Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2011
WHERE CI\N AN OP TI\KE YOU? MR JIM SEAHA, Director of Post Secondary Planning
It is common knowledge that an OP score is the mechanism by which high school students gain entry into Qreensland tertiary institutions. In fact, in 2010 , 9 6 per cent of the cohort used them for that very purpose. It is, however, noteworthy that a number of students in the 2010 cohort used their OP to gain entry into a number of interstate universities. And, increasingly, Grammar girls, armed with strong OP scores are taking on the world by gaining direct entry into some of the world's most prestigious universities.
Brisbane. As students, our girls are encouraged to think of themselves as global citizens. In increasingly growing numbers, they participate in international forums such as the Girls Grammar United Nations Club, the International Young Physicists' Tournament, the US Space Camp and Biotrech, an interactive laboratory research trip which travels to the Seattle Biomedical Research Centre in the USA. Large numbers of students are also involved in Antipodeans Abroad, a community aid
to involve themselves in the Oxbridge Academic Programme which offered an academically challengng and intensive four week summer school opportunity at Oxford, Cambridge and UAcad6mie de Paris. In 201,1., the programme has grown to include twenty five students and one teaching fellowship as well as student travel to Columbia University in New llork City and La Academia de Espafra in Barcelona. With growing student participation in such a wide variety of global secon dary school experiences, the Office of Post Secondary Planning is lookirg forward to assisting more students with international university applications.
focused international leadership experience
NATASHA KAMINAGA (2O1O): "Dear Mr Seaha , in developi"g.ountries I bring good news! I was accepted into Waseda University, around theworld, as School of lnternational Liberal Studies. The interview was well as the Girls wonderful. They asked me so many interesting questions Grammar Affiliate and I found myself speaking like a Gram mar girl - Schools Programme thinking globally and thinking women participating globally." which offers cultural and educational connection to our sister schools in Japan,
In recent years, Grammar girls have been accepted into Princeton and Brown Universities in the USA as well as Cambridge University in the UK and Waseda University in Japan. It isn't surprising that more girls are considering tertiary options outside of
China, Germany and F'rance. The number and variety of international experiences are increasing as Girls Grammar continues to seek a more internationalised secondary scho ol experience for its students. Last yelr an inaugural group of ten students chose
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