2020 School Magazine
T his year in Accounting we have explored the basics of business structures and processes. Our units of study have consisted of an introduction to the world of business, learning fundamental accounting concepts through the use of Microsoft Excel, and understanding how accounting works within a business. In Term 1, as an introduction to Accounting, we investigated basic accounting terminology and different types of business structures. It was interesting to explore various business types and the factors used to classify them. During Term 2 we studied Microsoft Excel, using the program to perform basic functions of a business and learn about the petty cash impress system of accounting. We classified transactions into debits and credits and learned how to apply the accounting equation, focusing in particular on service businesses. For Term 3 the goal was to refine our double entry accounting skills. We practised recording business transactions into general journals, general ledgers, and completed a trial balance. In Term 4 we explored specific accounting and administrative controls to reduce fraud. Accounting is a subject that can be applied to all careers as it is a critical function of any business. We have gained a lot from the subject this year. Isabella Colledge (10B), Milly Maruoka (10R) and Olivia Saywell (10O) YEAR 10 ACCOUNTING
T his was the first year of Accounting for Year 11 students and it quickly became one of my favourite subjects. The ability to easily apply everything we were learning to the real world doesn’t happen in every subject. By looking at financial reports we could understand how the concepts we had learned in class correlated with real world businesses. As we studied each new unit, every girl was able to understand more about the operations of a business and how tasks are really carried out by accountants. Additionally, both classes had the privilege of speaking to an auditor and learning about different types of accountants and their work. Every lesson in Accounting is different and for me, learning how to use software employed in businesses everywhere and developing a range of other accounting skills was exciting. Accounting has taught us that behind every invoice, or seemingly unimportant transaction, there is a financial process backstory. Persia Black (11H) YEAR 11 ACCOUNTING
B uilding on the primary skills we learned last year in Accounting, this year our studies have focused on preparing and analysing complex financial statements to advise businesses about their financial position. Through both theory and practical work we were introduced to a series of accounting concepts, including the end of year accounting process for accrual accounting. We also applied our understanding of basic concepts to the interpretation of published company reports, which can be very complex. Accounting assessments incorporate three key components: Part A: Short Response (theory); Part B: Practical; and Part C: Extended Response and Evaluation. This year, for the first time, Accounting was offered as a subject in Year 10. This has meant more girls have enjoyed the opportunity to experience the subject and we got the chance to discuss our learnings with both the Year 10 and 11 students. Thanks to our study of Accounting we leave school with a deeper understanding of the importance of financial information for business owners and shareholders of companies. Abbey Grice (12E) and Lauren Stacey (12L) YEAR 12 ACCOUNTING
I n Year 8 Geography this year we have been exploring ‘virtually’ our city and the world around us. We learned how important the world’s rainforests are and why we need to protect them and how our biggest cities are becoming more sustainable. We also created a virtual photographic essay using Google Earth Tours and Sway to investigate how the Brisbane River connects people and places. Geography is a very engaging and interesting subject and this year’s topics have provided us with great insight into the subject. Freya Lennon (8L) and Bella Stonell (8M) YEAR 8 GEOGRAPHY
D uring a time of significant change and uncertainty in the world, Senior Geography has enhanced our awareness of contemporary global issues. Through a range of case studies, including a report on the Nepal Earthquake, we examined the relationship between poverty and responses to disasters. How Brisbane is planning for population change was investigated through a ‘virtual’ case study on the Victoria Park Development. We have also benefited from the insights of guest speakers in the field of Urban Design and Planning, who talked to us about the vision for a connected and sustainable inner city Brisbane. Brooke Goston (11E), Emma Rothwell (11G), Sophia Rothwell (11G) and Laura Russell (11G) SENIOR GEOGRAPHY
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