/I Hints/by SIIccess" and 'All 1,011 need 10 AJIoii' oboni 1/1e Oileci!sinnd Coi'e SAT\s refr" booklet. Tile QCS relrospeciives and past papers are available 10 students from tile Beanland Memorial Libmrv. FinalIv all Year 12s. on lite day. be sure 10 - use your perusal time effectiveIy. - plan before you ^espond. Tile senior body 11as received niuliip!e illfoimaiioii booklets and leanets Susanna Siegal Style. elegance. and grace are only a few words which describe the In omeni occasion fast approaching on the Brisbane Girls Grammar calendar. Fashi designers from Milan and Paris are eagerly awaiting Ihe BCGS Fashion Par d to be held o11 the 17th and 18th of July. in the Granm. ar Auditorium. Thin - ' grotip presentations will feature two nulldTed and two "Clammar Girls" stepping outin tins season's latest fashions. The choices have been difficult I Ile grrls. as various designer labels are just beggin" to be worn. Make-up. lighting. cameras and 'Granunar glamotrr' will cullninate t I WITai is stire to be a truly memorable occasion. The Grammar Girls will b making their fashion debuts on the prestitrious Grammar catwalk we ' u fashions from C/if-Chi, Bin"cn SI<6'111i. Lisa Ho. Rebel Spor!s. ESPiri!. Maths. and Cornii, y Rodd. Earlier this year a representative from Quest Safe Drive 1000 approached the Year 12 students with a scheme to promote Toad safely At this presentatioit Quest Safe Drive 1000 was explained as a special defensive driver awareness course conducted to promote road safety, driver awareness and improve driver education for young drivers Following this. the Year i's were told that 111ev. 100. could have this opportunity. All Ihai is needed is a CUITeni provisioiial licence for bo!h the auioinaiic and niaiiual Hyundais provided. A1 Grainniar tilere were not many who could I'esisi a day driving broild new insured Hyiiiidais, Darncipaiin" in mock accident seenaiios and tierensive driving exercises in 1996 six hundred alld eight-six students from sixty-one Brisbane high schools panicipaied. excluding Grammar. However. Ihis year the Brisbane Girls Grainmar drivers are eager 10 show their diivin" skills in two Quest Safe Drive 1000 sessions iaier this term Tile typical Quest Safe Drive 1000 day includes a video presentation. in-car diiving exercises and a day of enterminmeni. Safe Drive 1000 believes eacli parent's greatest fear is 10 have their children in dannerous situations. especially niotor vehicle accidents. Therefore. the object of Safe Driving 1000 is to avoid these accidents by driving safely and defensiveIy. With Grammar uirls panicipating. Safe Drive 1000 will literally nor know what hit theIn! Also on show will be the Imaginative. original CTeaiions or the Year 12 Ar students The photogmphdisplays one of lite designs already, previewed 10 tlie School on Assemblv. Altid""IC of, P, I'lld, fir is Ihc realisation a dream thatchris!innCarter has had since Grade 9. The paper ninehe bodice and extravagant skirt made almost entirely of folded and stapled newpaper pages. Rachael Gelhin lones' Cocn-Coin creation stunned the students with a gown niade enlirely of dissected Coca Cola cans *; by* ~..~ L. ' a" , .* V "",~ ~, ^ ...~,$ .. ..-' ..>.*~ *, I'Sii:* .. .. I ; ; - . 'A1 ..\ -. eggs ~ ' ~ ..^".' . '.. I. ' \. '~ ' ' ' *,~* ,, < . I** ., ./$1 ",- - , -.,\*,..-^ ,,, , ,,\: **tile '. ' '.:b"' '~." . ':"r* ;*;/,\"e? ". ..*;~.* *, A. ' * - manage your lime efficiently. - revie\\. your work at Ihe end. - and bring all required equipment ~*' "Can jello set in half an hour?" and therefore experiences very 10nrr winters. The only way into the village Is by small plane. or by boai in SUIniiier. There are rin roads. cars or irucks For' those of you who warii tollush up on your "Yupik-Eskimo" speakin, skills. here are a few words and their nTeanin"s Kanren lardine & Cam Spence Open Day Mrs Chris Mooie's grade nine Grainlmar SIudents were iti\, en inc OPPoi'Iuniiy 10 "speak" \\, jin menibei\ Iruqaa - 11,110 aquiaq - ice crenni quartuq - Iresli \vaier fish qtiyan;I - Ihank vou Gensinpliy classes eiiiei'ed Ihe world o1 IC, and inniis dunn. , Iburili Ierin\ o1' Inc Konik high school bv use o1 c Inn'riduction 10 inc intcmei. \. in Kunik, innil. Topics o1' conver 11 1997 In Ieresiing quesiions front Konik students. "How big anti fast do kangaroos gel?" "Do ally planes land ill Biisbnne?" "\Vhaiivpes or animals do you nuni?". These questions. and many more. \\, ere answered in relurn for answei's 10 questions of our own informalion was also received front Bonnie Schuiie. an American teacher who lived in Alaska as a child. Thanks to Bonnie, we now know how to sei Tello in 11alf an 110ur by burying it under 11rree feet of snow. and all about entering a blubber eatin. ' compeliiion in tile Alaska Olympics. Overall. it \\, us a very rewarding leiTn for 111e ginde nine geographers Everyone greatIy benefitied Ironi 111e time weni on Ihe inttruei. using e mail. and learning riboui a liftsiyle vei'y dil'ICreni from our own The modern technology made Ihis experience siraighiforward and emcient and tile correspondence was quick and personal. 11 made the students realisejust how powerful the World Wide Web can be in bringinn together people of such different experiences Displaysinclud, Tile :11/11 \\asi0 '11/1nncc the SIudenis kilowledge or the luridra Ihrougli email curter pond*rice willI a $111.11 Alaskaii sciiool in the village o1' Konik Konikislocaied '11/11e 1110uiliof the YLikuii River. and IT'S a popLilniioii or 400-500. who are in OSIly native inniis Only Ihe learners' 110Lises and 111e litundroinailiavc running water and sewage. annough. everyone has access to cable TV connections Art Rhythmic Gymnastics Theatre Dance Music Drama Japanese Dancers Academic Displays information Technology and More Konik annosilies on 111e Arc!ic Circle GRAMMAR GAZETTE 1997 - Page 8
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