2012 School Magazine

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The limit does not exist With courage and integrity

aGSSSA Cross-country and Swimming. A particular Student Council initiative that encompassed this Infectious school spirit was the Grammar Spell. performed at aG swimming and athtetics. In a nutshett. a roar of seventy girls spelt out BGGS using their blazers For any of our competitors swimming their last lap of the pool. or running their last loom on the track. this must have been an energizing and motivating sight to spur them onto the finish line No matter how far or how wide our girls roam They still call Girls Grammar home The global mentality. as displayed during Multicutturat Week. encouraged Grammar girls to contribute to their world with wisdom. imagination and integrity'. particularty during numerous overseas study tours and eXchange programmes Two days in September That every senior girl will remember The month of September marked the important task for Year 125 tackling aCS as a team. To remind our 91rts that we were In this together. the stimulating. invigorating. energizing Girls

The Grammar girl 15 ready to persist Presented with myriad opportunities She believes in her endless capabilities

What a year 2012 turned out to be. This year we challenged att girls to push their boundaries. reach their potential. exceed expectations and make it happen. We wanted every girl to feel the exhitaretion of pushing herself beyond her limits. allowing her to achieve things she once thought Impossible. No matter how big or small the achievement may have been. this year every Grammar girl has travelled beyond her limits. We wanted every girl to have the courage to embrace att of the academic and co- curricular opportunities on offer at Grammar with passion and an open mind. and believe that there were no limits to her Involvement With a mindset of giving Every 2012 service endeavour was fulfill^^g This year. our first Student Council fundraiser contributed to Care Australia and saw the School decked out in red and

Grammar aCS handshake was a symbol of unity that we brought to the year. On the day of the tests. the sight of 228 new varsity-style senior jackets and sequined btue hair ribbons brought an undeniable sense of collegiality Just to keep up with trad^^10n Today we have one last mission And that 15 to remindyou that this year there are NO LIMITS

radiating enthusiasm and love on Valentines Day. Later in the year

fundraising for Breast Cancer Research was conducted on Pink Day. which yet again saw our girls support a worthy cause close to all of our hearts Keeping with tradition. throughout the year Blue Days were held on which girls Immersed themselves in-GrammarB!ue~10-5how their support for our aGSSSA and club sportswomen. Service sta Us. charity clubs and Senior Bi-Grammar occasions were also on the service menu this year A more magical event held in celebration of conquering Term 111 was Harry Potted




This year. we share our 'lasts' with Dr Bell. who 15 also embarking on a new adventure at the Womens College at the University of Sydney To Year 125 and Dr Bell. we hope you will followihe advice from The SoundofMus!c and

Herin lone Granger Day On this day. every girl packed her trunk. summoned her robes. spruced up her broomstick and grabbed her wand as the train for platform 9% departed at 8.20 am sharp. Despite some Muggtes on the scene. 11 was a spellbinding day of fundraising for Care Australia. At the beginning of Term IV. for the second time this year. fifty Year 125 lowered their wands and catted upon their green thumbs to tackle the task of re-vegetating Wetton Bridge Reserve Results saw beautifully ptanted seedlings and increased bicep muscle mass of all participants. which stood them in good stead for their sporting endeavours This year at Grammac excitement was always near And there were so many reasons to cheer On our sportswomen giving it their best Putting the!r skills to the test Everyone was definitely impressed To encourage all girls to get involved within the School sporting culture. the Student Council initiated supporters' badges for girls to wear in the lead-up to events. These badges were the first of many collector items across the year! We have had record numbers of girls willing to take time out of their busy Grammar schedutes to support their sporting sisters at the Head of River.

Climb every mountain, Ford every stream Follow every rainbow, fillyou find your dream

To att of our Grammar sisters. we hope the Student Councils vision has encouraged you to approach every aspect of your life with courage. optimism and resilience. We want you to be inspired to take failure in your stride and surprise yourself with your resilience To our fellow seniors, we would like to thank you for supporting and believing in us as your Head Girls for 2012 We are so grateful for every opportunity this role has given us. We have had the time of our lives, and we hope you have. too. Class of 2012, just remember: once a Grammar girl, always a Grammar girl The potential of a Grammar girl 15 Limitless So long. farewell, auf W!edersehen, good night We hate to 90 and leave this pretty sight So long. farewe!!, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye Goodbye. goodbye. goodbye TANvi KARNiK AND pHOEBE TRONc, HEAD GIRLS 2012


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