2012 School Magazine
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This has been a big year for the Griffith family and as your House Captains. together with the rest of Year 12. we have loved our roles as your older sisters. With the mother of this big family. Ms DSUttivan. kept us under her watchful eye, we att kicked off the year by busting out some sweet moves at the House party We also discovered just how far each House group was willing to go to win when it came time to blindfold and feed our fellow sisters jelly. It's safe to say hardly anyjetty was consumed for the duration of that game. The next outing for our energetic family was inter house cross country. where Year 12 prepared for success land Intimidated the competition I with an aerobic warm up in the middle of the park. Our youngest sisters. the Year 8s. gave the new war cry a workout. proving that Gnffith House really has some bite. The whole House showed their appreciation for all things chocolate in a huge version of the Chocolate Game on
House assembly to finish the Term in good spirits. Griffith's oldest sisters had a Year 11 and Year 12 breakfast to kick off Term 111 In the Griffith way with biscuits. tea. coffee and. of course. the classic abundance of cake. courtesy of Year12. Term 111atso saw Griffith weave a sticky web over the other Houses at the Inter house athletics carnival where we came away with first place. This year the Griffith Redbacks have come together and really been a force of nature with which to be reckoned. Our big family grew stronger than ever. CUIminating in Griffith House winning The Chattenge Shield For Physical Culture awarded to the House which has gained the most points from interhouse sporting competition As your captains. we couldn't have wished for a better year or a better group of girls to call our famity. it is each girl. along with Ms OSut!Ivan. that really makes this house everything it is
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