2019 School Magazine

YEAR 10 DRAMA Y ear 10 Drama has been a valuable and rewarding experience. The classroom environment was always welcoming and presented endless opportunities to improve our skills. I look forward to applying the theatrical techniques which I have learned to my future Drama studies. Sophie Conias (10R) YEAR 11 DRAMA S enior Drama has been one of my most challenging, yet rewarding subjects this year. We studied The Laramie Project , a piece of VerbatimTheatre that uses text from real interviews as dialogue and explores a factual event that divided a small American town. This allowed students to delve into interesting societal issues and explore powerful ways that we can use theatre to express ideas. We worked to shape an ensemble performance, fostering our collaboration, negotiation and interpersonal skills. Through Curriculum Drama, I have learned how to interact with a wide range of students, teachers and mentors, which has enhanced my communication, teamwork and leadership skills. While I have learned how to be creative and productive through Senior Drama, I particularly value the emphasis placed on listening skills, organisational skills, patience and kindness as we examine the world around us. Lara Triscott (11H)



YEAR 12 DRAMA A s a student with a genuine love of performance, analysing and creating theatre, I feel privileged to have spent much of the year studying something I am highly passionate about. Particularly rewarding to me was our study into Brechtian Theatre. In this study, we investigated the politics and ideology which foundationally underpin works of theatre and how to creatively translate this into scripts and onto the stage. As a class, this unit was the perfect combination of worldly and analytical discussions, with creative and artistic wonderings running parallel. Despite this, Senior Drama has certainly presented challenges including our performance task of the Australian play, Ruby Moon . This task solidified that drama isn’t about safety or guaranteeing success, but rather developing curiosity and problem-solving skills. Julia Ganter (12M)


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