Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2011



Ha n na h Ca meron, Sen ior of 2008, retu rned to Brisbane Girls G (ammar School in Februa ry to perform for cu rrent students. As a student, Hannah was renowned for her sensitive performance style and her sublime song writing skills. Hannah has gone on to hone her craft at Victorian College of the Arts and has recently returned from a trip to New York where she immersed herself in the music scene. Hannah has been writing and recording in Melbourne in 2010 and will be releasing a five track EP recording of her most recent songs later this year.

Older students in the audience recalled Hannah's final solo performance in the Gala concert of 2OOB. The girls thoroughly enjoyed Ha n na h's stu n n ing perfo rmance. Com posers Clu b a nd Song Writers Stud io both meet weekly to provide students with skills and an avenue for dialogue about their own music making. lt was wonderful for the girls to see where hard work and

passion ca n ta ke them. MR ANDREW PENNAY Head of Classroom Music

GLOBAL CIT'ZENS lnitiated in 2007, the United Nations Club reflects the intent of the Brisbane Girls Grammar School Strategic Design by creating and maintaining relationships with the broader community and working in a global context. The United Nations Club developed in response to an overwhelming interest by students in international relations and the global com m u n ity in genera L The clu b has close aff iliations with the United Nations Youth Association (UNYA), UN Women and other community organisations and is growing in strength and popularity with in the School. Pri marily a n awareness-ra ising clu b, it facilitates the opportunity for students from Years 10 to 12lo discuss current international, national and local issues that affect their world. ln 20II, the club is again offering the chance for students to meet d iplomats, politicia ns, u n iversity lectu rers a nd other mem bers of the global community through a range of public and school-based events. The year will also see the continued participation of club mernbers engaging with other young adults from schools across Queensland at conferences and UNYA competitions. The United Nations Club is one of the many ways the School fosters students' interest in the world around them and their future as the leaders of tomorrow.

Last November members of the United Nations Club were invited to attend the officiai book launch of Lazarus Rrsrng, an autobiography by former Australian Prime Minister, the Honourable Mr John Howard no, UN Club member Cassandra McConaghy valued the opportunity to speak personally to Mr Howard and listen to his perspectives on his time as prime minister, "l geined an understanding of his personal and politicaljourney through the scope of Australia's transforming identity. lfound his perspective on multiculturalism and the 'Stolen Generation' pa rticu larly informative", she sa id. MISS ISABEL SMITH Co-ordinator

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Each year, nearly every student in the School enters the Australian Mathematics Competition, a prestigious international problem solving contest now in its fourth decade. ln 2010, two of our Year 8 girls - Serena Edwards (pictured above left) and Gabrielle Bennett (pictured below left) - achieved the highest honour in this competition, as part of the top 0.3% of students in the country to win a prize. The photos show Serena and Gabrielle being awarded their prizes from Professor Helen McGilvray, of QUT. Our students enter a number of mathematics competitions throughout the year, with some outstanding results in previous years. The girls are to be encouraged and warmly commended on their efforts. MR RICK BOWMAN Fa cu I ty of M a t h ern ati c s

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