2013 School Magazine

C H E I\/I ,^^T I^' Y Year 11 Chemistry has been a blast. Not only have we been predicting and observing chemical reactions but we have been analysing their impact on real world scenarios. Our classes have really bonded tighter than hydrogen bonds as we have struggled to achieve concordant results in our titrations. Safely disguised behind our lab coats and goggles. we have Investigated the Chem-mystery of using a pipette. We dazzled even ourselves with the magic of Chemistry by making copper disappear. The solution was not clear (it was colourless!). until. through a series of reactions, we were able to make the copper reappear. The assignments were met with mixed reactions, as they included so many unseen and hypothetical situations The final product was a balance of systematically- analysed data and late nights. However. the process of handing in the assignments produced an element of joy. But ultimately: OMg + CHeMo * Is + 2 COOL/O

The study of Chemistry has been an enriching and en a ing experience. it has given us the opportunity to study many exciting topics such as chemical equilibrium. hydrogen bonding. redox reactions and gas laws. Obtaining this wide knowledge of practical chemical applications has enabled us to appreciate the importance of chemistry. and to understand the significant role it plays in the substances we use and interact with in daily life


11.2 & 11.5 CHEMISTRY

P H Y^^^ I C ^


The things that my class adores about Year n Physics are the feelings we get when we solve a particularly hard problem and how we develop a new perspective on the world through a deeper knowledge and understanding of physics Fundamentally. we cherish the ability to consolidate our knowledge through fun and educational experimental work. This (extremely)

This year we have experimented with drugging Daphnia. explored energy alternatives for the future of Australia and investigated sustainable water usage design. The best parts of the year have been the excursion along the Brisbane River in a boat to learn about the environmental impacts of urbanisation, the interactive ITUnesU learning module on our iphones and ipads, and the guest teacher who came in from More ton Bay Environmental Education Centre to show us the impact of storm water around the School Science21 this year has been amazing and enriching We combined elements of Biology. Physics and Chemistry into all of our four units. Our favourite unit was Forensics where we solved a crime by analysing blood-spatter patterns. teeth mark- impressions and handwriting. We even travelled to Dreamworld as a part of our studies of Physics and the Physiology of Fun Parks. Science21 has provided us with a wealth of knowledge and information on a range of scientific areas during our Senior years YEAR n SCIENCE21 CLASS

supportive and stimulating environment also allows us to be productive-by utilising our mathematical knowledge in a more practical setting. in Year 11 Physics you learn the science behind everyday phenomena that you take for granted. like how sound and light work and how cars move


Senior Physics has been full of excitement and energy We covered electricity in Semester I this year. and then moved on to nuclear and quantum physics. We went back thousands of years in the history of physics. travelling from the philosophical musings of ancient Roman and Greek figures. all the way to advanced, modern day science and what is yet to be discovered In the world of physics. We were all thrilled to finally learn how Einstein's equation E = inc' works. and found the theory of relativity fascinating. Our class has gone beyond just the basics of physics and have made a lot of progress over the past two years in this amazing subject. We'll definitely be taking many memories with us of all the wonderful experiences we've had




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