2019 School Magazine
YEAR 7 HUMANITIES H umanities this year has been a lot of fun and opened our eyes to many fascinating aspects of the world in which we live. We began by learning about Brisbane Girls Grammar School’s foundation, examining the School’s archives to learn more about Girls Grammar’s history.
We then commenced our Geography unit. Our first assignment involved investigating the suburb in which we live. We presented our findings as a website. In Term 2, we learned about ‘Water in the World’ and how this precious resource affects different countries. We also held a ‘United Nations Summit’ in which we were assigned a country to research. In our presentations we raised and discussed ‘our’ country’s water-related concerns. InTerm3,we studiedancient civilisations including Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and India. Girls investigated an artefact from an ancient civilisation and explored what it indicated about the society from which it was produced. I really enjoyed learning about museum curation and how to
describe an artefact. Sophia Nguyen (7E)
YEAR 8 HISTORY I n Year 8 History we studied the Greek Mythologies, Ancient Rome, Medieval Europe and the Renaissance period. We began with Greek Mythologies in Term 1, which involved studying the Judgement of Paris, the myth of Theseus and Minotaur, and the Amazon warriors. We also studied ancient vases and learned how to interpret these artefacts. This led to a portfolio filled with annotated research notes, a storyboard, a summary and an analysis of a vase portraying our chosen myth. InTerm 2, we explored the timeline, social groups, and houses of the Roman Empire which conquered much of the ancient world. In particular, we investigated the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and learned how to comprehensively analyse historical sources written by Roman authors. In Term 3, we explored the medieval period, examining the Feudal system, medieval manor, Christian beliefs and the Crusades. We continued to develop our skills of historical analysis, applying them to visual sources of the Middle Ages. We also participated in several interactive activities, including a game which simulated the spread of the Black Plague. In Term 4, we plunged into the Renaissance period and created a ‘Factbook’ profile about a significant individual from this era. Sherry Jiang (8M)
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