2018 School Magazine


Science21 involves studying a range of scientific concepts across many science disciplines. The topics included nutrition, forensics, physics of rollercoasters and life in space, offering a real-world and contextualised approach to Science. Science21 is a hands-on subject, with different types of experimental investigations each term. For example, in Term 1, students studied food chemistry through investigations such as How ‘Nutritious’ are Bananas? , and in Term 2, students studied forensics through the murder mystery scenario, The Mysteries of Lyle and Louise. These investigations were enjoyable and allowed students to observe theory in practice. Anusha Nayak (12R) and Anais Perrie (12R) INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE YOUTH FORUM The 2018 International Science Youth Forum (ISYF) was an exciting congregation of leading and aspiring scientists held at the Hwa Chong Institution in Singapore. The forum provided a platform for students to engage with Nobel Laureates and present their ideas to a panel of judges in the Research Poster Competition. Here, we presented our research conducted at the Translational Research Institute on bone marrow immunology, seeking to improve the process of stem cell transplantation for cancer patients.

The 2018 International Science Youth Forum was an invaluable experience and allowed us to create lifelong friendships with students from across the world. Jessica Weavis (12H) and Sarah Wilkey (12L)

JUNIOR YOUNG PHYSICISTS TOURNAMENT From the beginning of Term 1, a number of students from Years 9 and 10 worked tirelessly to prepare for the Junior Young Physicists Tournament, which is held in the first week of Term 4. The tournament examines each student’s knowledge and investigative reasoning skills and consists of multiple physics problems for students to solve, before debating with teams from other schools across Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. Charlotte Picker (9M)


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