Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2011
In November last year, we were given the exciting privilege of attending the International Convention for Youth Leaders (ICYL) to enhance our skills as 20Il school leaders. The theme for the five days, based at Raffies Girls'School (RGS) in Singapore, was 'Empowering women to L.E.A.D a change.'L.E.A.D stood for
Special School and Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, the only female minister in the Prime Minister's office. On the second day (Embrace), we met women leafing in their careers as we toured Singapore. Talks ranged from youth leadership to womeris leadership in the workforce, from changing the world to living ahappy and fulfilling life. All the
while, we were encouraged to reflect on what was discussed within our groups and talk about our own experiences at home. It was interesting to hear about the issues of the other girls and notice the similarities. Other highlights included an excursion around the country, campaigning
the sub themes of each day,Lead, Embrace, Act and Dedicate, and shaped the activities and talks we were to participate in. We were inspired before the conference even began when we discovered the entire convention had been organised by a dedicated team of fifteen yer old RGS students.
It was interesting to hear about the issues of the other girls and notice the similarities
in the city and International Friendship Night where all the delegates wore their national dress. One of the most important things we learnt and that we will strive to remember this yeur is to "\A/alk the Talli', a philosophy that Dr Shirley Lim, President of Research Communication International, was very passionate about. The idea is that while it is important to have values and visions, it is imperative to act on these and this is very relevant as we aim to be a proactive student council in201,1.
On the first duy we were split into groups of ten girls. We were the only Australians attending, other delegates came from Singapore, China, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia and one girl from New Zealandwho we quickly adopted as an honoruryAustralian. Friendships were formed as we shared similar values and interests, despite the range of nationalities and backgrounds. We heard from leading women in Singaporean society including Ms tinaLiang, President ofLINIFEM Singapore, Mrs Leaena Tambyah, founder of the Asian Women's WelfarcAssociation
A GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE: APPLICATIONS FOR MARIA SULIMA BURSARY FOR YEAR 8 zAN "Don't waste any opportunities you've got, knowledge is the best thing that you can have, and always, always, strive for your goal." Dr Maria Sulima
Dr Maria Sulima was a remarkable woman and although she was not a student of Brisbane Girls Grammar School, she left a bequest to the School to establish the Maria Sulima Bursary. The bursary allows talented students from less-privileged families access to the gift she held high above all else: knowledg. through education. Dr Sulima was adamant that the girls selected for a bursary would have the character, talent and academic ability to allow them to take full advantage of
the many opportunities offered to them by the School. The bursary is awarded on the basis of overall merit and financial need. The bursary is strictly means-tested and only families who would otherwise experience difficulty in paying the School's tuition fees should apply.The families of girls who are short-listed will be required to provide detailed financial records, including tan returns, for external assessment. If you aLre aware of a family whose daughter mny be eligible to apply for the Maria Sulima Bursary for entry into Year 8 in 2012, they
can register to sit for the ACER scholarship test by following the procedure outlined on the School's website under the Enrolments/S cholarship section. Applications close Friday 8 April 201L, and the examination will be held on Saturday 14 May 20L1. Overseas students are not eligible to apply. Enquiries: Mrs Machelle Flowers-Smith, Enrolments Manager (T) +617 33321386 (E) enrolments@bggs. qld. edu. au
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