2012 School Magazine

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Our strong culture of exceptional scholarship and community service provided the framework for the girls' NO Limits mantra and established a backdrop from which students could centre their efforts. This was demonstrated again and again. both Inside and outside the classroom. in Australia and on the world stage AcademicatIy. It was another year to cerebrate as the girls took the concept of exceptional scholarship to a new level Our campus resonated with lively debates. creative art works. the sounds of music. foreign languages. poetry. mathematics. science. International studies and economics. to name a few Service activities provided the vehicle for students and staff to step outside of their daily routines and think more about others - from sinetter events such as charity stalls and clubs to major Initiatives which saw the School turn every shade of colour from pink for Breast Cancer research. red for Valentines Day. blue for our sporting events and green for the environmental initiative Grammar Goes Green Students boarded International It19hts representing our School with pride as they attended programmes in Oxford. Cambridge. Barcelona. Boston. Singapore. New York and Paris Back on Australian 5011. they travelled to Sydney and even closer to our hearts. our outdoor education campus Marrapatta

In early spring. the Year 12 students sat their aCS tests. Unified. energised and refreshed. they Introduced a Girls Grammar aCS handshake to remind each other that the aCS was b team sport'. And what a terrific team it turned out to be As our Year 125 prepare to walk through the gates of the white picket fence for the final time I wish each and every one of them att the very best for the future The rhythms of the annual calendar and the end of each year herald change for everyone. myself inctuded. as I return home to Sydney and take up the new challenge as Principal of The Womens College within the University of Sydney In the new year. As such. I empathise with our Year12 students very closely at this time. Apart from the myriad wonderful memories I have collected during my time at Brisbane Girls Grammar. I will also be taking with me the NO Limits concept which the students have exemptified so beautifully. as I begin my next life chapter. I thank all the students for making 2012 such a special year and again. wish them well DR A A BELL, PRINCIPAL


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