2018 School Magazine

YEAR 9 DIGITAL AND DESIGN TECHNOLOGIES This year, Digital and Design Technologies explored numerous topics including graphic design and illustration, using Adobe software to produce a physical card game and coding. My favourite area was using graphics software to explore our unique design ideas and techniques in a new digital environment. We worked in design teams and negotiated how we could best use our combined technical and design skills and explored how to use and decipher a high-level programming language called JavaScript. This year has given me insight into the vast range of opportunities for my future as not only did it improve my design and digital technology skills, it enabled me to think outside the box and incorporate my ideas with the people around me. Samantha Atherton (9L)

YEAR 10 DIGITAL AND DESIGN TECHNOLOGIES Digital and Design Technologies (DDT) has been an insightful and engaging subject. Students focused on the concept of associating ideas of design and technology with empathy. Throughout projects we were required to comprehend and adhere our designs to the needs of stakeholders and target audiences. In Term 3, our user experience (UX) and user interaction (UI) design project required us to create or rebrand an existing shoe brand to produce a realistic sustainable commercial design. With access to industry level software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe XD and Sketchup we created branding logos and graphics, developed respectable app designs, and 3D models. Working in teams of three, comprising an app designer and a 2D (graphics and branding) and 3D designer (pop-up shop), the project enabled us to collaborate, combine and enhance ideas, despite working on individual tasks. The projects completed this year and the guidance from our highly experienced teachers provided invaluable insight into the possibilities of working with technology and design. Angelina Hsu (10W)



Information Technology Systems (ITS) at Girls Grammar is an engaging and challenging subject. Each unit of ITS is directed towards teaching real-world skills directly applicable to the IT field. In the first unit, students designed and developed an explainer advertisement for their chosen product. We used a broad range of advanced technology systems while learning about narrative writing, branding and marketing through a video medium. The next unit focused on web coding which included JavaScript, HTML and CSS coding languages combined with graphic design principles for website construction. The unit also involved an in- depth study of project management skills, working with a client and the principles of user-centric design. Our third unit was a continuation of the second—a six-week project to build a fully functional website for a client on a live sub-domain. Our website had to be user-friendly, visually appealing and respond well to mobile and desktop resolutions. This unit was especially enjoyable as it resembled an authentic working experience. My clients are currently using the website, so for me this unit was a genuine experience. I learned many valuable skills, both in designing to a client’s brief and utilising a high level of technical knowledge, which are widely applicable across many fields. The study of ITS combined a thorough knowledge of design and advanced technical skill and has developed my interest in the field of IT and inspired me to create. Morgan Bloomfield (11G)

This year, we constructed a multimedia pitch to potential investors, developed a mobile application, programmed a portfolio website and created an infographic. These projects involved user-centred ideation, creative designs, competitor research, collaboration with clients, fluency in many software programs, evaluation of processes and resourceful problem-solving. In today’s current technology-driven society, these skills have aided me in everyday tasks, from troubleshooting to marketing fundraising events, all of which will be useful in my future endeavours. Caitlin McGrath (12R)


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