Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2011
Somefrrnes / feel like throwing my hands up in the air; I know I can count on you. Sometimes / feel like saying, Lord I just don't care, but you've got the love I need fo see me through. Florence, frorn the British band, Florence and the Machine, has encapsulated in her songrYou',tte got the Lowe, the sense of belonging and community which thrives within this School. Perhaps it becomes evident when a student is running that final stretch in cross country and she rounds the last bend to see a flock of blue on the side line, or when a girl is haHway through that challenging oral and she looks up to make eye contact with her smili.g class or perhaps it is simply when aYear 8 is lost and someone shows her the way to class. The Student Council believes that these experiences of compassion and spirit make Gramrnar unique.
momentum as the girls continue to advance into the future. It is a pil, almost like Savity, keeping us grounded. One role of the Student Council is to devise a theme to shape the year ahead. This group of nventy-six girls determines the aspects of the School they would like to focus on and develop. At Student Council camp at the start of 20'1,1, il girls were very enthusiastic about the year ahead. When fiscussing their aspirations for Grammar, these School leaders soon fiscovered that th"y all shared a common vision: a more unified school, where girls from arry year group can comfortably interact with other yeffi groups. The Student Council has therefore decided to borrow the scientific term for gravity and dub our Grammar Force - the G-FORCE. Therefore, this yeffi the students are encouraged to conquer 20II with the help of the motto: Feel the G-FORCE; be the G-FORCE; embrace the Sisterhood. best of your ability in this School and its amazing opportunities, to make Grammar girls known as a driving force in the communiry both locally and globally. And most importantly, there is Embrace tlte Sisterltood.The ultimate goal is to unite as one and support our Grammar sisters. The love of your friends and School is crucial, especially to the Year I2s as they undertake their final year. The Student Council believes in a simple philosophy that the better the relationships within and between year groups, the better the school experience. The student leaders hope that the theme will build upon this and, in turn, make 201I ayear to remember. ANGELIQUE SWEEP AND LUCINDA TONGE - HEAD GIRLS Each aspect cannot be achieved without the others. To feel the G-,F'ORCE is to feel School spirit, to be immersed in "Grammarosity". To be the G-F'ORCE is to be involved to the
There is something special at this School, a force that
There is something special at this School, a force that connects all girls once th"y step through that white picket fence. It is what makes a Grammar girl a Grammar girl. This force encourages a trafition of independent,
connects all girls once they step through that white picket fence
capable women. It promotes wisdom, imagination and integrity. It is a spirit evident when the entire School decks itself in red for Valentine's Day, when the students donate time and energy to supporting worthy causes or when over 1000 girls j*-p in unison to the war cry. It is the spirit, the life of the School, the love of the School and it is powerful. It is simply: the Grammar Force. For 136 years now, this Grammar Force has connected girls, like a family. The students, the sisters of this Gramm ar farrriy, care for and support each other, no matter what year groupr they work hard and, most importantly, share this time of their lives together. This force within sustains the sisterhood and gains
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