2013 School Magazine

OXB!^'IPOE The Oxbridge Academic Program gives Yearljt' "; students the opportunity to study in Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Barcelona or New York during the June-July holidays and the early weeks of Term 111. ,

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CAMBF?106E One of the many highlights of my time in Cambridge included my major. the Advertising class. We discussed issues related to the morality of advertising, examined banned advertisements and campaigns. as well as addressing innovation and creativity. Creators. innovators and visionaries shape the advertisements we see each day and help transform the way we live our everyday lives The most important lesson I learnt from this class, if not the whole experience. was that with the right idea. set of skills and mindset. anything can be achieved - no matter how crazy it might sound. We were told that 'people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do'. The extent to which my mind has developed creative Iy is immeasurable. This, together with the lessons learnt and the relationships forged, will remain will me for the rest of my life.

Catherine Chan (third from left)

with international students at Oxford

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Attendance at the Oxford Tradition allowed me to cultivate new friendships with students from all over the globe including India, Singapore, Malaysia. Switzerland and America. By living, eating and studying together for one month, we all became a tight-knit international family sharing our different cultures and interests The academic courses that I undertook were Law and the Economy (major) and Bioethics (minor) The challenging coursework. combined with excellent teachers, gave me new global insights and perspectives into topics ranging from corporate law and the carbon tax to developing biotechnologies. These classes helped me find my passion and possible future career path I have also become more aware of and interested in world news and events; something that I never took much interest in until studying with international students at one of the world's most prestigious universities. Studying at Oxford was one of the best experiences of my life



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