2018 School Magazine

YEAR 11 ACCOUNTING This year, Accounting has been a rewarding experience which allowed me to broaden my horizons in regards to tertiary education and potential business opportunities. It was an enriching experience that challenged students in an unknown area, teaching skills that are both interesting and relevant for the future. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I thoroughly enjoyed this subject as it taught me the primary skills of accounting and running a business. From the classification of accounts, to controls of a business and fraud, Accounting has provided me with a deeper understanding of professional industries. My favourite topic was fraud and how the internal controls of a business can prevent it. I found this topic particularly interesting as we studied real-world scenarios, discovering the importance and direct effect of controls within a business. Overall, Accounting has provided me with the confidence to leave school with a wider variety of skills. Sophia Harris (11R) YEAR 12 ACCOUNTING Accounting is a challenging and useful subject that allowed students to gain knowledge for a future in business. Through theoretical and practical assessment tasks, Accounting as a senior subject allowed me to broaden my knowledge of basic principles and concepts relating to business. The major topics studied in Year 12 included accrual accounting, financial statement analysis, fraud in accounting, cash budget analysis and preparing cash flow statements. This has enabled me to gain an extensive amount of experience regarding how businesses works in the real world and extend my knowledge beyond the classroom. This year, we were able to build on the knowledge gained by studying Accounting in Year 11 and applied these skills in different situations. The most interesting topic we studied this year was analysing real-life fraud cases that occurred in Australia, to better understand why and how the crime was committed. Studying Accounting has been beneficial and enabled me to learn skills that will In Year 11 Economics, we began learning the basics of the price mechanism and the economic flow. We investigated real life examples of supply and demand and developed a thorough understanding of microeconomic interactions. Following this, we examined the Australian labour market and explored the causes of market failure. We researched instances where bargaining power leant too strongly towards either employees or employers and discussed the extent to which the government should intervene in the market to avoid detriment to the Australian economy. In Semester 2, we gained an insight into Australia’s duopolistic retail industry through cost-benefit analyses and the detrimental long-term effects it is likely to have on the Australian economy. Year 11 Economics also allowed student’s to gain an understanding of the macroeconomic impact of small-scale decisions and develop a new level of conscientious awareness. Samantha Dash (11E) YEAR 12 ECONOMICS In Term 1, we investigated Australian interest rates and their effect on the economy. This proved to be an interesting area of study, giving us insight into the complexity of the Australian economy and the dilemmas facing the Reserve Bank of Australia. Term 2 was filled with thought-provoking learning experiences as we studied the controversial topic of income and wealth distribution. It was eye-opening to discuss and analyse the challenges of income inequality in Australia and investigate solutions for this widening wealth gap. In Term 3, we moved onto Australia’s trade relationships with the world. Learning about protectionism, competitive advantage and other areas of trade theory helped develop our understanding of the global market and its role in Australia’s economy. The topics learned this year increased our economics knowledge and improved our ability to interpret real-world problems. Honing our evaluation skills by weighing up costs and benefits also has its implications for day-to-day life and will help improve our problem-solving skills. Emma Harding (12M) help me in life beyond school. Amitha Gottumukkala (12H) YEAR 11 ECONOMICS


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