2019 School Magazine


I n Year 10 Biology, we explored a wide variety of interesting topics, from reproduction to genetics and biotechnology. We completed fascinating practical activities, including growing bacteria on agar plates, investigating skulls and extracting strawberry DNA. We also explored the fascinating topic of genetic modification and cloning. Overall, Year 10 Biology was a thoroughly enjoyable experience, exposing us to a broad range of topics and equipping us with useful knowledge to take into Year 11. Thilini Wijesuriya (10G)

YEAR 10 CHEMISTRY Y ear 10 Chemistry was full of fun and interesting experiments. This year, we learned about the mole and properties of acids and bases, as well as how to apply these concepts to real-world situations. We love Chemistry because, while it can be challenging as we draw on our math and problem-solving skills, all the experiments we conduct are exciting, with amazing and sometimes messy results. We have thoroughly enjoyed being able to apply our scientific knowledge in new ways.

YEAR 10 PHYSICS Y ear 10 Physics provided an array of fascinating and stimulating subject matter. In Term 1 we explored the theme of ‘this is rocket science,’ taking us on a journey spanning Newton’s Laws of motion, forces and momentum. Applying these concepts to real life scenarios, we grappled with the complexities of falling objects, soon learning that—like all actions in physics—dropping a piece of cardboard was no simple movement. We then transitioned into studying work and energy, exploring highly relevant topics surrounding fuel, energy transfers and energy efficiency. Our interests were sparked when we debated the pertinent claim: electric cars are better. In Term 3, our focus shifted to solar physics, where practical activities and visual learning developed our understanding. First, we investigated properties of waves, the electromagnetic spectrum and colour, before delving into optics, where we thoroughly enjoyed studying lenses and mirrors. Learning about nuclear fusion and stars brought the term to a close, ending, ironically, with a discussion on the Big Bang. Audrey Lusk (10E)

In Term 2, we were introduced to acid-carbonate reactions and conducted our own experiment investigating the relationship between temperature and rate of reaction. We then wrote scientific reports about the experiment, and finished off the term with an introduction to stoichiometry. Ocean chemistry has also given us scientific insight into just how rapidly the environment is being damaged through ocean acidification. Alyssa Nunnink (10W) and Phoebe Sampson (10M)


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