2018 School Magazine

ANIME Anime Club, or Animaniacs, is a cultural club that watches Anime and celebrates other aspects of Manga, Cosplay and Asian culture. Each term, girls vote and decide on what to watch. This year, we enjoyed the series Haikyuu! , which is about a team of secondary school volleyball stars, and the Hayao Miyazaki classic , Howl’s Moving Castle . The Animaniacs are a small group and welcome anyone, regardless of their knowledge of Anime. We love to draw and create our own artworks and costumes inspired by our favourite Anime. Lauren Hastie (12B) ART WALKS Art Walks were held on a Saturday morning once a term and members of the Girls Grammar community were invited to attend particular exhibitions at the Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art (QaGOMA). Prepared talks by Girls Grammar staff and students provided deeper understanding of the exhibitions in an informal setting. The first walk for 2018 uncovered the stories and links between various artwork in the QaGOMA Collection, while the second walk saw attendees examine the works of artist, Patricia Piccinini. Piccinini’s art centers on what it is to be human in an age of biotechnology and genetic modification. On this walk, we also heard Grace McLay (2017), discuss her work, Snakes and Ladders , which was featured in the Creative Generation Exhibition . The Term 3 Art Walk involved exploring the work of young Indigenous Australian artist, Tony Albert, in his exhibition, Visible . His work provided a powerful response to the misrepresentation of Indigenous Australians and the associated cultural and societal issues. The Art Walks this year provided a deeper understanding of work from a diverse range of modern and traditional artists. We look forward to providing future opportunities for enriched art appreciation to the Girls Grammar community. Clare Gordon (12E)

ATHENE Named after the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athene, is a group comprising Brisbane Grammar School and Brisbane Girls Grammar School students from Years 11 and 12 who meet periodically throughout the year to spend an evening discussing topics of interest. Girls are invited to participate in Athene based on a democratic process of nominations from their Year 10 teachers. Meetings are usually in the evening and alternate between the campuses. Discussions range from the ever-changing nature of morality, to the ethics of space exploration and the benefits to converting to a communist society.

Each meeting involves three Year 12 Athenians presenting papers on topics of their choosing. The papers act as stimuli for a half an hour of engaging, thoughtful and (mostly) light-hearted discussion by the group as a whole. Biological innovations, political correctness, the influence of the media on our lives and the ethics of bounty hunting are an example of the fascinating topics discussed in 2018. Athene provides an opportunity for students to express their ideas and opinions in an open-minded forum, while also taking time to consider the perspectives of others before drawing their

own conclusions. Sylvie King (12L) ATHENE PRESIDENT


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