Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1993


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Kirsten Jack remembered by the girls of her old school



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Mrs Hancock with the 7992 Head Girls and theI

993 counterparts

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eruoying Iheir minch busier life*!ylcs Granimar Singers and Calmerata. them said they were Ihrilled wlien and A1hene. confronted wiih the prospect of their Any. o1her person wiih so manv were dier nervous at the beginning. would kingiifiedin reeling exhausied and Iudy attended in January was a onlymakesyoumoreor anised. You fantastic and confidence-building cannui help but adjhire tileir commit Ianming experience and haired them merit. energy and pristine curlook hadabouix f. -' y Un gineejgj, j, e up-coming year. thuseindividuals. two H"d Girls will . even un y closenprim;wilyhytheir and carrying out the duties that their stand ou!? When we are confronted also keep up their coriumiimeni10 the Head Girls of 1993. iris cos ' to see the over the last four years as Girls' this School believe will re resent and Grammar 51ndenis. lead them thinuglioui the year. volvemeni in ICnnis. Senior Orches- niunity wishes Esther and Jud net Enseinble and Grammar Singers. enjoy a rewarding year. with all As 11. ell as coping willI these Ihe delnands and thrillen"e* ahead member or Am ami. Thc 1,151en Jack the rest or 111e students to s I Estheris equally us busy as Cap- Brisbane Girls' Grainmar Schnol lain or Swimming. and playing where co-operation and 11"rd wo k Netb 11. SI e s are gon s of tile

Taryn Bums

Ktsten Jack in 7976

Vital Sinusiics: Full name: Iudiih A. Hadwen

than prepio"sy, ,"s

Barbara Headen

"We really wariiio gelihis fund-

Airsle"Jutk began her 51udies ai Brisbane Girls' Oninmar School in SecondFonnlGrade8j. 1974. Trig:- Xirsien's lire in 1976. but in o1 before

Heipii: 175cm

"we've all been involved for rev

Lives: Ascot Siblings: Jonalhon Yrll

we can draw on a record number or

Jane Yin

Both Bridgei and Judy hope 10 51udymedidne. whileMelodyisaim The three. all good friends. see and. for example. intersci. is that Uuhemia Coinmiiiee has a more

FunniGmde 101.

in those three years, tint 'plea*- 'happy. well-adjusied and res"nsi ble girl'. Iquoie from her miniieach

Full Name: Esther B. lentins Dale of Birth: 13-10-76

Pel:'finsty'. Golden Reine\'er Lives: Ashgrove

When their valued sellool friend did nor return to B. G. CS. in 1977. 11. with the help and guidance of 1.1rs. king. Hukins. sinned to raise

Tubv YrS

Their money raising plane in

Liardi YrS This year 100's set to be an ex

pers and a carwash.

Each year. Mr. and Mrs. Jack

terni has elapsed with sucl, haste but Brisbane Girls' Grainmar School's and Esiher Jenkins. have cenainly Ihusiasm for the vear thead. To musi or us. the resinon or ing one but 31her and Judy ha\. e boih Itced the elmllenge and seem to be

williams. antiiher pasi studeni. val

raise funds for Ieukaemia sufferers.

The 1993 Cuminiiiec's aim is to mise at Ion in ritelody. Judy and Drid"ei be- \, Ived willI jilt LeuLaemi" Cum millc, h"\ fini only heigliicned I. ,I'm in \unerer\ cup, . bui IIJ\ "I\0 11.1pcd their or". ni, ,Iinn year 10 aceepi Ihe cheque from

in a variety or ways. Mrs. Hukins ha< made an innniie number of marsh Chrisimas decomiions nununh hot Dust eighiye"r* has helpetlto coordi rinieihe tundraisin" club. and praises for Ieukaeinia research. to say noth ing of the bumper sales of Hui Cross being surrounded by a mountain or Ouisiaiiding fund-ratsin" Past Presid. nis of the club han\e be*n. Memorable fund-misers include

Australia honours Professor Dorothy Hill

Bathara Hebden

The highesi AUSiralian Civil Award. Companion in tilt general war awarded in Ihe recoin Australia Day nunuur\ to Eineniu* Pmles<, r mr. !by. Hill. uric of Brisbane Girlh Grimmar Scliuul* in o51 dining Lit*!led p"\I pupil* 0,1,011iy Hill. CBE. PhD. OSL LLD. FRS. FAA. FCS. cumin. ncc, JUUie\ an Bri*h;inc Girls' Grillnni"r Sth, ,, I in 111e niiddle ni' IU20: Ihc tic\a*1.11nginnucn?" o111hr. ,k nil9jq 11n ung rift*<*11.1, d a re, r"an I hallnn o1'11i, *. lion!y"ar. All** Allnie Mack"\ v"\ in her filth \ear us Headini\Ire*\


*j. -*.*.'

runnier died or Ieukaei"in. and Ruih


errliip ,rer Slum un\ r"i"d.


Now, incl"11yiiam*tillI*Airsi, "

ref. chi\IC^^r'* nthce neon. A. Melodv of, t"ai. Prt\ideni. I"at. 11ndwe"

*CM, , andB, idgef Cj'jamr. ,. Tre"* Filletii years tin. kirien J"CF rer. "rein ili*iru. ', rd\. all, ,ing hfyl"r h, \ nu! been fur. ., 11. n JIB. G. G. S.


"I rein. inh*r buns Dr. ud*\I

di. 1/1/'11nn niltegin ticcied a rel- low fir Ihe Rti}"I SOCi*, in recng


at Sch, it. I. 11 recni, d harder to me in millnn o1' her exie"*I. .c \L, irk in

BCC, u\e her pareni* look an he gonl at spun. Ihnn at Ie\, n. ." ,11c


197J. Ihc Llnicor*ii} of Queen\



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In 19_S Dor. Ih!. Hill gradualcd firee. D, ,cmr ni' Law\ un Prole\\o willI Fir*! Cla*\ Flun, ,ur\ in CCDl- Fijil

19.3-. 4

D, ,r. ,lily Hill "Uruit\ 111ut \Ile tool. up palae. niolfjg\ hcc"u*e ii w"\ a \ui!"hl" rimie\\ion for J Muman in Au*I'lli" in Ih, 1920

w d ' " '*ryinUC ui Queen*1.11U Gold MCU"I. f!CF

r, *careh in for\11 cnr"I\

\\.,:s arcompan:ed bv a Mistrc\ in litr 11na! ve"r at BOGS Durnih} Hill received Ihe Lad\ Lil!*} Gold A1cd"! 10r academic eACcllenc, and Ihe Phvll:\ Hubh\ Meijinrial Prize 10r Engii\11 ;Inrl UniVCrsii> of Queensland Schol^ ai\hip. which in 11i, led a brilliani

Au\Imjiniij, al, eoninlogy owe\ and hec;Iu\e there ."a\ work 10 b. 111ucliin Ihi\ exir"ordinary v. oman. doll. jind Ihc \Iud\ 41,111\\il cor' I*



who. after \.\. en \. car\ \Iud\ at Cam bridge Uni\chin. \uccc*\- fully Iron\furediliel. nut\. led"e "rid coniidcn, * o1 the be\I Europ*an

did lint requirc CLP"nLive equin-

rerred 10 read Medicin,


Non" in her mitt-cighiie\. Pr" uniTen:lie\ in Ihi\ c"untr}. It'sur Hill cuntiiiLiedlierl:on or"r on oured 1'0r lier nian} achieve- University's Department or Geol me1115. In 1965 she had Ihe rare tiey and Mineralogy until 1991


Einerilus Pro!bssor Dorothy Hill

career in Science

Page 7 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term I 1993

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