2012 School Magazine

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The Queensland University of Technoto9y tauTI Accounting In High Schools Programme enables Year12 students to undertake a university accounting subject IBSBllOl. it requires students to juggle their Year 12 commitmentsin order to undertake this additional study This year. five Brisbane Girls Grammar students, Rosie Hanton 112El. Shelley Fielding 112Ll. Lily Mitburn 112Gl. Jacquie Roberts 112Gland Madeleine Jones11201participated in the programme and performed exceptionally well. Jacquie Roberts112Gl






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achieved the highest score for the Year12 student cohort and Brisbane Girls Grammar students were also second. third and fourth in the same cohort for BSBllO In Semester I. We were able to experience university life as we had to attend lectures and exams with other students We were also given ID cards and workbooksjust like the other university students. The programme 15 the equivalent of a first year accounting subject in a business degree at OUT. Our experience in the programme 15 one we will never forget as it was an invaluable opportunity to open new doors into what accounting 15 like in the real world MADELEINE JONES 1,201

it has been an exciting year for Brisbane Girls Grammar Debating. The season began well with nineteen Queensland Debating U nion 100Ul teams and twelve Brisbane Girls Debating Competition IBG DC1 teams signing up for a year of serious arguing. This has been our largest contingent ever. The debates In both competitions have been held across all four Terms. giving every debater several opportunities to develop and hone her skills The high point of the aDU season was when two teams. 12.1 and 8.4. won their Grand

11MAGEI Tea Angelos 11/01. Australian Individual Debating Championship Winner

Final after seven months of competition. This was the first time in at least thirty years that any girls' school has won two finals. in addition. the School won the Championship School of the Finals Award which reflected the combined achievements of all nineteen teams. Meanwhile. the BGDC teams continued right through to Term IV. competing in a round robin competition with twelve other girls' schools Our fantastic season came to an end with a picnic celebration on the pool lawn with more than 100 debaters and their coaches relaxing and enjoying themselves after our busy and successful season MANASA ANANTHARAMAN 112BIAND MIKAELA BRUSASC0 112Wl

11MAGEI Associate Professor SIuart Tooley. Acting Head. School of Business. presents Jacque!Ine Roberts 112Gl her award for topping the Year 12 cohort in the Queensland University of Technology IOUTI Accounting in High Schools IAHSI Programme


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