2019 School Magazine
STUDY OF RELIGION T his year, Study of Religion has been a fascinating examination of history, philosophy and faith. We have examined the questions that human existence poses, and the answers that religion offers. To start off, we questioned the importance of religious ritual and gained firsthand insight through our field trip to the Chung Tian Buddhist Temple and the Holland Park Mosque. In our next unit, we explored an eclectic range of creation stories and concluded that mythology seeks to answer the ‘great silence.’ Continuing on our existential trend, we asked ourselves the perennial question, ‘who am I?’ while considering the answers given by Freudian psychoanalysis, Behaviourist theory, and Christianity. In our final unit, we studied the nuances of interpreting holy texts, which reminded us of the uniqueness of each individual’s faith. Study of Religion is unparalleled in its ability to broaden worldviews and to provide an understanding of the profundity of the human condition. April Golder (12H)
YEAR 8 GEOGRAPHY O ur first learning experience in Year 8 Geography involved studying important rainforest ecosystems and Antarctica. The rate of global deforestation forced us to think deeply about how our everyday activities can affect the rainforest ecosystems and reminded us to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. In teams, we created a vlog based on one of the important groups who work in Antarctica. This element of Geography was important because, as the next generation, we can understand how global warming and rising sea levels are affecting Antarctica and its environment. Another unit involved researching sustainable cities. We looked at different examples from around the world. This provided girls with the knowledge to understand how we can accommodate for large populations while considering the natural environment. This was important as it taught us that sustainable growth as a planet is possible. We also studied connectivity along the Brisbane River through a photographic essay. We attended an excursion to South Bank to collect data, such as photographs and surveys. This hands-on approach encouraged teamwork and an interest in how to improve Brisbane by creating new infrastructure for our growing city. Erin Appleyard (8W) , Isabelle Bamber (8O), Sophie Lillyman (8B) and Tayla Nell (8M)
YEAR 12 GEOGRAPHY Y ear 12 Geography teaches students about the relationships between people and their environment. At the beginning of the year, we delved into liveability, followed by connections, biodiversity and climate change. These topics were accompanied by excursions to Windsor and Boondall Wetlands which informed our field reports. The hands-on experience that these trips provided enhanced our understanding and facilitated class discussions. These units taught us the importance of the relationships between humans, animals and the natural and man-made environments that surround us and shifted our perspectives on the world. Paris Comiskey (12B) and Gemma Rowland-King (12G)
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