2020 School Magazine


A stronomy Club meets fortnightly to learn and discover more about space and the objects within it. The group discusses everything from Earth’s place in the solar system to nebulas and galaxies hundreds of light years away. We have been taught the fundamental skills of stargazing, such as recognising and locating stars in the night sky. The computer program Stellarium has enabled us to delve into the constellations and the properties of the stars, such as brightness, colour and magnitude. Historically, the stars have been used as a tool for navigation for centuries. For instance, the Polynesian people used wayfinding to travel thousands of kilometres across the Pacific Ocean. Our very own BGGS Dorothy Hill Observatory provided the opportunity to take photos of celestial objects. This prompted a research project that encouraged students to investigate a galaxy, nebula or star cluster and gain a more detailed understanding of its formation. We encourage anyone with an interest in space and astronomy to join. Madison Danalis (10W) and Kiara Packard (10G) ASTRONOMY CLUB

B risbane Girls Grammar School Art Workshops provide students an opportunity to enjoy the pleasure and fun of creating art. The workshops are conducted by the School’s Art Department and guest tutors after school once or twice each term. All students, whether they study art or not, are welcome to attend. Our Term 1 Workshop, led by Nancy Brown, was a lino printing workshop. Students explored a variety of mixed media techniques. Our Term 2 Workshop was facilitated by Art Teacher, Ms Michaela Burton, and students made a small artist book using collaborative art techniques. Art Workshops offer a relaxed activity designed for all students where they can learn new techniques and employ creative thinking and problem solving skills. Mr Donald Pincott HEAD OF VISUAL ART

NGC6523, Amelia DeSouza (10R)


N amed after the Greek Goddess of wisdom, Athene is a group comprising Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School students from Years 11 and 12 who meet every few weeks throughout the year to spend an evening discussing topics of interest. Girls are selected through democratic nominations by their Year 10 teachers and are invited to join the Society. Meetings are typically held in the evenings and alternate between the two campuses. The topics discussed are diverse, ranging from the shifting nature of morality and ethics to the various views on political correctness. Each meeting, three Year 12 Athenians present papers on topics they chose followed by 30 minutes of engaging, meaningful, and spirited discussion by the entire group. Police brutality and data surveillance are a few examples of the engrossing topics discussed in 2020. The evenings have provided students with a well-earned reprieve from study as they engage with ideas both inside and outside their comfort zones to stretch and develop their moral and social conscience. Athene provides students with a platform to express their views and opinions in an open-minded forum, while also considering the perspectives of others before drawing their own conclusions. Niharika Malhotra (12W) ATHENE SOCIETY PRESIDENT


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