2019 School Magazine


YEAR 11 DESIGN S tudying senior Design this year has been an engaging, challenging and unique experience. The Year 11 Design cohort focused predominately on improving our visual communication, through both sketches and digital rendering techniques. In Term 1, we investigated rapid prototyping and design process through redesigning the Spring Hill bus stop. In Term 2, we looked at interior design to redesign the IT Support Office and Technologies Hub. This project encouraged girls to consider design constraints such as electricity, water and air conditioning. In Term 3, we explored human-centred design, through airport sleepingpods. InTerm4we studied rapid investigationandprototyping. This year we enjoyed 10 guest lectures presented by visiting architects, industrial and landscape designers, and leading digital designers, who provided insight into possible future careers. Overall, Design provides students with the ability to process information, convey ideas, and most importantly solve problems. Abby Grice (11E)


D igital Solutions was introduced into the curriculum this year. The subject focused on solving real-world problems with technology. Contrary to popular belief, the subject involves more than ‘just coding’—it included ideation, research and an evaluation of the end product. In Unit 1, we were required to create an interactive learning web application for upper-primary school students to help improve their literacy or numeracy skills. Through this project, we learned how user experience can be enhanced by following the principles of design and producing an effective user interface. In addition to building our knowledge of web-based coding languages, we also developed valuable problem-solving and critical thinking skills by considering the developer and user requirements and constraints of the task.

In Unit 2, we focused on solving data-driven problems, exploring solutions that use, collect and display data through a database connection. We learned how to present and use data in a meaningful and effective way, and how to protect it from hackers. For our main project, we worked in pairs to develop a web-solution that exhibited Brisbane Girls Grammar School’s Art Collection. Valuable collaboration and teamwork skills were developed along the way. It was interesting to explore a user experience so close to home and the real-life process of how web-developers prepare and manage data to create a safe and functional solution. Rachel Chiong (11B), Arwen Dias-Jayasinha (11G) and Matina Samios (11W)

YEAR 12 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY I n Year 12 Information Technology, we created an interactive children's game using JavaScript as a coding framework. We also constructed a multimodal proposal and a web application to enhance student experience at the School. For our final assessment task, we designed and developed an infographic. These projects required three stages—design, development and evaluation—in which we collaborated with real clients from various industries. We also completed market and design research and analysis, and created prototypes. Adhering to user needs and constructing disaster recovery plans and project management plans are all skills that will be useful in future projects. We have also become skilled in using a variety of software applications and hardware equipment. Annika Honan (12L) and Samantha Smart (12L)


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