2013 School Magazine

WONDEF? FACTO!:?'Y Everyone has heard the old adage 'time is more valuable than money' though oftentimes we don't consider the weight or truth behind these words. But each year. for a small group of Girls Grammar Seniors. the true value of time is realised - through our volunteering at the hospital as a part of the Wonder Factory program. Wonder Factory is an entertainment room in the Royal Children's Hospital with arts and crafts. face painting. table soccer. pool. video games, karaoke. toys. bean bags, giant building blocks, and heaps of other cool stuff. where kids are given a break from their daily hospital lives. and given a chance just to have fun


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This year has been a fantastic one for the Interact <1nternational Action) Club. one of Brisbane Girls Grammar's largest charity clubs with over eighty members. Interact. which is closely associated with Rotary International. raises funds for a chosen charity each year. For the past two years we have supported the Cerebral Palsy Alliance and the Cerebral Palsy League, Old After donating the $2000 raised by Interact last year to the GP Alliance, this year we have held a number of fundraisers to continue our support of this worthy cause. The first of these fundraisers was an Easter- themed bake stall. followed by a raffle for a luxurious 'Pamper Yourself' hamper and a Nerf stall at Open Day, which involved players shooting cans with Nerf guns to win 1011y bags. Thanks to the generous contributions and hard work of Interact's members, these fundraisers have proven extremely successful. raising over $1500 for the Cerebral Palsy League. Old We plan to continue the traditions of Interact. a club that reached its fiftieth anniversary this year. Enormous thanks to Ms O'SUIlivan. whose enthusiasm and assistance have ensured each of our fundraisers has run smoothly. and also to the Interact girls, whose passion for philanthropy has made this year so rewarding and memorable ECUl\/IENICAL COFFEE B^?16ADE The ECUmenical Coffee Brigade (ECB) is a Spring Hill- based organisation that focuses on homelessness in Brisbane. For the past five years, students from Years n and 12 have paid regular visits to the ECB to prepare sandwiches in the morning. These sandwiches are then distributed by the ECB to Brisbane's homeless people; hence. volunteers make a tangible contribution to the community. Each visit involves making hundreds of sandwiches. and many girls have reported a significant improvement in their bread-buttering abilities afterwards! GRACE WRIGHT 12 GIBSON AND ALICE ZHANG 12 BEANLAND

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Clara Boddice. Elisabeth Storor and Is abella Lin

For me, one of the best things about volunteering at Wonder Factory was knowing that by spending just a few hours with these kids playing hide-and-seek. helping them make a train out of a shoebox and toilet rolls. or 'baking' (play doh) biscuits and then trying to get other kids and volunteers to eat them. I was really making a difference to the kids' lives. and having heaps of fun in the process


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in Term I. a hugely successful donation drive took place. with each Year level assigned to bring different items At its conclusion. the table in the Annie Mackay Room had been warped by the sheer volume of donations The Year 12s should particularly be acknowledged for their immense generosity to this cause



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