2013 School Magazine

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IN THE YEAR WE GELEBl?ATE THE CENTENARY OF THE SCHOOL MAGAZINE, IT ^EEMS TIMELY To 1:2EcouNT A CONCISE H1^5TOl?Y OF THE LIBRAl?Y. The first library at Brisbane Girls Grammar School began while Miss Beanland was Head Mistress <1882 - 1889) Miss Beanland donated a considerable part of her own collection, a practice followed by Miss Wilkinson. Miss Mackay, Miss Lilley, and right down the years to Dr Bell This indicates the importance that our Principals place on reading. literature. research and inquiry

This year has seen the start of the next exciting phase in library services at the Spring Hill campus. in the September holidays, the groundwork started for the new five-storey Research & innovative Learning Centre. From a cupboard of books during the nineteenth century, to one room, to two wings. the Grammar girls of 2015 will revel in a library spread over five levels with a glass wall overlooking the beautiful century-old fig tree. Nil sine labore






The library staff members make a special effort to instil a love of scholarship. learning. knowledge and reading from the very beginning of a student's time at Girls Grammar. Here. a few Year 8 girls reveal the ways that they view the library







Girls Grammar is an apple and the library is the core. not only the core of the School but the core of each and every girl's future. it is the basis of our knowledge and plants new seeds in our minds

The first dedicated library space was the room in the Main_Building that is now the Principal's office. it soon became apparent that more space was required. but it was not until 1958 that a designated library building was opened. Funds for this significant project were donated by the Old Girls Association. This charming two-storey building was replaced in 1975 when Sir Colin Hannah. Governor of Queensland. opened a new building. the top floor of which housed the Beanland Memorial Library in the Kathleen Lilley wing. The area devoted to the library continued to expand over the ensuing years until it reached the two substantial wings used by today's students


The library at Girls Grammar is a great place to study because it has a quiet section where you can't be disturbed as well as hav!rig great workspaces so that you can easily work in groups. it has a great selection of books and resources that you can use for leisure or assignments


The library offers a large variety of facilities and it has a magical atmosphere for learning



The library is place where I can relax. knowing I have all the resources I need to support my learning


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