2013 School Magazine


I\/IAI:^'IA-WAGHTLE!^' ^CHOOL, GEl::^'I\/IANY From July unti ate August. we hosted eXchange students from Essen. Germany. Not only did this opportunity significantly improve our German, but the students also introduced us to traditional German food and colloquial language. in return. we offered our host sisters vegemite. tim-tams and pavlova. They also went sailing in the Whitsundays and whale watching in Hervey Bay We now have close friends in Germany and hope to visit them one day


^El, ?IN 1<'AN Hl<^H ^CHOOL, JAPAN Have you ever thought of


hosting an eXchange student and the many opportunities that arise from this experience? Girls Grammar has an extensive Affiliate Schools Programme. providing girls with the invaluable opportunity to enrich their knowledge of other cultures and ways of life. We have been


lucky enough to host eXchange students for six weeks from Seirinkan High School. one of our sister schools in Japan. We especially enjoyed having the girls with us at the charity social on 27 July. This experience has been extremely beneficial for our studies of Japanese and we have enjoyed teaching the Seirinkan High School students about our Australian culture and lifestyle

EXchange students from Germany (front row): Viktoria, Joy, Sine. Sarah and Rebecca with BGGS Hosts (back row) Jacinta MacGinley <10B). Allce Haywood <10H). Stephanie MCAllister <10B). Harriet Loinas (110) and Is abelle Harris (11R)

Pictured above: Sayaka and Ryoka from Seirinkan High School


I\A1E JUNiOF?/^ENiOi:^' HIGH, JAPAN Having a Japanese eXchange student from Mie High School stay with me for two weeks was a really rewarding experience. it has helped me with many attributes such as patience (something which has never been my strong point). understanding other peoples' situations and. of course. my Japanese. My student was such a pleasure to have and it was great fun showing her what it is like to live in Australia

LYCEE ^^^T PAUL, F1:^'ANCE On 16 February this year twenty Girls Grammar students in Years 11 and 12 gathered at the Brisbane International Airport to welcome students from our French sister school. Lycee St Paul. For the next two weeks we played host to these students while they attended School with us and experienced typical Australian life. it was a cultural Iy enriching experience for us and those from our sister school and is highly recommended


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Lycee St Paul eXchange students with their host sisters

Mie students at More ton Island


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