2014 School Magazine



The 2014 BGGS Athletics was like a 100 metre dash. The season went by quickly, however many dedicated hours were spent training and competing. As captains this season, we chose the motto Hustle and Heart set us apart and this was reflected in our visible and vibrant Grammar spirit. We believe that the thing that ‘sets us apart’ is that we have the fight to keep pushing forward towards our individual goals and together stand united as a team. We came away from the QGSSSA Championship knowing we gave it our all with a commendable fifth place. This season saw some incredible performances by many girls, including bettering their previous personal bests. As a Girls Grammar nation, we had approximately sixty girls compete at the Metropolitan North Regional Trials, with twenty girls successfully making it all the way to the 2014 State Championships. Special commendation goes to Rebecca Hayley (8M), who set a remarkable record at QGSSSA Athletics of 1.65 metres in the 13 years high jump. Rebecca also won the high jump at the State Athletics Championships. We all look forward to what may be in store for her across her next four years at BGGS. Another great performance at the State Championships was by Scout Cooke (12O) who performed a personal best to win the 17 years 400 metre event. We want to say thank you to the team, and amazing coordinators and coaches who worked tirelessly throughout the season. We are so happy that we finished the season with happy memories of personal bests, friends and challenges. We finished our last season happy, not just as captains, but also as Girls’ Grammar athletes. ■

Seventy-seven girls. Fifteen teams. Three premierships.

2014 has been a very successful year, with the participation rate in badminton skyrocketing to well over seventy girls. As captains, we have seen the dedication to training from all the girls’ and this paid off at the QGSSSA competition. The girls’ determination, commitment and persistence are a testament to their badminton success.

Badminton is a fast-paced, pressure-driven and unbelievably fun sport in which all the players have thrived. On Saturday 25 October and 1 November, fifteen teams, each competing in a three hour, nine game round-robin doubles competition played their hearts out. All teams performed well with the Open Team placing third but this season goes to the Year 8s. The 8A, 8B and 8C teams were outstanding, each winning an undefeated premiership. We firmly believe that our leadership opportunity as badminton captains has certainly made our last year at Girls Grammar all the more memorable. ■

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